Showing posts 2071 - 2085 of 2814

Ashen Hooves

May 7, 2022, 4:31pm by Winteroak

Ashen Hooves camp When the sun sets over the impressive mountains of Fang the five of you make their way into the centre of tribe's camp. You are welcomed and accompanied by the th ...

Plains People

May 7, 2022, 3:39pm by Winteroak

JP with Bandorchu and Winteroak Plains north of Ostiarium You continue your journey north. Behind you the tribe that calls itself the Ashen Hooves treks several metres ...

Visions Of the Past

May 7, 2022, 2:49pm by Jaxx

JP with Omni, Winteroak and Jaxx She barely registered Hunter’s words. “Who am I? Who are you?” Hunter’s voice echoed, the sound muffled as if passing through the other side of ...

First contact

May 7, 2022, 1:30pm by Bandorchu

Jp with Lorem, Cindy, Winteroak and Bandorchu A few minutes later it became clear that they were rising in your direction as the plume of dust kicked up by their horses headed your way. ...


May 7, 2022, 11:38am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Bootleggers Pier Sir Zane held his vambraces over in his hands. His fingertips stroked along the dents and scratches etched into the dark metal by countless battles. The ...

Ill laid plans.

May 6, 2022, 10:20pm by Zeeke

Wim left the Hole and headed back to the wagon to put up the tent. His head was spinning with the circle of things that needed to happen and how to make this work. He debated his plan of act ...


May 6, 2022, 7:43pm by Winteroak

JP with Bandorchu, Cindy, Lorem, Winteroak The next few days go by without much of note happening. At night you all can sense that the Luger is stalking your camp and been followi ...


May 6, 2022, 5:58pm by Jaxx

JP with Omni, Winteroak and Jaxx "It is done. Our bargain is completed." She said looking at the Arbiter wondering what the revelation would do to the young woman. As she regained her ...

Odonine war camps

May 6, 2022, 4:32pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Foothills of Eastern Fang The clans knew that this was a year that would long live in their songs and oral traditions. War, in truth, was here. No one could deny it fur ...

One Hundred Gold & A Jug of Ale

May 6, 2022, 11:39am by Kronos

JP with Winteroak Alcuin spent the next few days getting acquainted with the Gate City and the surrounding countryside. Farms and forests made up most of it before it gave away to ...

Gonyaul Awakens

May 6, 2022, 5:47am by Cindy

JP with Lorem, Bandorchu, Redsword, and Cindy What an interesting experience, Gonyaul thought as his conscience returned from a whimsical lucid dream. He began checking his senses and awa ...


May 5, 2022, 2:00pm by Winteroak

Timestamp Mizar - Shrine-City of Vastad - 150 years ago They came for them in cover of darkness. Not just in the Shrine-Cities, but across all of Mizar. It had been a year in th ...

The Offer

May 5, 2022, 12:45pm by Omni

JP with Omni, Jaxx and Winteroak Timestamp: Ostiarium Plains The old woman smiled. Her early words had obviously made an impression. Now she had to consider what price he ...

The Heart of Fang

May 5, 2022, 9:44am by LucianNepreen

The gaping maw before him was breathtaking. Tarmen felt a small tinge of excitement within him, urging him into the darkness. Gripping the rope he had brought, he pulled himself away from t ...

Gonyaul's Lucid Dream

May 5, 2022, 12:44am by Lorem

Gonyaul saw nothing but darkness. Everything around him was formless and empty. He was standing … no, hovering … in a void that he could not even distinguish where he ended and it began. ...

Showing posts 2071 - 2085 of 2814