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View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

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We're Going on a Trip - Wagon 4 - part 2
JP with Lorem and Jaxx
Lorem barely managed to stifle the giggle that threatened to bubble up at Lily’s confession, pressing her lips together before exhaling through her nose. Instead, her grin widened, and her eyes twinkled with delight. “Ah, you have identified a man of high caliber, ja?” she mused, the faintest hint of a tease in her tone. “Zhat is important—quality craftsmanship is alvays vorth investing in.”
She seemed to relax more as they talked, her usual meekness and quiet nature melting away in the warmth of one-on-one conversation. In the formal meetings, she was as silent as a well-oiled gear, but here, in an unofficial setting with someone near her own age, she felt herself loosening, enjoying the lighthearted exchange.
With a thoughtful tilt of her head, she added playfully, “Slow engines just need zhe right calibration, und zhen—” she made a small, rolling motion with her fingers as if fine-tuning a delicate machine, “—zhey purr.” Her bright eyes flickered back to Lily, gauging her reaction.
A beat passed before she continued, her voice now carrying a more inquisitive lilt. “Vould you like to explore zhis further?” she asked carefully. “Perhaps ve can approach it like an engineering problem—assess zhe parameters, identify zhe variables, und determine zhe best course of action to get everything running smoothly.”
She glanced at Lily expectantly, a small, playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. “Or… at zhe very least, see if ve can get somevone to make zhe first move, ja?”
Lily smirked at Lorem's comment while still focusing on the road. Granted they were not moving very fast, it was still dangerous to lose her focus. The idea of strategizing with Lorem on how to win Dr. Jackal over was tempting but still questionable since he had a shady past. She then said, "That is tempting indeed. However I have to ask your opinion on something rather sensitive. How do you feel about werewolves and others in a similar situation like Dr. Jackal?"
Lorem fell silent, her gaze fixed on the path ahead but her mind clearly elsewhere. The question Lily had posed was not a simple one, and Lorem treated it with the gravity it deserved. For several long moments, she considered her response, her fingers idly adjusting a lever as the vehicle maintained its steady course.
At last, she exhaled, shaking her head slightly in admiration. “Lily, zhat is a marvelous question,” she said earnestly, turning her attention toward her. “Few take zhe time to ask such zhings, let alone truly consider zhem. You have a mind zhat hungers for understanding. Zhis is gut.”
She paused, gathering her thoughts before speaking again. “Every person, no matter how kind or virtuous zhey seem, carries vithin zhem zhe capacity for great harm. Ve have all seen zhis in history, ja? Individuals, entire nations even, who succumb to zheir vorst impulses—selfishness, cruelty, violence, apathy. It is easy to be a force of destruction; chaos is entropic, it needs no builder, no architect, only neglect. Anyvon can make things vorse. Anyvon can add to suffering, ven it is already so abundant.”
Her brows knitted together in thought as she continued, her voice steady but weighted. “But… ve also have zhe capacity for great beauty. Ve can take zhe raw uncertainty of life, zhe chaos, und impose order upon it. Ve can repair vhat is broken, solve problems zhat seem insurmountable, elevate vhat is lowly into something magnificent. It is no small thing to build instead of tear down, to heal instead of harm. It is difficult, but zhat is vhy it matters. Vhy it is meaningful.”
Lorem gestured lightly with one hand, her expression pensive. “Ve straddle zhe line between order und chaos—one foot in vhat is known, vhat is structured, vhat is safe… und one foot in vhat is unpredictable, uncharted, dangerous. To lean too far in either direction is to become lost. But to balance between zhem? To take vhat is uncertain und shape it into something better? Zhat is vhere ve find purpose. Vhere ve manifest vho ve truly are.”
For a brief moment, the weight of her words settled in the air. Then, as if realizing how intensely she had spoken, Lorem blinked and let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of her head. “Ah, but perhaps I am sounding too… how do you say, theoretical, ja?” She smirked slightly, shifting gears into something lighter. “Put simply—ve cannot change zhe constants of life, but zhere are enough variables zhat ve can change to make a difference. Und so, if ve can, ve must.”
She tapped the controls in front of her playfully. “Much like driving zhis vehicle, really—some parts are fixed, yes? Zhe engine runs as it runs, zhe steam pressure behaves as it vill. But how ve drive? How ve react to zhe road? Zhat is in our hands. Und if ve are careful, deliberate, und maybe a little bit bold—ve might just find ourselves arriving somevhere much better zhan vhere ve started.”
With a sideways glance at Lily, she grinned and added with a mischievous glint, “…Or at least, somevhere ve don’t crash.”
Lorem tilted her head thoughtfully before stating matter-of-factly, “If I meet a good werewolf, zhen he is good. His nature does not define him—his actions do.”
She gave Lily a cheerful look before adding with a small, amused smirk, “After all, vhat use is a blueprint if zhe machine does not run as designed? It is not vhat something is, but how it behaves zhat truly matters.” (edited)
Lily giggled at Lorem’s answers. She took comfort in Lorem’s answer since she was open to the idea of befriending a werewolf. Lily replied, “Your logic is quite sound Ms. Ipsum. Your judgment is fair and sound. I am glad we had this time to chat.”
Lorem offered Lily a warm, appreciative smile. “Danke, Lily. I appreciate your assessment, und I must say—I am enjoying our conversation. It is nice to get to know you better.” Her voice was gentle, sincere.
She adjusted the controls slightly, ensuring their course remained steady before tilting her head curiously. “But I must ask—vhy did you decide to pose zhat particular question? About verevolves und Dr. Jackal?”
Inwardly, she had already begun to piece things together. It was a clever redirection, shifting the topic away from their earlier discussion of romance and courtship. Lorem did not mind—Lily had her reasons. But still, she was curious.
Lily paused as she realized she said too much. She tried to stay focused on her driving as she worried about her answer. Then she sheepishly replied, “Well…………. The man I am interested in is Dr. Jackal. However you can already guess as to how complicated that is.”
Lorem’s eyes widened in delight, and for a brief moment, she let out an excited squeak. She quickly composed herself, but her joy was unmistakable. “Lily! Zhis is vonderful!” she said, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm.
Not wanting to distract Lily from steering, she gently placed a reassuring hand on her arm for just a moment before pulling it back. “Ja, I can see how it is… complex,” she admitted, her expression softening with understanding. “But complicated does not mean impossible. If anything, it means it is worth figuring out.”
Her tone was thoughtful, her words considerate. “You are drawn to him for a reason, ja? Und I think it is beautiful zhat you see something in him vorth your heart.” She leaned in slightly, her curiosity shining through. “Tell me, vhat is it about him zhat captivates you so?” (edited)
Lily replied, "Thank you Ms. Ipsum." Lily was still blushing red in the face as she did her best to focus on driving. Lucky for her the driving forced her to keep her cool and lose focus. Then she replied, "Well Dr. Jackal is brilliant, passionate about science, creative, wise, understanding and does not judge others despite his situation. I know this will come off as odd but I feel a connection with him especially since we share a common secret."
She let Lily focus for a moment, watching her carefully guide the vehicle as they rumbled forward. When the road straightened out a bit, Lorem gently leaned in, lowering her voice just enough to make it feel like a secret between friends. “So, vhat have you done so far to catch his attention?”
Lorem also made mental note to circle back around to this common secret Lily said. What could that be exactly?
Lily stayed focus on her driving to avoid an accident. Then she replied, "Its rather embarrassing that he has yet to respond to my feelings, but I have flirted with him in private, brought him coffee and snacks many times, had many conversations with him while making many big hints that I am interested in him, I confided my secrets to him and during the break in at Lady Elizabeth's estate I kissed him to keep him from transforming. I know he is fully aware I am interested in him but I fear he is afraid to let anyone into his heart out of fear."
Lorem nodded thoughtfully. “You have made your feelings clear, und yet he hesitates. It can’t be ignorance, he is too clever. It does not seem to be indifference, you are very beautiful and possess desirable attributes, but fear as you say.” She glanced at Lily, gauging her reaction. “If he is afraid, how do you ease zhat fear? If he is protecting you, how do you show him you do not need protecting?”
Then, with a small, playful smirk, she added, “Or perhaps he simply needs a bolder push. Some mechanisms only move vhen given the right amount of force.” She mischievously pumped the throttle and the wagon did a forceful jolt forward before she brought it swiftly under control again with the brake.
Lily was flabbergasted by Lorem's sneaky comment. She blushed red in the face again as she dropped her jaw in shock. Amusingly enough she resembled the catch of the day at an all you can each sushi bar. Once she recomposed herself she let out a small gasp and replied, "Ms. Ipsum! How scandalous! You are so bad. I could never do such a thing.......... at least till I am properly married. Besides his main fear is his inner demon harming anyone close to him. I doubt seduction will be enough to change his perspective."
Lorem’s face instantly turned bright red, her hands gripping the edge of her seat as she sputtered, “Oh! Nein, nein! Zhat is not vhat I meant! I— I only meant a bolder, but entirely proper gesture! Something… within civilized norms und expectations!” She covered her burning cheeks with her hands for a moment before peeking through her fingers, utterly mortified.
Desperate to recover, she quickly pivoted, “Ahem! Vell… challenges are just opportunities vaiting to be solved, ja?” She took a deep breath, forcing herself to regain composure. “If zhis is important to you, zhen do not give up. Fear is a strong thing, but so is hope. Perhaps ve simply need a good plan.”
She turned to Lily, her eyes bright with encouragement. “Vould you like to do a brainstorming session? Ve can figure out a proper, respectable action plan.” She hoped—prayed—that Lily would agree and help steer the conversation away from her horrible misunderstanding.
Lily giggled as she realized she misunderstood Lorem's suggestion. She wanted to cover up he smile but was afraid to let go of the steering wheel. Then she replied, "I would love to brainstorm with you later on. I am sorry I misunderstood your suggestion."
Lorem let out a small breath of relief, her blush finally fading as she gave Lily a grateful smile. “Ja, zhat sounds wunderbar. Ve shall put our heads together und find a vay.”
But for now, it was time to focus on the lesson. Straightening up, she patted the dashboard. “Alright, now zhat you have gotten comfortable vith steering, it is time to learn how to control everyzhing else.” She adjusted her goggles and gestured toward the levers and pedals beneath the dashboard.
“Zhis lever here—ja, zhat one—controls your acceleration und speed. You push it forward for more power, pull it back to slow down. But be gentle, ja? Too much und you vill jerk zhe whole wagon.” She demonstrated by nudging the lever forward slightly, letting Lily feel the change in momentum.
“Now, zhe pedals. Zhe left one is your brake. Always ease into it; never slam, unless it is an emergency. Zhe right pedal—nein, nein, not yet!—zhat one engages extra steam pressure for uphill travel or heavy loads. Ve are on flat land, so you do not need it now.”
She carefully guided Lily through the process, ensuring she understood how each mechanism interacted. Once she was confident Lily had a basic grasp, Lorem gradually slowed the wagon, pulling it to a complete stop before setting it into park.
Turning to Lily with an encouraging smile, she unbuckled her own harness. “Alright. It is time to svitch. You are in command now.” She motioned for Lily to take her place, watching closely with an eager but patient expression. “I vill be right here, do not vorry. Ve take it slow.”
Lily took a deep breath before she took her place in the driver's seat and looked at Lorem nervously before following her directions. She did her best to comply as Lorem gave her directions in her cute voice.