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View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Captain Masao Wayneright
We're Going on a Trip - Wagon 2
JP with LasersexPanther and Jaxx
After entering the vehicle he took his place in the chair and moved his satchel full of books to his lap. He was curious about a lot of things but was not sure when the others would be situated.
Masao did a walk around the vehicle before coming back over to the driver seat, and pulled what looked like a quite cheap bottle of wine from his pirate coat. Breaking the bottle against the front wheel. "I christen you, Tabi no Hajimari." Masao said, before giving one of the side panels a slap with the palm of his hand and stepping on board to sit next to Mr Aster. "Are you ready Mr. Aster?" Masao asked.
Vor nodded as he was curious about the broken glass sound he heard. He asked, "Did you just Christian the vehicle Captain Masao?"
Masao nodded, "Indeed I did. It is in my experience good luck to name your vessel." he said. "Gives you a connection to it." he added, and knew to a lot of people that his logic would sound silly but he believed it and that was part of the good luck. Before setting off he pulled a small figurine of Benzaiten from his pocket and placed it on the dashboard. It was of a beautiful woman sitting cross legged playing a biwa.
Vor looked at the Captain and then replied, "Understandable. Though our cultures vary, many things are similar in the end. Would you mind if I observe your manner of driving? It may be educational for myself."
Masao shrugged. "I suppose not." he said, "Just make sure you don't distract me, or get too in my personal space." he said, not rudely. "You can ask questions and I'll answer if I can but a lot of the whole method to my madness is just one feel. I can't really tell you why I do things the way I do them, it just feels right. "Be like water. Flow, don't fight it. Life carries you where it wants you to be, like a river to the sea, fighting the flow. Only makes you tired and miserable and prolongs the inevitable, and you'll still end up where you were fighting not to be." he said with a shrug.
Vor nodded as he listened to the Captain speak. He then replied, "Ahhh much like the tide and the current. That is a wise analogy my people also use in the ocean."
Masao made some adjustments to his seat so he didn't have to sit up so straight and steered with one hand. "I read a lot of books." He said, "I learned a lot," he said with another shrug of the free shoulder.
Vor then asked, "Correct me if I am wrong but is the steering manner different from a ship?" I recall them being the opposite in design?"
Masao gave Vor a confused look. "Not sure I understand that question?" He said. "On my ship I have to stand to steer, and the wheel is much larger." He explained, and I'm not in control of the speed and breaking that comes down to giving orders to my crew." He waved the free hand over the console "This is easier in some ways, but I prefer the sky."
Vor thought for a moment then replied, "I see. This is a rather new experience for me. Normally when I use public transportation I tend to bury my nose in a book to pass the time."
Masao waved his free hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Your question didn't bother me." he said. "I just didn't learn to fly with books. The captain I came up under just taught me, there wasn't much explaining to it. Just 'this is how it is, do it this way' and so I did, and eventually you just get a feel for it. Then muscle memory takes over and you don't even really realize what you are doing, just that you are."
Vor nodded as he pondered the process. It was similar to swimming when he was young. He didn't read up on swimming but he was taught by others instead. He then replied, "Much like swimming I suppose."
Masao cocked his head and nodded. "I suppose it is, I had considered that comparison but I, and forgive me for ignorance, just assumed your kind were similar to say, a deer. Born knowing to run, or in your case swim and wouldn't need to be taught. I think the term is ancestral memory." Masao said
Vor nodded and replied, "True instinct is related but since a child's mind is new to everything it helps to have guidance to avoid mishaps. Especially since children are curious about their environment. They have a tendency to want to explore dangerous areas, especially when they are off limits. I gather humans are no different?"
Masao let out a loud laugh. "Probably more so." he said, making a gesture to himself. "I'm the bastard son of a Japanese woman and a White man." he started. "Where I'm from 'mixed breeds' aren't looked at fondly. I got in a lot of scraps as a kid. But still did right my my mother." shook his head. "Didn't matter what those kid said to me, or called me. But wouldn't let them talk ill of my mother. But I'd wander off, doing things I was told not to, mostly in effort to raise some money to help my mother take care of me." he said drumming his fingers on the wheel. "But got the chance to make real money on a ship. Didn't know it was pirates at the time. But you live and learn. Still send most of what I make back to my mother." he shrugged. "Not like I need it. But to come back from that roundabout way of answering yes, human children love to disobey and get into trouble." Masao paused thinking a moment. "Call of the Void, it's called. Letting that little voice to do something impulsive win."
Vor nodded and replied, "I see. I have noticed many humans share a similar perspective like yours in the other countries I have been in. I would not be surprised if other races were included as well. So have you succeeded in taking care of your mother?"
Masao cracked a smile. "I sure have. Far as I see it anyway. She lives comfortably, wants for nothing. I get letters from her now and then. Moved her to a different town so people wouldn't know her, give her a fresh start. She's made new friends. I'd say I did good by her."
Vor then nodded as he replied, "Well then despite your rebellious lifestyle you managed to succeed in your overall goals despite the odds against you. I imagine it must have been challenging to do all that under the nose of your father's family."
Masao bit back a laugh. "Oh, I did nothing under their nose." Masao said. "I have a half brother that hates me, a father who does everything to put distance between himself and my use of the name, my stepmother is a gem though." he said, "When I'm in town and 'father' is away I visit her for tea sometimes. Funny enough..." he actually laughed this time. "You'd have been stuck with my brother if I hadn't gone to visit her that day I got the letter meant for him."
Vor smirked then replied, "I gather fate and luck were involved with that moment. However I do believe your brother got lucky as well. Given the demeanor of Mr. Sung, Ms. Lagrave and Dr. Jackal, I fear your brother might not be in this world long had he joined the team."
Masao laughed. "Oh I'm sure his friend Baron Greenwood would make efforts to protect him." Masao said with a touch of disgust in his voice. "Should you encounter my brother, do not believe anything he says, his words are partial to lies."
Vor nodded and replied, “I thank you for the warning. During my travels I have met many different types of people and your description of your brother reminds me of the elitist with a lot of money and power who finds amusement in tormenting those beneath them.”
Masao shrugged, "He rides on nothing but name." he said. "The accomplishments he holds he would not have if not for having Wayneright as a surname," he added. As they drove Masao told stories about when he lived in Japan, and a few censored stories about his time as a crewman on another ship.
Vor quietly listened to the Captain tell his tales. He found them very intriguing and was curious if they could be made into a story book, after some edits of course to avoid upsetting certain officials.