Campfire bonds
May 27, 2022, 4:11pm
Jp between Lorem Jaxx and Bandorchu
Hunter rode on ahead in search for a decent camp sight that was acceptable. It had some rocky area that blocked the view for attackers and the fire l ...
Islana and The Falcon
May 27, 2022, 1:49pm
While Islana left the two men to decide if they were staying or leaving, she found a perfect spot to stand. Away from the eyes of Boyce and Wim and near some trees.
The young woman didn ...
What an Odonine Mess
May 27, 2022, 9:05am
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul and Hunter:
Save from her bleeding hand and an extensive collection of bruises, Alexis was alright. Since Hunter clearly was, as well, she only nodded to him and b ...
Sharing Visions
May 27, 2022, 12:26am
JP with Redsword, Zeeke, and Cindy
When your vision returns and the blind flashing light disappears, Islana is standing outside the ruins looking into the sky, Wim inside standing over th ...
What Dreams Are Made of
May 26, 2022, 9:44pm
When Wolf woke from his vision he drop to the ground and sat with his legs crossed. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He pulled his book and pencil out. and started to write what ...
Ambush at an End
May 26, 2022, 8:40pm
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, and Hunter:
The punch drove the air out of her lungs in a laboured exhale and had her jerk back, gritting her teeth against the pain.
She turned inwards, havin ...
Ambush Waning
May 26, 2022, 8:38pm
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul and Hunter:
Alexis saw Hunter picking up a spear and deemed that a good idea, slowing down only a second to grab the spear of Alcuinās kill before speeding up ag ...
The Formidable Hunter
May 26, 2022, 8:34pm
JP with Alexis, Gonyaul, and Hunter:
The remaining three with spears hurled at the fleeing Hunter as he cut left again to dodge them. Then he heard their war cry as they pulled out bone c ...
Rabbit by the Throat
May 26, 2022, 8:32pm
JP Alexis, Gonyaul, and Hunter:
Alexis swiftly took stock of the situation. Gonyaul was holding himself admirable well, but she knew his fighting style quite intimately from asking him to ...
To Touch The Sky
May 26, 2022, 4:19pm
When your vision returns and the blind flashing light disappears, Islana is standing outside the ruins looking into the sky, Wim inside standing over the altar where no vestige of a flame ha ...
Encountering two gods..
May 26, 2022, 3:42pm
Wim searched for a trap door or a place that the boy could hide. He was an expert and hiding and had spent hours hiding from work and punishments from his father.
The flash of light diso ...
Great Conclave - I
May 26, 2022, 3:22pm
- Two Years Ago - Fang
Today was the day the War Chieftain Koshnem had arranged a conclave of the mountain clans. This day he would declare to the Odonine that his power was akin t ...
The Deep
May 26, 2022, 3:05pm
Fire Shrine - Near Maru
As you continue to ponder the fate of the young boy and searching the ruin for some clues of what has happened and what you have witnessed, you hardly notic ...