Showing posts 2086 - 2100 of 2814

Luger Attack

May 5, 2022, 12:43am by Lorem

JP with Alexis, Boyce, Nicolaus, Islana, winteroak, and Gonyaul. As you settled in for the evening, the night descends across the vast plains. The sky is cloudy and the moon and starts n ...

The hole

May 4, 2022, 9:19pm by Zeeke

Location: The Hole The old man shrugged and looked into his cup. "Cannae do much, lad. Them mines, ia theirs..." He said explaining to the young merchant the situation in Aquilo. The dr ...

The Nature of the Good and Evil

May 4, 2022, 7:14pm by Winteroak

JP with Omni, Jaxx and Winteroak Timestamp: Ostiarium Plains Good and evil... Yes, Voah had been meditating on the concepts lately and was starting to come to the conclu ...

Taking Measure

May 4, 2022, 3:41pm by Omni

JP with Omni, Jaxx and Winteroak The old woman pondered the best way to answer the young woman. "Civilizations rise and fall, people come and go, but the Earth abides..." She said. ...


May 4, 2022, 8:20am by Bandorchu

JP with Lorem, Strangetides, Red_Sword7 and Bandorchu The small horse-drawn wagon was slowly moving. The day had been long for Blackwolf and the hard seat of the small wagon did not he ...

The Seer

May 3, 2022, 9:12pm by Omni

JP with Winteroak, Omni, and Jaxx As Voah approached the fire with Hunter taking up the rear, they saw what appeared to be a small camp. Three strange looking men were playing the ...

Happy Trails

May 3, 2022, 5:59pm by Cindy

JP with Winteroak, Bandorchu, Strangetides, and Cindy As Islana spends a few hours just before sundown hunting for small game, she comes across the tracks of a huge beast. Each paw print ...

A Cup in the Oak Cup

May 3, 2022, 11:36am by Kronos

The bounty hunter had plastered Ostiarium with as many posters as he had prepared, some areas were definitely friendlier than others. One man had given him an uneasy look in the docks, not t ...

Bringing Up the Rear

May 2, 2022, 10:35pm by Lorem

"All we need do is follow Amu." Gonyaul gently reminded the horse. They were once again getting off the imaginary trail the rest of the group was blazing into the plains. While the rest t ...

Drums of Destiny

May 2, 2022, 8:58pm by Omni

JP with Winteroak, Omni, and Jaxx After it got dark, Voah and Hunter were alerted to drumming around a rather large bonfire in the distance. Hunter was concerned as he spoke up to ...

Scouting On The First Day

May 2, 2022, 4:40pm by Cindy

The weather had held up, at least for their first day of travel. Islana now carried a spear, well, mostly made. Along, of course, with her bow and arrows. When Alexis presented the i ...

First salvo

May 2, 2022, 3:10pm by Winteroak

"There is no glory in battle. Only haunting memories and remorse. The rule is very simple. You must kill in order to survive. When it's all over, you pray to the Pillars for forgiveness. ...

Of new horizons and old vows

May 2, 2022, 2:01pm by Bandorchu

“… so, Islana, dealing with the Odonine will be less than pleasant for the two of us. Be prepared for that.” Alexis finished her account on what she knew about the mountain clans, h ...


May 2, 2022, 12:47pm by Zeeke

"Really, four days and the Mine boss has done what?" Wim said trying to get more information. He planned to circle back on the curse and what was found in the mine. ...

Into the mine

May 2, 2022, 10:41am by Winteroak

Aquilo - Iron Mine Tarmen- The north road leads you to the Odonine iron mine a few hundred metres from Aquilo. The mine's entrance is carved from the side of a hill supporte ...

Showing posts 2086 - 2100 of 2814