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View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Cronk
We're Going on a Trip - Wagon 4
JP with Lorem and Jaxx
Cronk did his best to help Lily and Lorem into the large vehicle and move their stuff as requested, before he got into the vehicle. The poor vehicle shook a bit as Cronk entered it. It was a good thing the suspension was heavy duty or Cronk could have damaged the axles.
Lorem had been up late finishing the final touches on their signaling system, but as the sun rose, she was already bright-eyed and ready for the day. Dressed in her usual working attire—a crisp, high-collared blouse beneath a snug leather waistcoat, along with reinforced trousers tucked into sturdy boots—she looked both professional and practical. Over it, she wore a long, split riding skirt, giving her ease of movement while maintaining a modest silhouette. Her golden hair was woven into two precise braids, looped neatly at the back of her head and secured with tiny brass gear-shaped pins. A few soft curls framed her face, giving her an air of youthful charm.
She worked quickly alongside Cronk and Lily, ensuring everything was properly packed into the final steam-powered wagon. While Cronk did the heavy lifting, she directed him with small, efficient gestures. “No, no—if ve put ze crates like zis, it makes more room for you in ze back,” she explained, motioning for him to adjust the placement. With Lily helping to fine-tune any last-minute details, the setup was completed in record time.
Once satisfied, Lorem turned her attention to the vehicle itself. She ran her hands over the polished brass panels, feeling for any loose rivets. Kneeling beside the wheels, she inspected the pneumatic suspension, checking that the coiled steam tubes were pressurized correctly. The boiler’s residual heat was at the right level, and the steam valves released a steady, even hiss—everything was in order.
With her inspection complete, she climbed into the driver’s seat, her small frame barely reaching the pedals. She retrieved the custom foot pedal extensions she had designed, securing them in place with practiced ease. Testing them, she gave a satisfied hum before adjusting the steering column to better fit her reach.
Finally, she turned to Cronk and Lily, a bright excitement in her sapphire eyes. “I get to drive,” she said, her voice soft but brimming with delight. “Zis vill be fun, ja?”
Her grin was infectious, and as she settled in, hands on the controls, she was ready for whatever the road ahead had in store. They were the last vehicle in the caravan, so it would be more like following the leader, but it was exciting that they were now underway on a lovely morning.
Lorem pulled the ignition lever, and with a sharp hiss of steam, the engine roared to life. The cabin filled with the scent of heated brass and oil, mingling with the faint, metallic tang of steam. Gears clicked and whirred beneath the floorboards, and the whole vehicle vibrated gently as the boiler fed power into the pistons. The pressure gauge wavered before stabilizing, and as she pressed the throttle, the wagon gave a deep, guttural chug. The weight of their cargo—and Cronk’s massive frame—made the machine strain at first, its wheels groaning against the cobblestones. Then, with a loud clunk and a puff of white steam escaping from the exhaust pipes, it lurched forward, settling into a steady, rhythmic motion. Inside, the ride was warm from the engine’s heat, the occasional hiss of steam venting through small safety valves adding to the mechanical symphony. Lorem gripped the wheel with excitement, feeling every vibration of the powerful machine beneath her hands.
Lily was smiling as Lorem drove with excitement. It was both thrilling and scary to see a small gnome driving a large vehicle with glee. Part of her wanted to drive and the other part reminded her she was still learning from the others. In this case she needed to be patient as she observed Lorem's movements and the order in which she did them. She asked, "So what are the rules for a beginner driver Ms. Ipsum?" Cronk drank from his bottle of booze as he sat in the back and listened to the females talk about driving. He was not sad since he could drink and relax around pretty ladies.
Lorem’s blue eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she glanced over at Lily, thrilled by her curiosity. “Ah! Sehr gut! You vish to learn, ja? Driving ist not so hard if you respect ze machine und ze rules of motion.” She gave the wheel a confident little turn, adjusting their course ever so slightly as steam hissed from the pressure valves.
She tapped the dashboard, pointing at various gauges and levers. “First, zis lever here controls ze throttle—it adjusts how much steam ve let into ze pistons. More steam, more power! But too much too quickly, und—” she made an exaggerated puff noise, flaring her fingers outward like an explosion, “—ze engine vill choke or ve lose traction. Smooth control ist key.”
Her small hands expertly demonstrated as she pulled another lever. “Zis is ze brake—veer gentle mit it. Ze vehicle ist heavy, especially mit Cronk riding, so stopping too fast puts strain on ze gears. Always plan ahead ven slowing.”
She motioned to the set of pedals at her feet. “Und here—zis von releases ze clutch, allowing ze gears to shift properly. You must feel ven ze machine ist ready—listen to her, feel ze vibrations. She vill tell you ven it’s time.”
Lorem’s voice softened slightly as she smiled at Lily. “Driving ist not just about mechanics—it is about trust. You respect ze vehicle, und she vill carry you safely. Now, vould you like to try steering? I vill keep control of ze throttle und brakes until you are ready.” She beamed, eager to share the joy of technology with a potential friend.
Lily smiled as she replied, "Thank you Ms. Ipsum." Lily did as Lorem instructed. She was nervous as she put her hands on the wheel. She could feel the shaking of the steam engine through the steering wheel. She was expecting it to be hard to turn but that should have been obvious since Lorem was able to turn it with her small frame. She nervously smiled as she said, "Oh my. This is both fun and scary at the same time." Lily did her best to steer under Lorem's guidance. When corrected she did her best to remain calm as she made her adjustments.
Lorem watched Lily carefully, offering a small, reassuring smile as she handled the wheel. “Ja, it is a little scary at first,” she admitted softly. “But soon, your hands vill remember vhat to do, und it vill feel… natural.” She nodded approvingly as Lily adjusted her grip, pleased to see her growing more comfortable.
A brief silence settled between them, and Lorem hesitated, glancing at Lily with quiet curiosity. Socializing had never been her strongest skill, but Lily was close to her age—perhaps even someone she could understand better. Gathering her courage, she spoke again, her voice softer, a little hesitant but warm.
“Um… Miss Lily, vhere are you from?” she asked, stealing a quick glance at her before looking back at the road. “Vhat vas your life like before… all of this?”
Her questions weren’t intrusive, just gentle probes to learn more about the person beside her. She wasn’t sure if Lily would want to share, but the thought of getting to know someone closer to her age—perhaps even making a friend—was encouraging.
Lily sighed as the mood changed after Lorem’s innocent questions. Lily then replied, “Now that you asked, I realize that we have not had many conversations with just the two of us. I must warn you that my past is oddly similar to a tragic fairy tale. My father, Wayne Lavigne was a rich tycoon and my mother was a maid that he knocked up before going on a business trip. Unfortunately my mother died giving birth to me and out of guilt my father adopted me as his daughter and heiress since he had no other children despite being a ladies man. I recall I was somewhat loved by my father growing up but as I got older my father was away on business more often and I was raised by my nanny Fran. She was amazing and like a mother to me. Sadly my father dismissed her when I was sent to a boarding school. It was there I learned how terrible my fellow students and teachers could be if anyone tried to stand out. So I did my best to not stand out and filled my time with studying. During my summer vacations I was forced to associate with the Butler who was creepy and patronizing when I was not a pretty face for my father’s business demonstrations. My Birthdays were both luxurious and lonely at the same time. Since I received amazing gifts but only the butler was around. This continued till I graduated from finishing school and instead of earning my freedom, I was forced to make another appearance at one of my father’s demonstrations. Sadly it was the only time we saw each other so I agreed. This was of course before I joined the team, losing my father to the cult, becoming an heiress and learning about my estranged half brothers. So now I am doing my best to be a proper member of the team for Lady Elizabeth.” Lily was still focused on her driving as he confessed her life to Loren with the exception of her werewolf secret.
Lorem remained quiet for a moment, her hands lightly gripping the edge of her seat as Lily spoke. She hadn’t expected such an open and detailed response—most people, especially those she barely knew, would have kept things brief or vague. Yet, Lily had laid out so much of her past with a calmness that didn’t quite hide the weight of it.
As the story unfolded, Lorem occasionally glanced at Lily, her blue eyes filled with quiet compassion. It was difficult to imagine a childhood so… distant, so lonely. The idea of growing up surrounded by wealth but lacking warmth was foreign to her. Her own family had never had much, but they had each other, and that had been enough.
She hesitated, unsure of what to say. “Lily…” she started softly, before stopping herself, pressing her lips together as she refocused on the vehicle for a moment. “Ah, careful now—just a little to the left,” she instructed gently, watching as Lily adjusted the steering. Lorem nodded in approval. “Gut, gut. You are learning quickly.”
She fell silent again, her mind still lingering on Lily’s words. Finally, she spoke, her voice soft but sincere. “I am… sorry for vhat you vent through. It must have been hard, feeling alone even vhen surrounded by so many people.”
Lorem adjusted the steam control, making sure everything was running smoothly as they continued along the road. The gentle hum of the engine and the slight rattle of the metal frame filled the brief pause between them.
After a moment, she glanced at Lily again, still curious but more careful with her words now. “Und… now that you are here, do you feel… different? More at home, maybe?”
She wasn’t sure if Lily would feel comfortable answering, but she hoped the question would help her understand who Lily really was—beyond the heiress, beyond the tragedies.
Lily blushed a bit at Lorem’s next question. She was indeed happy in service of Lady Elizabeth and felt that the team was like a new family to her. Of course she also felt romantic towards Dr. Jackal but was still waiting on him to accept her feelings for him. She kept her concentration on the road as she replied, “With the exception of the near death experiences and the death of my father, I am enjoying being in service of Lady Elizabeth. It feels good to have purpose in my life. I mean I still have to worry about danger, but as an heiress I am always going to be a target for sinister types. However I find it reassuring to have the support of the team and the family of Lady Elizabeth. I’d wager the pompous students I graduated with would envious of my connections, but I have no time for such petty politics. However I just so happened to have the support of the Duke in my investments, accounts and business management so if by chance you need my help in the future with your business opportunities I will support you Ms. Ipsum. I rather enjoy being part of a team that is there for each other.” Lily still maintained her focus on the road and she had a warm smile.
Lorem blinked at Lily’s words, caught a little off guard by the kindness in them. Compliments weren’t something she was used to receiving, and they always left her feeling a little unsure of how to respond. Still, she offered a small, humble smile and said softly, “Ah… danke, Lily. Zhat is very kind of you to say.”
Before the moment could linger too long, the vehicle gave a slight lurch as Lily unknowingly overcorrected the steering. Lorem’s hands instinctively twitched, as if she might grab the wheel herself, but she held back. Instead, she quickly instructed, “Nein, nein—gentler. Small movements. You do not need to fight it.” She motioned with her hands, demonstrating a smoother way to guide the wheel.
Once Lily adjusted and the wagon steadied again, Lorem gave an approving nod. “Zhere. Much better.”
The moment of instruction passed, and Lorem considered her next question. She had already asked something deep and personal, and while she was still curious about Lily, she wanted to lighten the mood a little.
Her lips pursed thoughtfully before she finally asked, “Vhat do you like to do for fun, Lily?” She glanced over with a hint of shyness, her fingers idly adjusting the leather of her driving gloves. “I mean, vhen you are not… vorking or dealing vith all of zhis.” She motioned vaguely at their surroundings, referring to the adventure they had found themselves wrapped up in. It was a simple question, one girl might ask each other over tea, and she hoped it would help them connect on an easier level.
Lily was doing her best to stay focused on driving during their conversation. She pondered her answer for a bit as she realized she liked many things now that she was free to explore more. She smiled and replied, “That is a good question Ms. Ipsum. In the past I was limited to what I was allowed to enjoy such as reading and writing since I was basically a caged bird. However now I have the freedom to experience many new things and I find it extremely exciting. I learned to manage and improve the mail room and correspondence for Lady Elizabeth, I learned to face dangerous enemies, I learned some self defense , I found useful ways to apply my skills from school into my job and I have found the comfort of friendships, since it was a new experience. In high society it is all about connections and bragging. Friendship is a sign of weakness which can be taken advantage of by sinister people. I would not be surprised if you had to deal with similar types as well.”
Lorem’s hands remained steady on the wheel as she listened carefully to Lily’s words. When the young woman suggested that she must have experienced similar things, Lorem felt a pang of hesitation. She didn’t want to seem dismissive, nor did she want to make Lily feel like her struggles were foreign or unimportant. But the truth was, she hadn’t faced anything like that.
After a brief pause, she responded honestly, her voice gentle but firm. “Nein… I have not had to deal vith such things. Politics, social games, being put on display—I know little of zhat. My life has been… simpler, in zhat regard.” Her hands adjusted slightly on the controls, her focus flicking to the path ahead before glancing at Lily again. “It is not better or vorse, just different.”
For a few moments, the terrain demanded more of Lorem’s attention, and she let the conversation settle. But as the road evened out, her curiosity resurfaced. She had noticed that Lily never really answered her question about fun, and now was a good time to try again.
She tilted her head slightly, casting a sidelong glance at Lily. “If you could plan any day you vanted, vith no obligations or expectations, how vould it go?” Her voice was warm, encouraging. “Vhat vould you do, and who vould you spend it vith?”
It was a broader way of asking the same question, but maybe this time, Lily would find it easier to answer.
Lily blushed at the new question. She avoided mentioning her fondness of Dr. Jackal and knew it would be an awkward conversation for the team. However she also knew it was only a matter of time before the others learned of her werewolf secret as well as he feelings for Dr. Jackal. She tried her best to stay focused while driving as she tried to think of the best way to answer Lorem's questions. Her face was a bit red as she avoided eye contact and then replied, "In the past I wanted to spend time with my father but that was just hopeful wishing and when I got my wish it was the last time we spoke. ...........(pause) ............ However, now.......... I would like to try going on a date to some places I have never been before. Lily smiled and asked, "Have you ever been courted Ms. Ipsum? I am curious what it would be like."
As Lily spoke, Lorem quietly noted that, once again, she had drifted back to talking about her past. However, this time, it was different. Instead of lingering in painful memories, she was projecting forward—imagining a life she could shape for herself. That shift was interesting. Encouraging.
Lorem stole a quick glance at Cronk to see if he was paying attention before leaning slightly toward Lily, her voice dropping to a whisper, mischief dancing in her tone. “Aside from Cronk’s… attentions, nein, I have never been courted. It remains a mystery.” She kept her expression serious for a moment before her lips twitched, betraying her amusement.
Before Lily could react, Lorem’s focus snapped back to the vehicle. “You’re handling zhis very vell,” she encouraged, her bright eyes scanning Lily’s grip on the wheel. “Steady, ja—just like zhat. Keep it firm but relaxed. Ve’ll be on a straighter path soon, und then I can show you how to use zhe other controls. You vill be driving all by yourself in no time.” Her enthusiasm was unmistakable, and it seemed to bleed into Lily’s own growing confidence.
Then, as if she couldn’t resist, Lorem grinned, a giddy sort of excitement in her voice—the kind that came from girls sharing secrets. “Vell, you are getting zhe traveling to new locations part down… now you just need zhe romance.” She cast a playful, sideways glance at Lily. “Do you have anyone you hope vould court you?”
Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, and her tone carried just enough mischief to make it clear—she was enjoying this conversation.
Lily blushed red again as the image of Dr. Jackal filled her mind. She exhaled and focused on the road before she recomposed herself and replied, "There is someone I do fancy............, but it's a bit complicated. I tried to convey my feelings for him but I fear he may be a bit thick in the head as well as fearful of commitments. However he is brilliant, respectful and open minded as sometimes I find myself................." Lily turned a deeper shade of red as her thoughts became improper for her to speak of. She recomposed herself and then replied, "Sadly he is a bit slow to respond."