Dinner on Board

JP with Jaxx, Redsword, Lasersexpanther, mdman, Lucian and Cindy

Elizabeth heard Sung's voice over the speaker. She turned to those with her, "I suppose we should go to dinner then." The woman put the book that she had been reading back on the shelf and but the slate back in place. Then, when they others were ready, headed off to the dining area.

After changing into his dinner attire, Sung came in, gave a bow to Lady Elizabeth with a greeting, and took a seat at the table.

"Good evening, Mr. Sung. How has your day been?" Elizabeth asked the man.

"Good so far Lady Elizabeth. Dinner should be good. I hope you find it to your liking," Sung replied with a polite smile. "I do have to remark that this flight has been smoother than I thought this ship would be," Sung said with a slight change in his smile. Sung was never very happy to fly. Lady Elizabeth would know he would hide that fact sometimes or around others. Sung always had more drinks when he flew or stronger ones.

"I am certain dinner will be wonderful." Despite being able to have the best, she wasn't overly picky. To his statement about the flight, she nodded. "Well, it might have helped to be busy, as well. I know on my parents ship my father likes to engage with you in a game of chess but other than that there just isn't much to keep you occupied, not like working in a kitchen, anyway.”

At the mention of food, Cronk was more than ready to eat. Thanks to temporarily losing the ward that Boss Lady had given him, his stomach was empty. He was grateful to have found the ward upon return to the hold. Affixing it to his shirt, Cronk breathed a sigh of relief.

So now, Cronk made his way to the galley of the airship. His stomach was settled and Cronk was ready for the serious business of eating. For Orcs, eating was serious business.

Nugbu had the same idea as Cronk and also headed to the dining area as soon as they were called for dinner.

Elizabeth greeted both Orcs, even though she had recently seen them.

After going to freshen up, Dr. Jackal and Lily made their way to the dinner room. There they greeted the others and took their seats. Lily said, "Everything looks so lovely.” Dr. Jackal smirked as he said, “I am famished.”

Elizabeth greeted the doctor and Lily, even though she had just seen them as well but manners were manners after all. "It does. I am curious to see what we'll be eating tonight.”

Sasha and Rin arrived shortly after, Rin taking her seat with her close crew, and Sasha joining her team.

"Good evening everyone." Sasha said as she took a seat. "How is everyone fairing with the flight?" she asked, as she marked the page of a book she was carrying with a finger holding the place. The book wasn't one from the ship. It was rich black leather binding with no writing on the cover to indicate what it was, the only marking was a silver embossed two on the spine indicating it was second in a series of who knows how many.

"Good evening, Miss Lagrave," Elizabeth responded. "Personally, I am fairing quite well. Miss Yui was nice enough to take me on a tour of the ship. There is a rather nice library on board, albeit smaller than the one at my house.”

Dr. Jackal and Lily greeted Sasha as she entered, then Lily smiled as she answered, "It was very entertaining to see the good doctor show us how to identify a mysterious white powder. He is quite brilliant." Lily turned to Dr. Jackal and asked, "What was the name of that white powder again?" Dr. Jackal smiled back as he answered, "Ah yes it's a white gun powder is Poudre B which is a practical smokeless gunpowder. I already informed Mr. Banari to notify the crew before properly storing it away from water and fire." Lily then asked Sasha, "Are you enjoying the flight as well?”

Sasha thought a moment. "The ships defenses were quite impressive, but we had little to do so I got some reading done. And while I feel not ill effects from being in the sky I much prefer being on the ground." she said. "But at least I managed to get some reading done."

Perrier arrived soon with a cart with the soup pot and bowls. Two of which were what was probably usually used to mix salads for the Orc on board. "Tonight's meal is shrimp soup, and mixed salad." he said, putting out bowls for everyone and serving a ladle full. The soup smells amazing even with the slightly thin stock, that said it was meant to be a light meal. Something more hardy would be severed before the mission disembarked.

The food smelled and looked wonderful, and once everyone started eating it, Elizabeth quickly realized the taste was even better than the smell. "This is delicious." Elizabeth complimented.

Dr. Jack sipped his soup and enjoyed the flavor of the stock and seasoning. Then he took his time enjoying the soup and salad. Lily of course used her manners as she ate like a proper lady despite her company. It was a good meal and they were surprised the Captain has a good cook on board the airship.

Having arrived with Pierre, Vor took his seat after helping serve. While they hadn't done much work overall, he still felt famished at the smell of the soup. While nothing like the dishes from home, he could never turn down good seafood. He took his time to fully savor it, letting the warmth ease some of his tension.

"Good evening, Mr. Aster." Elizabeth greeted the Araundan. "I hope this evening finds you well.”

Resting his spoon, Vor respectfully nodded to Elizabeth. "Quite well indeed, working with Pierre is always a privilege and a welcome distraction from my work. I hope your evening has been the same, if not more?”

"Yes, I was given a lovely tour of the ship by Miss Yui. There is a rather nice library onboard." Elizabeth responded.

"If it is as varied as the crew, then I am sure it is a lovely selection. Did you happen to find anything of particular interest?”

"Yes, there was a book on Dwarven legends." Elizabeth responded."I didn't get to read too far into it before we were called to dinner.”

"Given our mission, I can see that being a useful read. The idea of some clue being held within their own storied past also has a rather poetic tone to it."

Such a thought also woke a childhood obsession of his, having enjoyed burying his attentions within the more fantastical parts of historical texts growing up.

Sung just sat quietly eating, taking in all the conversation. He wondered how people just did not care they were 1000 ft in the air scraped to a balloon that could pop at any time, thought Sung. Most knew it was not quite that easy to take down an airship. and definitely not this airship.

Elizabeth responded to Lucian, "Yes, I plan to read more of it after dinner. I am hoping there might be some clues in that book, but I also know it is highly unlikely.”

At the other tables the Crew including Masao were acting more like a crew with louder conversation.

Sasha spoke up. "After dinner, you could ask to borrow the book during the trip." She said, "It could be worth trying, and save you from having to read it quickly, giving you time to study it.”

"That is an excellent suggestion," Elizabeth replied to Sasha. "I will ask.”

"If you need my help, I am free to do research. Do we have maps of where we are going?" added Sung to the conversation.

Dr. Jackal then chimed in as he said, "Well Mr. Sung, as it happens Ms. Lilly and I were looking at books and maps of the territory we will be working in to see the roads, the terrain, local plants and wildlife as well as natural water sources.”

"Yes, Mr. Sung, we have maps. I have the smaller ones in my carry-on bag. The larger ones however are not easily accessible." Elizabeth looked at Dr. Jackal. "Did you have time to look at the maps before we left?" She had just told the team they would be headed to Northern Norway but had planned on going into more details while they were in Oslo, but of course the maps were available for others to peruse before they had left Paris.”

Dr. Jackal smiled and nodded as he replied, "Yes Lady Elizabeth. However I wanted to compare them to what the Captain had onboard in case there were some differences. As a man of science I find it best to verify any information on my topic of study. Some minor differences can completely change the outcome. Say for instance a river dried out, or was diverted to a new location or a natural disaster changed the terrain.”

"That is a good idea, Dr. Jackal." Elizabeth responded. "The maps I have are fairly current, but it is true there might be differences.”

Sasha had remained mostly quiet as she ate, not wanting to fight between talking and eating with the veil over her mouth, but finished quickly. "If we have the time when we reach Oslo, I'd like to check in with the local hunter or hunters and check wilderness reports. Nøkken wander those parts from time to time, and none of us are children. I do not want someone to end up drowning." she said, her tone unintentional grim.

"I had planned for three full days in Oslo, as we have to procure wagons and some additional supplies." Elizabeth searched her memory. "I know only a little about the Nokken. I know some lure women and children with their songs, but others are considered malicious. Perhaps if you have more information that we should be aware of, you can let the team know. When you know, of course.”

"I am thinking like Dr. Jackal with the Maps. The old military planner is coming out, I suppose. It also gives me a chance to orient myself to the area. also, it could give an idea of equipment as well," Sung said explaining.

"Well, then after dinner we can certainly head back to the library." Elizabeth was just glad to have something to do for the next few hours.

Dinner was good and went with more conversation but soon enough it was over. Elizabeth caught the attention of Maseo. "Captain Maseo, may I see you for a moment?”

Being approached but Lady Elizabeth, Captain Maseo stood and before addressing her took Yui's chin between his thumb and pointer, pointed her head up and gave her a peck on the lips before turning. "Walk and talk?" he asked motioning towards the pilot cabin. "Gotta take over for Jiro and Ritsu, so they can eat." he said.

Sung showed his displeasure by frowning at Captain Maseo's display of or lack of Etiquette in front of Lady Elisabeth. But this was Captain Maseo's ship and he was Captain. Sung just let out a long sigh and then took a drink of his tea.

"Certainly," Elizabeth responded. She turned to the team, "I will see those of you going to the library, shortly.”

< Prev : Dinner on deck Next > : Maps