Touring the Exposition Universelle - Part 3/3

Paris, France
Date: May 8, 1889
Location: Grand Hall of the Trocadero Palace and other places

Touring the Exposition Universelle

The Exposition itself included several large theatres for concerts and spectacles. A separate theatre presented the music and dance of the French colonies in Indochina. Operas and concerts were also given in the grand hall of the Trocadero Palace. There was no way to experience all of the performances. They would need to see if they could perhaps slowly chip away at them before they would return to Germany upon the conclusion of the Exposition.

They were able to enjoy watching the dancers of Les Follies Parisiens and The Opéra Comique performing Jules Massenet's Esclarmonde. Her father's one request was that they attend the Buffalo Billy Cody's Wild West Show, featuring the sharpshooter Annie Oakley. While Lorem would have preferred attending the musical performance of Java, she was more than happy to oblige; after all, he had truly been catering to her the entire time.

They concluded their evening with a real spectacular treat, The Barnum and Bailey Circus which was being performed in the Salle des Fetes of the Palais des Machines. They would be talking and laughing over what they witnessed there long into their dinner at the Eiffel Tower's Muscovite-style Russian restaurant.

When Lorem finally made it back to her room, she began her bedtime routine and was so grateful for the beautiful day. She had learned so much and was even tempted to start reading some of the books she had purchased. She decided against it though, for tomorrow she needed to get back to work and needed her energy. It wasn't long before she was fast asleep, touring the grounds was a lot for such a little person both mentally and physically.

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