Ellington's London Estate

JP with Redsword, Jaxx and Cindy

Eight hours after departing, time spent with reading, games, talking, eating, drinking and other various activities, Gwendolyn made an announcement that they would be landing shortly.

Thirty minutes later, though a smooth, albeit slow landing, they were on the ground. The group was met by a van and driver from The Order, along with two stewards to get the luggage on to the van.


From there it was a twenty minute ride to the Ellington's estate in London proper. They had another larger estate outside of London, but when business dictated the stay be in the city, this was the house they stayed at.

The manor was on a corner lot, which allowed for a roomy backyard, despite it being in the city. The area surrounding it was quiet, and peaceful. Large homes, surrounded by fencing, and tree lined streets told if the wealth in this area.

They were let out of the van, Elizabeth smiled upon seeing the home. She had spent a lot of her childhood here, as the private school she attended before going to finishing school was down the street from here.

Her father opened the front gate, and they walked past the immaculate kept lawn, gardens and bushes. The front door opened to reveal a distinguished looking human man dressed in full tux, tails and white gloves who bowed upon seeing the arrivals. His hair was silver, slightly balding, he had grayish-blue eyes. He looked to be in his 50s or 60s. "Greetings, Duke and Duchess Ellington. It is good to see you again Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung." He paused. "Miss Lily, my condolences on your father's passing."

Once her parents greeted Archie, Elizabeth spoke up, "It is good to see you as well, Archie." She gestured to Jackal. "This is Dr. Jackal, he was addition to those for this week.”

"Greetings, Doctor Jackal." Archie stated. "Please, everyone come inside."

Everyone stepped inside, hats and coats were taken as needed. "Miss Lily and Dr. Jackal, I can have a maid show you to your rooms. If you would like a chance to get refreshed before the evening meal.”

Both Dr. Jackal and Lily gave a proper greeting to everyone as needed and agreed to be escorted to their rooms to freshen up. Being cooped up in the fancy airship was somewhat tiring for them. It was hard to remain proper before the Duke and it gave them a stiff back. So they washed up and rested on their beds while unaware they were both doing the same thing but in different rooms. Once they refreshed themselves they waited to be called for dinner.

Sung did his bowing and greetings to all as he would normally do. When he was inside and stuff put away Sung was waiting for the call for dinner. He took a stroll around the back and house inspecting things for security. Not that Sung had any doubt that things were in order but more looking to see what might have changed. Watching outside for anyone sticking around that should not be. at times sitting and sipping tea if not called upon.

Elizabeth went to her room, put her things away and refreshed herself. While she had maids here that could act as her personal maid, she has requested her actual one stay on France. Some of the reasons for this were that her personal maid wouldn't be traveling on Order business with them and it was something Elizabeth needed to get used to. One of the other reasons was that her outfit for the Mage Guild Gala would be dropped off at the Paris estate soon and her personal maid needed to make sure everything was correct with it, though Liz had faith in Adele, the 1/2 Dwarf - 1/2 Gnome that ran the textiles department for the Paris order, who was making her dress. Mistakes can still happen.

Elizabeth had left orders with Harold regarding the renovations of the French estate. She had also left Sasha and Vor in charge of the team. While she was hoping for no trouble, she thought they could handle it.

Before they left, Nugbu had taken his place among Maseo's crew, so no house guests to be concerned with.

The team leader just needed to focus on other things while here, but the Team and French Estate would remain on her mind given the Children still being out there.

It was about 7:30 PM when everyone was called down to dinner. Elizabeth arrived at the same time as her mother. "Good evening, mother. Is father coming."

"Your father is having dinner in his office, he has some work to tend to." The Duchess said.

Elizabeth nodded, her father tried to spend time with the family but she understood work being important as well.

The two went into the dining room and sat, both taking some tea as they wanted on the others.

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