Sounding the alarm
Jun 10, 2022, 6:47pm
As the tired and battered group reaches the mining settlement, having pushed through most of the night to reach Aquilo, they spring into action. There is no telling how long ...
Race To Aquilo
Jun 10, 2022, 5:51pm
The Evening Prior
Voah learned from Alexis that Gonyaul had set up a tent for her but laid himself down in the wagon. Voah cherished that and as much as she wanted to talk to ...
Ridden hard…
Jun 10, 2022, 5:04pm
Worried Man Blues
Wim barely remembered being carried. He barely remembered the second egg though the taste lingered. He barely remembered being la ...
Fatigued Revelation
Jun 10, 2022, 4:52pm
The night had been restless for Tarmen, plagued with nightmares and waking throughout. The same damn boar…. worm…. Thing was always there, slithering through the depths as if taunting hi ...
Amu and the Bobblehead
Jun 10, 2022, 11:27am
Gonyaul groggily awoke the next morning still in the wagon. He was sore and stiff from his body recovering from the fight with the Naylmo and his sleeping position, a semblance of a tipped-o ...
Out of the frying pan…
Jun 10, 2022, 11:01am
One of these days, you know. One of these days Alexis might actually be allowed to fully recover from her injuries before she got the next crazy bullshit thrown at her. Not right now, clearl ...
A New Day
Jun 10, 2022, 8:25am
Fort Maru
Slowly but surely you all started to rise to the new day. The events of the last few days still heavy on all of your minds. Tarmen and Voah's capture at the ...
The Kumik
Jun 10, 2022, 4:45am
Fang - Kumik village
Stran and Islana helped Hunter back into the back of her horse as they moved towards the left, into the mountain pathways that led to a pl ...
Welcome to the family
Jun 10, 2022, 1:55am
JP with Omni and Bandorchu
When Voah returned from her solitude, she saw that Wim had been taken care of and put into a tent to rest and Alexis was taking watch. Tarmen and Gonyaul weren ...
Silent Lucidity
Jun 10, 2022, 12:36am
As Hunter sat propped up and leaning on a rock he was looking catatonic while observing his environment. Stran was talking to Islana about meeting the locals and Islana was willing to go si ...
How She Sees Him
Jun 9, 2022, 3:51pm
The decision had been made to give River a little longer break than usual before venturing into the village. It would be better to have the horse be a little more rested being there was no t ...
Matters of the heart
Jun 9, 2022, 3:42pm
JP with Lorem and Bandorchu
Gonyaul jerked awake as he started to slide down the side of the wagon’s interior side. He caught himself before falling over completely. He had been medita ...
Having It All
Jun 9, 2022, 10:44am
Voah ate and she meditated, clearing her mind. That felt good… only to finally come back to her own reality of self-loathing and self-pity. No paranoid spore whispers needed. She prayed to ...