An Invitation To Tea

JP with Redsword, Lorem and Cindy

The staff had been informed of the possible guest and what Elizabeth expected for that. Tea would be served with the food that had been requested.

The young female Eldren, with the help of her private maid, had gotten dressed into something appropriate. Of course, what one wore to ask someone you have never met to join a secret organization, was not something Elizabeth was quite sure of.

A deep blue dress with silver buttons up the front on either side and black trim. A black underskirt and bow tie gave it a look of understated sophistication. The best was the three red cords that accented the shoulder. It had an almost military look but was femine. Found in a Paris boutique, Elizabeth had fallen in love with the dress. It was, of course, the height of fashion and perfect to go out to the Exposition in.

Add to that she added the two pins that were worn on a regular basis to the Exposition. Her VIP pin and the silver rose pin signifying she had acceptance into the magic guild in Paris.

Her ring as a part of The Order of The Moon, never left her right ring finger. Then on went her amulet, imbue this morning with a spell to ward off unwanted creatures and the like. The amulet was a cameo brooch that could also be worn as a pendant. The woman's profile face carved out of mother of pearl resembled the Goddess, Metrix of the religion of Elizabeth and most Eldren, the Acuitus.

Once her black leather lace up boots were successfully in place. She scanned the large bedroom. The room was luxurious and very feminine with a carved wooden canopied bed. White linens and colors of burgundy added to the curtains and duvet making it feminine and elegant.

Her hat would be a slight scandal for an upper-class lady to leave the home without her hat. Nothing to fancy- black with blue trim, matching the dress. Silk with a chin strap so the wind wouldn't be an issue.

Once ready, the Eldren went downstairs and found the man who would be accompanying her. "Mr. Sung. I am ready, if you please."

Sung gave his bow acknowledging Elizabeth's request. Sung was dressed in his tailored suit. It was a darker color white shirt and black tie with a vest of lighter color with silver buttons. His dress shoes polished, he looked like an upper-class person. His two pins in the lapel of his coat. "Are you going by Miss Elizabeth or Lady Elizabeth this outing?" asked Sung. He did not know how much attention she wanted to draw this time out. Using Miss Elizabeth is normal and would not draw attention but when Lady Elizabeth is used that does even in these more modern times nobility is very recognized and respected. After Sung's answer, Sung walked over to the door and opened it for Elizabeth with their private carriage waiting. Sung waited for Elizabeth when he got to the private carriage to help her in. Sung told the driver where to go.

Sung watched everything carefully as he always does on the ride to the Exposition. Not much happened on the ride; the day was nice, the sun out with little clouds. The streets were full of people coming and going most headed toward the Exposition. Carriages filled the streets with those who could afford one. Arriving Sung got out first and helped Elizabeth out. "Lady Elizabeth. Do you know where she could be?" Sung asked, looking.

After some thought, Lady Elizabeth sounded far more formal, so that's what the Eldren went with.

They arrived at the Exposition in a relatively short period of time and then exited the carriage. At The Exposition was a multitude of people. "Why don't we begin at her work? The ship she works on leaves from the Eiffel Tower. Let us start there."

If they did not find the gnome scientist at the grand tower, then their VIP pins might help when inquiring about Lorem's whereabouts.

Sung gave a nod and started in that direction. Just in front to make a way for Lady Elizabeth. He looked to his side now and then to make sure she was there and to make sure they were not separated. There was a lot on display. Sung was taken back by it all. He had never seen anything like this, and all the different people that have traveled to see this Exposition. It made Sung a bit nervous with all these people. It took them a few minutes to get there. Following signs and other markings they arrived.

The first stop was at the bottom of the grand tower. A man in a uniform stood there taking tickets for the different parts of the tower. Sung stepped aside allowing Elizabeth to approach the man.

The Eiffel Tower was certainly easy to find. She asked the man taking tickets first, he sent her to someone else.

The man was obviously the Captain, "Good day, Miss." The man's English was spoken through a thick German accident. "How may I help you?"

"I was inquiring after a gnome, Lorem Ipsum. I believe she works with this company."

"Lorem?" The Captain hesitated, then looked down and spotted the Eldren's pins. Elizabeth was almost certain the VIP pin was what made the man move at a quicker pace. "Just a moment, Miss."

"Danke," Elizabeth expressed her thanks, in one of the only German words she knew.

The Captain made his way into the airship; that was on a break at the moment. It was just a matter of waiting to see if Lorem appeared.

"We might be in luck," Elizabeth exclaimed to Sung. "I think he went to get her."

"He stared at the pins long enough. I think it surprised him. I would think that's what he is doing. Captain of an Airship, wow, that must be challenging," commented Sung with a smile. After a moment Sung stepped forward as one of the employees there was checking out ah… Elizabeth's curves The man realized what he had seen by Sung and turned and looked away. Sung gave a small grunt and then smiled.

Moments turned to minutes. Roughly around ten minutes since the Captain left to go retrieve Lorem, a crew member briskly came up to the noble duo and bowed respectfully.

“Good Madam and Sir, I was sent to inform you that Miss Ipsum is on her way, but if you could be so kind as to extend us your patience. She is currently working on one of the air valves near the aft ballonet and it will take but a moment for her to finish and climb her way back out.” He respectfully said in a thick German accent, though his English was good.

“Might I convince you to join us inside the Zeppelin in the Captain’s study? Where you may relax and be refreshed with spirits while you wait?”

"Waiting is not a problem, and that sounds wonderful, thank you." Elizabeth responded to the offer. Grateful, yet not surprised.

She turned to Sung and let crew member lead them to the study.

Sung stayed next to Elizabeth; he spoke slower knowing the crewmen might not know English that well. "This is Lady Elizabeth. I am Mr. Sung Shun Shi," said Sung emphasizing the Lady part. Trying to give guidance on what to call Lady Elizabeth correctly. Knowing probably the crewmen did not understand.

As they walked in, Sung was surprised at how nice the place was. even the furniture was plush. Sung let Lady Elizabeth sit and he stood to the right side of her chair. "This is very nice." No real smell of the coal-burning boilers and it was a bit cooler too, Sung thought.

The interior structure of the airship echoed the organic design of the exterior. It was a testimony to German metallurgy. The decor was open industrial; however, there was a lightness and spaciousness despite the fact it was made out of steel and iron. There was no ornamentation to the interior design, instead opting to let the open structures be the artwork.

Where the German decor was present was due to stand alone pieces of furniture. The inside was surprisingly very well illuminated. One due to the many portals of tempered glass to the exterior. And two, the lumen level from an ambient lighting system recessed throughout.

The crewman bid them adieu once he delivered them to the Captain’s study because the Captain himself had arrived.

“Thank you. It is our honor to have you aboard the Wuppertal Flying Fish, Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung. I am Captain Kurmann.”

He gestured to the assortment of alcoholic beverages that he produced from a hidden compartment in the desk. He would pour and serve them whatever they chose. Apparently there were probably a lot of ingenious space saving things on the ship because space was a premium. He also had offered them both a seat should they wish to take advantage of it.

“Might I ask what business you have with our Engineering Assistant?” He politely inquired. It seemed strange to him that an Eldren of such high society would be calling for an audience with their resident gnome.

“I don’t mean to pry, but I hope you understand that as her Captain she is under my care and protection.”

Elizabeth heard Sung educate the crewman. She didn't say anything or even the hint of a smile as it would have been improper.

The Captain's study was rather nice and when Elizabeth sat down, she noticed how comfortable the chair was. Soft, pliable fabric but not too much.

The Captain had already arrived. "Greetings Captain." The Eldren spoke. "This is a lovely airship."

While that was manners, it was also quite true. The ship was certainly lovely and rather interesting in its design.

Elizabeth accepted the offer of a beverage, a small glass of sherry was acceptable. She sipped the wine-like beverage with the sweet dried fruit and nutty flavors.

The question the Captain asked was of no surprise to Elizabeth. If the Eldren had been a lady of lesser standing she would not likely have addressed the Captain and left it to Sung, as it was she could certainly speak to the matter at hand.

"Not at all, Captain. It is quite understandable that you ask." Elizabeth began. "I would like to invite her to tea. Being a woman engineer on a flying ship of this caliber is a feat. I feel she must be rather interesting to speak with." Elizabeth knew all captains liked it when you complimented their ship. She also knew the Germans weren't quite as progressive as the British or French, when it came to the status of women. So, for a female to have that position was impressive. A gnome less surprising; still impressive. "I must admit I might have a small business proposition for her as well."

The Captain did seem to preen and stand a bit taller at the affirmation of his airship. It was obvious he took great pride and efforts in his responsibilities. Whether it was a strategic compliment, or not, it worked it establishing a bit of trust equity.

“I will assure you Lady Elizabeth …. If interesting conversation is what you are seeking, then Miss Ipsum will deliver. I don’t see why I can’t release her from her duties today to indulge your curiosity.”

He was about to inquire on what kind of business proposition; however, there was a knock at the door.

“Enter please.” The Captain directed at the door.

A young man entered and announced, “Miss Ipsum is here sir. And you are needed at the helm.”

The Captain nodded, “By all means show her in.” He then turned to his guests and bowed very formally. “Lady Elizabeth … Mr. Sung … it has been a pleasure and I wish we had a little more time to talk. I must take my leave. Please have my engineer back in time for curfew of the closing of the grounds if, not sooner.”

The crewman at the door stepped aside and entered an adorable little girl. Wait, it was a young beautiful woman at second glance, but standing only at 3’6” tall. She was dressed in common work clothes dress with a lace sewn in around the fringe; if one were to have a keen eye they could see it was actually the mark of Invento repeated as a pattern.

The young gnome looked slightly unsure of herself. Was she in trouble?

The Captain addressed her, “Miss Ipsum, this is Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung.”

Lorem curtseyed to them both and offered a sweet smile of greeting.

“The Lady would like to have you over for tea and conversation. Is this agreeable with you?” He arched a brow, curious what their little introvert on the airship would answer.

Lorem looked from the Captain to the guests and then back to the Captain. It was obvious she was trying to gauge what the right answer was from his face, but couldn’t.

She immediately thought of all the work she could be doing right now instead of socializing and how she hated to push it off on someone else, or have it slow things down.

Lorem spoke in a small gentle voice that could soothe babies to sleep. “Yes Sir.”

The Captain clapped his hands together. “Very well, see to it you are back before curfew and I still expect those airfoils to be ready by tomorrow's launch. Is that clear?”

Lorem nodded, “Yes sir.”

With a final bow, the Captain exited and shut the door behind him giving them some privacy.

Lorem stood there unmoving and staring at the strangers. She was trying not to seem awkward and offered another pleasant smile.

Mr. Shun Shi gave a bow " I am Mr. Sung Shun Shi. " Sung moved his hand to introduce The lady beside him. " This is Lady Elizabeth Ellington, Baron Ellington's daughter. What the Captain informed you is what My Lady would like, tea and a conversation about your accomplishments. Which is quite impressive, Miss Ipsum." Said the older-looking man with a respectful tone. He stepped back some, putting Lady Elizabeth forward of him. He placed both hands on his cane and remained standing.

Elizabeth remained seated as Shun spoke. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. As Mr. Sung has said, I would very much like for you to join us for tea. About 3:30 this afternoon. To discuss your achievements and research, and I have a business proposal to present to you."

At this point Elizabeth rose and handed Lorem a calling card. White with gold embossed letter which read Lady Elizabeth Ellington and her Paris address. Written in rather attractive calligraphy, it read that Miss Lorem Ipsum was invited to tea. Giving the date and time.

"My calling card." The Eldren spoke in a very proper manner. "Will you need a carriage sent?"

Lorem was surprised by this unexpected opportunity. The idea that others knew about her accomplishments and to a point that they wanted to discuss them wasn’t even on her radar. In addition, to have two individuals of such high society and refinement, from a complete other country, seemed even more surreal.

She found herself curtseying again. “Pleasure to meet you both.”

Lorem took the calling card and her designer’s eyes immediately took in its details. She had never received a calling card before and this one was elegant. The weight of the paper alone was an indication of quality. Within seconds she had memorized the address.

“Thank you.” Her German accent was sweet and smooth, but still distinctive. “I will be able to provide my own transportation.”

Lorem looked up from the card at Lady Elizabeth. “May my father come as my escort?”

"I look forward to meeting your father. To have a daughter like you he must be a good man. Looking forward to seeing you at tea Miss Ipsum," said Sung, his Korean accent showing now and then.

"Of course, your father is invited as well." Elizabeth's own accent was very upscale British. "I look forward to seeing both of you then."

Lorem blushed slightly at the compliment of her father. Mr. Sung was very kind with his compliments as was Lady Elizabeth for permitting her to bring him.

This was really happening? She was getting excited and more so curious as to what it would be like. “I am looking forward to it as well.” She was already thinking about what gift she could bring? It was customary to bring a gift for the host right?

It was obvious that the meeting was adjourning, so Lorem opened the study door and helped lead them out. A crew member was waiting there to help guide the guests off the airship. Lorem would be heading back to work in the engine room; however, she curtseyed goodbye to them both first.

There was a little spring in her step as she shuffled off.

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