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View character profile for: Jiyn
Timestamp: Ostiarium forests
Jiyn sat near a small fire, trying to get some warmth into his cold hands. It'd been raining all day since the drills started. When he returned from his trading trip with the Grey Mouth, Jiyn had been assigned to help with the construction of the city wall for a few days before most soldiers were pulled into whatever military exercises the Knights were conducting. Which suited him fine, as he was glad he was no longer in then company of the Arbiter. Those weeks on the road and among the tribe, had been some of the longest in his life. Sharing a tent with an Inquisitor while he dreamt of things he could not possibly know. His heart jumped to his throat just thinking back on it.
Jiyn wasn't sure if his dreams meant something or were the product of the Maleficium, but he shared them with no one. He could not stop thinking about the mountains he saw in the distance. Exactly like he had seen in his dreams over and over again. He couldn't shake the feeling that that is where he would find Alison or at least clues to where whereabouts. Every since he returned to the city he kept wondering if he could steal some supplies and maybe a horse to ride away into the distance towards the mountain range they called Fang. Of course desertion was not something the Empire of Salos took lightly, especially here in this far flung colony.
A short horn blast echoed through the forest letting the soldiers know that their short rest was over for the day. Time to get back to the drills.