View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur
View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver
View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
View character profile for: Markus Norixius
As the tired and battered group reaches the mining settlement, having pushed through most of the night to reach Aquilo, they spring into action. There is no telling how long behind you the large warband is.
Markus is alerted to your sudden arrival as some of the miners recognise the group. The Master Blacksmith questions on your exploits and how you managed to find your lost comrades will have to wait as you inform him that a large band of clansmen is hot on your heels and don't appear to have good intentions.
Speaking to some nearby Odonine miner he quickly surmises that whoever is chasing you has no fealty to Koshnem and the Aghul. An attack is coming. He dispatches a rider to reach the closest war camp, two days ride east of the mountains.
Tarmen - You go find the squad of soldiers you led here to try and protect the settlement. You ask Alexis to join you. Preparations need to be made. The settlement had close to 50 miners, most Odonine, armed only with a few daggers, hand axes, pickaxed and shovels. It will be hard to organise them to face down thirty or forty well armed riders.
Voah - Markus informs you that most steel weapons have been dispatched to the Aghul and their allies and they have not started production on new batches as the Odonine still refuse to enter the mines. Some nearby men are clearly shocked to see that you have returned from the underworld and you see several making warding signs against evil.
Gonyaul - Not sure how best to help in the rising panic and urgency that is palpable around the settlement, you decide to make yourself useful and take Wim to see Nicolaus. His stiches have opened and his bandages show signs of recent bleeding. Once that is done you will ask your more seasoned comrades where and to best help.