Things you can do without
Jan 23, 2022, 1:07pm
At first Alexis had been wondering why she as a newcomer would be put in charge of conducting drills, but she soon was reminded that a lot of the soldiers had not exactly been soldiers befor ...
In To The Lion's Den
Jan 23, 2022, 12:43pm
Timestamp: Across Ostiarium
s the days went by, Hunter got accustomed to his new routine of early morning training, working in the tanneries, checking on his traps for more small game and ...
Jan 23, 2022, 10:40am
Timestamp: Across Ostiarium
A few weeks after you return to the city you receive a summons to go to the Keep. Sir Zane send word to you via a few messengers that he wants to see y ...
Jan 22, 2022, 8:01pm
Timestamp: Ostiarium Docks - Aboard 'The Hogue'
Till walked the main deck of the schooner trying to familiarise himself with the vessel. A few days ago Seros Thert himself ...
Jan 22, 2022, 7:26am
JP with Meleck & Winteroak
Timestamp: Lowood
Eren Sadir stands looking at Wim. You remember him from the party at Stoneshade Keep. He is tall and well built with extremely tanne ...
Jan 21, 2022, 5:48pm
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Lord Commander's office
Not long after the Arbiter and the Friar made their way out, Duke Osdel Stoneshade, Lord Commander of Ostiarium, sat looking o ...
Counsel Indeed
Jan 21, 2022, 3:41pm
Upon her return, Arbiter Voah asked the acolyte to summon the Friar to the Keep so that she may speak with her and the Duke to gauge their responses.
"Gentlemen I have brought you here su ...
An evening before the storm
Jan 21, 2022, 2:52pm
JP between Bandorchu and Winteroak
The Hare proved to be as busy as ever. Alexis deftly navigated around patrons in differing states of inebriation, managing to deliver the two tankards ...
Homely Prison
Jan 20, 2022, 5:20pm
The return to Ostiarium gave Tarmen time to fester. He never claimed to be knowledgeable in the ways of governing and diplomacy, but something about this mission continued to rub him the wro ...
Thoughts Upon Returning
Jan 20, 2022, 11:13am
You are not sure what to make of it but know that you will need to report to the Duke and speak with the Friar.
Voah had learned much from the Odsier tribe, more than she had imagined and ...
Winter’s arrival
Jan 20, 2022, 7:01am
The experiences of her mission left Alexis in a contemplative mood as she returned to Ostiarium.
Clearly, the higher ups were playing games behind the scenes.
And wasn’t that always ...
In The Moment
Jan 19, 2022, 9:54pm
While staying with the Grey Mouth Tribe, Hunter managed to notice that the Grey Mouth are likely in their low hundreds and that any men or women can fight. He also saw that they use spears, ...
Back home
Jan 19, 2022, 4:01pm
Winter has arrived. The city if buffetted by cold winds coming from the Bay of Pearls and lashed with heavy rains. Life goes on in Ostiarium as most people just hunker down to try to surviv ...