The Red Lady

JP with Redsword, Jaxx and Cindy

Thursday, May 23, 1889
9 AM
Ellington Private Airship (The Red Lady)
Paris Docks

The sight of the red and gold ship was like seeing an extension of home for the younger Eldren. The Red Lady was an airship Elizabeth was quite familiar with. She had ridden on it many times over the years.

"That is our ship," Elizabeth pointed out the vessel to Lily and Dr.Jackal. The others that would be temporarily headed to England with them consisted of Mr. Sung and Elizabeth's parents, who were of course as familiar with the ship as she was.

They were greeted by a human man, about 6' tall, on the thinner side but not at all unhealthy. Clean shaven, but any facial hair would match perfectly with the thick white hair which adorned his head. He was probably in his 40s or 50s. "Your Graces, and Lady Elizabeth, it is my pleasure to be serving you today." The man bowed, smiled and continued with the pleasantries. "Good morning, Mr. Sung." He then turned to Lily and Jackal. "And you must be Dr. Jackal and Miss Lily. Miss Lily, my condolences on your father. I am Captain Aled Bevan, welcome aboard The Red Lady." His accent was very Welsh.

Standing next to the man, was a human woman, standing at about 5'6," with a shapely build, porcelain skin. The brunette was maybe around Elizabeth's age and very attractive. The Captain gestured to her, "This is your in flight servant, Gwendolyn Morris."

Gwendolyn bowed to the Duke, Dutchess and Elizabeth. "It is good to see all of you again, your Graces, Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung. It is nice to meet you Dr. Jackal and, my condolences, Miss Lily." Her accent was undeniably Irish.

"Please, everyone come aboard." The captain said.

The inside of the ship was luxurious, the front passenger areas looking far more like a fancy but comfortable sitting room than the inside of a ship. Soft, comfortable chairs, one loveseat and one couch. Tables, a bar adored this area. Towards the back were three bedroom like areas for longer trips. Unseen by the passengers was the kitchen area, the cockpit, and the engine. The kitchen had a cook, Sarah. An older human woman who rarely left the kitchen on flights but could make almost anything asked of her, provided she had the ingredients. The engine room was the domain of one Dieter Wagner, a German gnome.

The Captain said, for everyone to take their seat. They would be lifting off soon.

Lily was in good spirits as she followed the Duke, his wife and Lady Elizabeth into the fancy airship. It was not the first time for her to be on a luxury airship since she was used to the posh lifestyle due to her wealthy father. Dr. Jackal on the other hand felt like a fish out of water as he was used to a humble lifestyle and the only airship he ever rode on was a small transport one long ago. Lily was very polite as she replied to the crew and her hosts. Sometimes she would reply to show Dr. Jackal how to respond as well. The inside of the airship was amazing and the view made Dr. Jackal very nervous so he remained away from the windows. Then Lily asked, "Lady Elizabeth, do we know our schedule as of yet?”

Being familiar with the ship and crew Sung was respectful as he reacted to the crew and her hosts. He was not happy to fly in the airship. Sung always thought if people were to fly they would have wings. The plush interior had not changed much and the crew was as he remembered.

Sung entered the fancy but relaxing sitting room inside of a ship. Expensive, comfortable, and of high-quality chairs, Tables, one loveseat, and one couch. An ornate bar on one side of this area. Sung walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. That looked to have a twist on a cold green tea. This version incorporates green tea, white rum, mint leaves, lime juice, and a light British sweetener. It’s a refreshing and vibrant drink that combines the flavors of mint and green tea with a few ice cubes. Sung did not look like his normally cool and calm self but was a little nervous as he took a seat in one of the large comfortable chairs he sat back and sipped his drink.

Elizabeth had made herself comfortable sitting in one the chairs and gotten herself some tea. She was quite at ease on the air ship.

The Duke and Dutchess had taken the love seat and were enjoying some drinks and the company.

Lily’s question has Elizabeth thinking for a moment. "We should land in about 8 and 1/2 hours. After that, tonight will just be a tour of the house and relaxing a bit. The next few days will be very bust, so, might take advantage of it." The Eldren explained. "Tomorrow at 1 PM is the wake, followed by the burial and reception. The next day will be the day to take care of anything dealing with your family's business. My father has offered to help with that. You will need to decide about your estate, you were probably bequeathed it. The day after should be the reading of the will. Then it is to finish up what needs to be done with the estate." Elizabeth knew it was a lot but they had limited time to get things done

Lily pondered her options as Lady Elizabeth answered her question. It was a lot to handle and she was very grateful for the assistance from the Ellington's. Dr. Jackal looked at Lily as he sipped his coffee. He knew she was under a lot of stress from getting kidnapped, losing her father and now dealing with his funeral and the will. He had heard some horrible stories about families fighting over an inheritance from his colleagues in the past. Lily then looked at the Ellingtons and said, "Thank you all for your support. From rescuing me to taking me in to employing me, and now helping me deal with funeral and will, I would be overwhelmed if I had to do all this on my own. I was thinking about what to do with my father's business and I don't feel I am able to run them on my own. If possible I would like to have some staff appointed to running the legal businesses while cleaning up the shady businesses. I am also concerned about the siblings my father mentioned and any other shady types that will be after his money, but I do have confidence in your skills to handle such matters. So once again......thank you all." Lily looked rattled as she let out her thoughts.

"We are happy to help," Elizabeth commented. She didn't know how Lily would have been able to manage all of this, if she had to be on her own.

"Miss Lily, I know of people with the expertise you are looking for." The Duke interjected. "I can help you arrange that, but if there's anyone you trust enough to be on that board, they can certainly be added. There are also the legal matters, do you have your own solicitor or would you be using the solicitor that worked for your father?"

(Solicitor = British for lawyer who performs most of the office work.)

Lily shook her head no and replied, "Alas your Grace, the moment my father was betrayed by our butler Nigel and the cult I found myself unable to put trust in anyone from my past. I still worry the cult is still involved with my father's businesses, so it would be best if we had them investigated and I welcome your Solicitor since they will be ideal for my situation." Lily looked a bit nervous though she was trying to look confident. It was a lot of a young adult to handle on her own. Dr. Jackal then asked, "Do we have a plan in case the cult tries to intervene?”

Duke Ellington nodded his head in understanding, as he sipped on some fine brandy. "I have a team of solicitors in retainer. They should be able to assist with everything."

To Dr. Jackal's query, Elizabeth responded. "We will have extra security at all times and I ask that neither of you decide to wander around London on your own. I do not know if the Children will bother giving the level of security and the fact that this will most likely not be a particularly private affair." The team thought for a moment. "Miss Lily, how much was your father known to the public? Do you suspect reporters will try to get into the wake or funeral?”

Lily sighed as she looked down then back up at the Duke. She replied, "It pains me to say that my father loved the spotlight in addition to big profits. I am concerned by the number of enemies he may have made as well as his notoriety. I fear I am asking for a lot on your part, your Grace.”

The Duke calmly replied, "It is nothing that cannot be handled. As a member of my daughter's team you get myself and what I can offer to aid you as well."

The Duchess who had been quiet up till now spoke up, "Miss Lily, you also get me. I am afraid you are now stuck with us and our help as necessary.”

Lily smiled as a small tear formed in her eyes. She was grateful for her present company. She replied, "Indeed I am blessed by your company." Dr. Jackal looked at Lily and smirked as he replied, "Its hard to start over especially with all we have gone through, but we have been fortunate to be given a new chance with our future now. I am also in your debt." Dr. Jackal gave a slight bow to the Ellingtons. Then he looked at Lily and said, "Perhaps some calming tea might help you with your stress?" Lily nodded and asked for some tea to calm her.

Sung watched the exchanges with the Duke and Lily. "If I may My Grace, If Miss Lily needs protection I can provide some if she stays near me. I could be her chaperone while we are here. She should not be alone in this time of need" suggested Sung.

"I think that is an excellent suggestion, Mr. Sung." The Duke agreeing easily to that arrangement. "Miss Lily, is that suitable to you?"

Gwendolyn brought Lily tea as requested.

Elizabeth got started on some paperwork, as the ship began its journey. It was currently around 9 AM and they had hours before reaching London.

Lily agreed to Mr. Sung's suggestion and the good doctor also agreed to stay close since he wanted to avoid any cult members as well. It was agreed they would stay as a group for safety reasons and due to the schedule as well. After the conversation ended and Lady Elizabeth went to work Lily and Dr. Jackal pulled out a book from their hand bags. Lily had brought some police/detective/investigation books to help her pass the time and learn more about her duties under Lady Elizabeth. Dr. Jackal also brought some published science books and journals that might aid him in learning to control his inner demon. Lily sipped her chamomile tea to relax as she read her book. Dr. Jackal sipped his strong coffee as he read his science journals.

The Dutchess, also, lost herself in a book, romance and intrigue kind of novel. The Duke turned to Sung, "Mr. Sung, would you care to pass the time with a game of chess?”

"Your Grace, I would be most honored," Sung answers smiling. Sung stood up and walked over to the table and two comfortable chairs. He sat in one.

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