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View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Mr. Sung ShunShi
We're Going on a Trip - Wagon 1
JP with Redsword and Cindy
June 17, 1889
It was about 9 AM, on a clear June day, when the wagons which carried the team members and their assorted items started up and headed out.
Askel saw them off, he had arranged multiple picnic baskets for the first day lunches which was nice and Elizabeth had thanked the head butler not just for the picnic basket but for his service and the service of the staff during the team's stay. She also extended a thank you to the royals for their hospitality.
Elizabeth had asked Sung to take the wheel first, and she had shown him, on the map, how to get out of Oslo in the direction they were headed. However, she also carried a map with her. And, as promised, she had supplied the other wagons also with maps marked with their path north, just in case they were ever needed.
Elizabeth made sure everyone was aboard their own vehicles before climbing into the lead one with Sung. She then turned to her mentor/second in Command and said, "If you are ready, Mr. Sung, let us move out."
The truck engine came to life with a hiss and a knock, and steam started to rise into the air. "Lady Elizabeth, as you command," Sung replied with a grin. Putting his hand on the shifter and pushing the foot pedals the sound of the gears shifting and some grinding. As he moves the shifter into position, the truck moves forward slowly. He looked in the side mirror to make sure the others were following.
The greens and browns of fallen trees, the snapping of branches and twigs as the truck rolled over them, the trucks swaying from side to side, sometimes small animals running from the noise the convoy made as they traveled.T. The road was not bad yet, but they had just started driving.
"This brings back some memories, Lady Elizabeth. It has been a long time since we went camping," Sung said, driving the truck.
"Yes, it has been a few years. I did so used to enjoy spending that time with you and father. Do you recall when I was 10 and mother came with us?" Elizabeth asked. "She was so fine for the first few days and definitely toughed it out but I do not think mother enjoyed an entire week of spending time outdoors in a tent."
Elizabeth loved her mother and the woman tried, never once complaining, she also never went with them again. Elizabeth always had the adventurous nature of her father and the charitable nature of her mother.
"I do have to agree Duchess Ellington is more of a cabin type of outdoors Lady," replied Sung, thinking about the different times they had been outdoors. "To be honest, even in your survival training, we were not as hard as possible. You have been protected from the hardship of life for the most part. I wanted you to live on the streets for a year with no support. The Duke said no, you still have your family status to consider." explained Sung as the truck hit a rut that made the truck jump and made them both come out of their seats.
As Sung controlled the truck, he continued, "He keeps thinking I will always be there for you, and as long as I am alive, I will be," Sung said sincerely. But in the back of my mind, you could say my fear, what if I am not?" He said with some trembling in his voice. His face was one of tension as he thought about this. You are like a family to me," he said, turning his face from her looking out into the trees.
Elizabeth paused, trying to find the words to say to him. It was something most Eldren faced at some point, having ties with humans was not uncommon. Humans holding positions trust, also not uncommon. However, the life expectancy of humans was more than 200 years less than Eldren. Eventually, all Eldren lost their closest humans. It wasn't however something that Elizabeth cared to dwell on. The closest people to her were her parents and Sung, after all.
There were Eldren that even believed the nobel titles should be extended to humans who warranted it. The connection between humans and Eldren was long throughout history. And King Arthur, who came before King Merlin had been a human.
Elizabeth was in agreement that humans should be granted royal titles, and if she had her way the man sitting next to her would be the first on that list, but, of course she had no say in such matters.
"You are like family to me as well." Elizabeth commented. "I do not believe my father has blinders on about such issues but I also know he never discusses it." She paused. "Could you imagine the scandal if I had been seen living on the streets?" Or really any Eldren, except maybe the occasional criminal. Nobel status meant a delicate balance of preparing children for the future and not pushing to the point of scandal in order to do that. "You have and continue to prepare me well for the future, Mr. Sung."
He smiled at her words. "I will keep doing that, not because of duty but because of my love of the family," replied Sung. As for your father, there was nothing to discuss on that matter. Even I will only challenge your father so far, " he said with a grin. "Not that I might lose, depending on what the challenge is." he gives a playful wink. "It is out of the respect I have for him or the family," he confesses to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth smiled at Sung, "Well, then let us discuss other things. Something I have been curious about, when did my father first tell you about the Order? I know you knew before I did, but not how long before."
Sung looked to be in thought for a moment. "I am not sure what to say. Did I suspect something was going on? Yes," Sung started to explain. When I was your Father's footman, and you were 8 years old, I knew your father was in trouble, and I intervened and helped... ah... He is in a tight situation," Sung said, pausing.
"Let us just say, what's that saying? The cat was out of the bag?" explained Sung with a smile. "After that, it was, well as I see it, kill me or take the oath. I am still here, so you know how it turned out." Sung told Elizabeth. "From that day on my job was to prepare you for now." added Sung.
Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, I have the feeling the supernatural was involved in my father's "tight situation" but I am not asking for details. Well, I am glad you were sworn into the Order and are my second. I must admit however being in charge is still taking some getting used to." The Eldren seemed lost in thought for a moment. "I am aware you would have no need to hold your tongue about my leadership skills. However, I did want to ask you if you had any suggestions to add while we had the time to discuss them." Being leader of a team, had been an on the job kind of trying and Elizabeth was still young for such a position. The team leader wondered, a great deal, if she could do anything different or better, not doubt so much as knowing she still had things to learn.
Sung thought and then answered, "Remember the pillars of leadership, character, Courage, Confidence, Communication, Culture, and Competence. The cultural references are loyalty, duty, and service. Let that be your guide," Sung explained. Also, I have been teaching you my philosophy: humanity, Justice, Courtesy, Wisdom, Trust, Goodness, Virtue, Loyalty, and Courage. Which you can see overlap. You have the tools now you have to develop your leadership style," said Sung, pointing out that she had the skill set.
"I have had those skills and qualities taught to me since I can recall. I just hope I possess them to the level a leader should." Elizabeth watched the trees, as they passed. A few birds flew overhead. "You know I tried to get a handle on Maseo's leadership style but really wasn't around him in that capacity for long enough to do so. He has many of the qualities you mentioned but his style seems to somewhat differ from my own. I assume the crew or, in my case, the team also has to do with how a leader gears their approach?"
'You are right, Lady Elizabeth. What you do with one group might not work with another group. When I went to work for your father, I could not use the discipline I used in Japan or Korea. There would be a lot of servants that are either headless or beaten severely," said Sung with a wicked smile. "if you keep learning, you will be fine." He added.
Something that works for me regards your soldiers as your children, who will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. If, however, you are indulgent but unable to make your authority felt, kind-hearted but unable to enforce your commands, and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder, then your soldiers must be likened to spoiled children; they are useless for any practical purpose." Sung quoted. "that was General Sun Tzu who said that you should read his writings.
"Well, to be honest I have a difficult time seeing the team as soldiers. Maybe they are though, in the sense of soldiers in this war against the unknown and that which threatens society at large. However, thinking of them as sons and daughters," Elizabeth added daughters because the women on her team were certainly as valuable as the men and she wasn't raised to think of women as not being capable of anything, including being actual soldiers. "That is far trickier. Even those that are younger than myself aren't that much younger and some are older. Plus some team members have been experts, in their fields, for years. I feel far more like an older sister or something like that, then again some days I do feel more like a parent. I just never want them felt talked down to, they are all far more capable than that would be warranted." Elizabeth half smirked. "I suppose it comes down to I never want to lead the way the Baron does."
"It was an example. I do not see you as a soldier, but I still used that as a guide to change the word soldier to a retainer, servant, special agent, or team member. It would still apply. That is what I was trying to convey to you," replied Sung, looking out his window and then ahead again.
Elizabeth felt like she should have known that but once Sung said he meant soldiers more metaphorically it made sense. "That does make a lot of sense."
Sung smiled at Elizabeth. "But the way you take care of the team, you are already doing that, and you do not even realize it. You have the best of both your mother and father. I see you surpassing your father as a leader," said Sung, encouraging Elizabeth. "I am almost out of a job if you keep growing as you do. I might have to settle down and find a wife," says Sung. That's if I live long enough, he thought. "Maybe have a child, then you would have another cousin, so to speak," Sung said, dreaming some. "Hmm... what would you think of Sadie De la Cour?" asked Sung.
Elizabeth gave a smile, "I take that as a great compliment, I do strive to be like my parents." As for him getting married. "Well, she has always had her eye on you." While it was true Elizabeth's tone was light. "You would make an excellent father - probably strict but good." Elizabeth noticed the hills were getting closer, they passed a rather pretty but small lake on the right side of the path. "This certainly is a pretty country." It was just an observation.
"Yes, it is, and there is a small lake. Are we going there for water resupply or camp?" asked Sung, as he could not remember exactly the map and locations of the stops.
"Let's go a little farther. There are small lakes all the way up." Elizabeth responded. She had thought for a moment about stopping but it wasn't necessarily at the moment.