
Masao spoke first as they walked back. "Lady Elizabeth, is something wrong? Has there been an issue with someone in the crew?" he asked. "If so, tell me and I'll have the situation dealt with." he said, talking over his shoulder as he walked with his typical long strides, and unslowed pace.

"Oh, no nothing like that. Everything's fine." Elizabeth responded. "I apologize if I made you worry. I was just wondering if we, myself and the team, could borrow your most recent maps of Norway. A few of us want to compare your maps to the ones I have.”

"That I can do." he said as they reached the door and pulled the handle and some unseen machine work pulled the door sideways into the wall. "Boy, go eat. I'll take it from here."

Ritsu started to open his mouth in a what would likely be some protest but Masao put up a hand. "I'll handle it. If you are worried about it be quick with eating and get back." he said, not a command but a suggestion.

As the two men started for the door Masao stopped Jiro and had a whispered conversation with him, in which Jiro kept looking up and at Lady Elizabeth and nodding at what Masao was saying until Jiro reached into the neck of his shirt and pulled out a key on a string. "Just be careful, getting new maps is a pain." he said to Masao, who only rolled his eyes slightly.

"My Lady." each of the two departing men said with a slight bow as they left. Once they were gone Masao beckoned Lady Elizabeth over to the instrement panel where she'd seen Jiro inputting all the numbers before. Under it was small cubby covered in a metal lattice grate door. Inside she could see tubes of varying elegance. Some ornate and gilded, looking like they belonged more in the estate of the Baron, and some were simple wood and paper tubes. The only consistency was small tags attached by strings stating the name of the map and its type. Masao slipped the key in and turned it. "Take your pick, just be careful and bring it back when you are done." he said, stepping aside for her to have a look at the many maps inside.

It was an impressive collection, her father had some ornate maps like the ones here but they were collectors items, hung on walls and not really for use. The maps for use were a little less elaborate so they could be written on. Elizabeth pulled out a few of Norway, she did get the newest one of all of Norway, and one of the Northern sections where they were headed, one of Oslo just for curiosity. "Your collection is impressive," realizing she didn't say it earlier. "I believe this will do, thank you.”

"Jiro is obsessed with maps so he buys them any time he can. Guess it came in handy." he said. "And you are welcome, Lady Elizabeth. Just make sure you get them back in the right tube. I'd rather not listen to Jiro unset for who knows how long." he said with a slight laugh.

"Of course," Elizabeth smiled at him. "I will take my leave then. I will be certain to return them, in their current condition." Elizabeth gave Maseo a polite nod and headed off to the library.

After a delicious meal Dr. Jackal and Lily made their way to the library in hopes of learning about the topography of their destination and comparing the information. As man of science Dr. Jackal knew all too well well that the environment can change in a short time frame. Many natural disasters occur monthly around the world and not to many take notice of that when it does not affect them. Lily on the other hand felt obligated to contribute to the team by learning as much as she could in order to not bring shame to Lady Elizabeth.

Sung looked over the books, which were in good condition. It's not often you have Books in this type of condition. He pulled out a few books in Japanese and started to look them over. He was happy to see them. mostly poems. Sung took a sip of his sake. Not that he could not get this with Duke Ellington. It was far between when he could.

Elizabeth stopped to pick up her travel bag with her smaller maps inside. She arrived at the library at few minutes later, putting the maps on the table and then pulling out her own, putting those on the table as well. "There is quite a collection of maps on board, as it turns out." Elizabeth commented. "This one is of the entire country of Norway. This one is of the northern section where we are headed. This one is of Oslo, just in case we want to peruse that." She pointed to each map as she went. Then focused her attention on the two maps that were her own. "This one is of the northern section and this one is of the entire country. Both of these maps can be marked, but do not mark Captian Maseo's maps in any manner and take care with them. Jiro is rather protective of them.”

Map from 1889:

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