Dinner Talk

Jp with Jaxx, Redsword and Cindy

It wasn't to long before a maid had notified Dr. Jackal that it was time fore dinner. He was more relaxed by this time as he was lying on the bed and daydreaming while staring at the ceiling. Not to far away another maid was notifying Lily that dinner was ready as well. Lily was brushing her hair and trying to get it back in its proper style. She kept blushing as she thought about her kiss with the good doctor. After getting some last minute touch ups on their outfits they followed the maids to the dining hall. They gave a proper greeting and then entered and took a seat at the table.

As they were waiting on Sung to arrive, Elizabeth spoke up. "Miss Lily, Dr. Jackal it you are up for it, would you like a tour of the house and grounds, after dinner?”

Dr. Jackal looked at Lily to see she was into the idea before she replied, "I would be honored Lady Elizabeth." Dr. Jackal then replied, "Of course Lady Elizabeth." Then Lily replied, "You have a lovely home. Did you grow up here Lady Elizabeth?”

"Thank you. In a sense." Elizabeth explained. "My parents always had the three estates the one that is outside London, closer to the shore, more in the countryside, the one in Paris, and this one. I spent a good deal of my childhood here. Lily if you recall the primary school we both attended, it is not far from here. So, in a sense yes, I grew up here but also spent some time at the other estates."

The Duchess chimed in, "Well, I do hope, at some point, your team can spend some time at the country estate here, in England."

"That would be a nice break," Elizabeth smiled at her mother.

Lily smiled and replied, "Oh that would be lovely. The only time was was allowed to travel was to school and father's promotional events." Lily looked at the good doctor and he realized he needed to respond as well, so he replied, "I traveled a bit in my youth but sadly I'm a workaholic so this would also be new for me." The good doctor gave a polite smile as Lily then asked, "So what type of scenery will we see at the countryside estate?”

"Its a large estate, rolling hills, lots of greenery. It is about 15 minutes from the shoreside. I always liked to take a picnic to the beach." Elizabeth explained.

Lily smiled and replied, "Oh that does sound lovely. I have never had a picnic at the beach before. Have you been to the beach Dr. Jackal?" Dr. Jackal nodded as he replied, "I have a few times, but it was mostly to collect samples and specimens for work." Lily raised an eyebrow at the good doctor and replied, "You really need to get out more." Dr. Jackal grinned as he was teased by Lily. He replied, "I apologize for being a boring old man." Lily suppressed her giggle at the good doctor's response." Then the good doctor asked, "Would the whole team be be attending Lady Elizabeth?”

"Of course, that would hopefully be a holiday trip. We will need one, eventually." Elizabeth responded.

She tried to envision the team at the beach. Vor, of course, would be in his element, but the rest. How many, in the team, even knew how to really take a break longer than a few hours? Elizabeth herself was losing the art of it.

Lily then thought for a moment as she tried to envision the whole team at the beach. Some of them might have a hard time relaxing. Then she tried to think of activities from the socials she attended in school and with the upper crust and a few ideas popped up in her mind. She then looked at the good doctor and at the Ellingtons before she asked, "I fear that the good doctor might not be the only one on the team who may struggle to enjoy a beach picnic. Perhaps we could include some enjoyable activities such as Suikawari which is a traditional Japanese game that involves splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded. I am sure Mr. Sung and Ms. Lagrave would enjoy that. As for other options perhaps Ms. Ipsum can operate a boat for fishing?”

"Those are excellent suggestions. As Social Liason you certainly could be in charge of activities. However, it is hard to say how long it will be before the opportunity for such a time for holiday presents itself." Elizabeth sipped some tea. "I feel it will not be long, after we arrive back to Paris, that the next assignment will be given to us.”

Lily smiled as she was praised by Lady Elizabeth. Then Dr. Jackal replied, "Just out of curiosity how does one schedule for a holiday when facing an unpredictable schedule Lady Elizabeth?" Lily was curious by the good doctor's question since it was rather key to the idea of a vacation.

"I do not believe going on holiday within the Order looks like what most people would think of, as such." Elizabeth responded. "It would be a time of no official cases. Would have to approved by the Baron, ahead of time. If there was any present dangers, we would likely have a team of guards so we wouldn't have to worry so much. My father would know more about how it works, so, I will ask him when the time presents itself.”

Sung entered the room First bowing to The Duchess "I apologize for my tartness Duchess" Sung started "Lady Elizabeth, and friends I am sorry for being late." Sung apologized. He was dressed more formally than normal. Sung had no visible weapons, not even his sword with him. He took his seat. "I hope I have not missed too much," said Sung with a smile.

The good doctor looked at Mr. Sung and replied, "We were discussing the future possibility of taking a holiday at the Ellington's estate in the countryside. Have you been there Mr. Sung?”

With his table manners above reproach, Sung sipped his tea. "Yes Dr. Jackal, I have been with and served the Ellington Family for more than 20 years. As far as I know, I have been to all of their estates," answered Sung truthfully.

With the arrival of Sung, servants began serving the meal. It was very British cuisine, as one might expect.

"I can say we have no hidden estates you have not been to, Mr. Sung." The Duchess said, with a lightness to her voice. "The Country Estate is our largest. We try to make sure the accommodations are suited to all who stay with us.”

Dr. Jackal sampled the food and found it very delicious. He then swallowed his meal as he asked, "I must say I amazed by the cuisine. Does the order have their chefs trained in a special cooking school? Forgive my ignorance but till I joined the Order I rarely enjoyed a high class meal this.”

"Most are trained under other skilled chefs, as an apprenticeship type of training." Elizabeth explained. "The Order is big on its members learning on the job.”

Lily was impressed and asked, "Are any of us from your team required to take any training Lady Elizabeth?”

"Most of the team is expert at what they do." Elizabeth explained. " Miss Lily, you are being trained for your position through your work. I believe if there is any training needed we have members of the team that can provide that.”

Dr. Jackal swallowed his food before he replied, "That is comforting to hear. No disrespect to you fine folk, but taking any training or tutelage associated with that Baron guy does not sit well with me." Lily sighed and replied, "I understand what you mean good doctor. That Baron made my skin crawl when I was in the same room with him.”

Elizabeth and her mother glanced at each other. "No worries, the Baron as leader of the Paris branch, would only train someone to replace him for that particular job. He is too high in the pecking order to train anyone below that station. So, I cannot forsee any circumstances where any team members would be trained by him." Elizabeth took a bite of her food, after saying all of that.

Sung held back a chuckle from Dr. Jackal's comment about the Baron. "You have nothing to fear Dr. Jackal and Miss Lily you are in good hands with Lady Elizabeth and His Grace. Then there is me. Well if all fails I will rectify the problem." said Mr Sung with a cunning grin.

Dr. Jackal nodded in response then replied, "That is a comforting thought Mr. Sung." Lily then replied, "Thank you all for such support." Then Dr. Jackal tried to change the topic to a more humorous mood. He asked Lily, "So Ms. Lavigne did your father by chance have any companies related to fine spirits and liquor? I am sure it would aid Lady Elizabeth a great deal since Mr. Cronk enjoys such things." Lily giggled a bit and answered, "Actually he does have a few of those, but I am at a loss on what they make since I was not of age to drink till now. I also remember him having a shipping company as well. I know there are a lot of them and His Grace has a team to figure all of them out.”

Elizabeth chuckled at Jackal asking Lily about the alcohol. "Cronk does drink it like water, doesn't he?" Though she didn't sound upset about the fact. "I have to admit I was less aware of that aspect of Orcs before he joined the team." She had been aware they drank, but her definition of a great deal and an Orcs apparently varied greatly.

Lily smirked and then asked Dr. Jackal, "Do you drink Dr. Jackal?" Dr. Jackal shook his head no and replied, "I did a little in the past to help unwind. However after my....... accident I fear the thought of taking in any booze or mind altering medication. I don't my the other guy running loose due to poor judgement on my part. So till I can find a way to remove or control him, I will have to abstain." Lily nodded as his logic was sound. She replied, "I see. Then I look forward to the day you can enjoy that moment.”

Dinner progressed with more small talk and afterwards, as promised, Lily and Jackal were given a tour of the estate by Elizabeth. By yhen it was getting late, it had been a long day and another long one tomorrow so Elizabeth made sure her guests had what they needed and headed to bed.

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