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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Silent Lucidity
Posted byPosted: Jun 10, 2022, 12:36am
As Hunter sat propped up and leaning on a rock he was looking catatonic while observing his environment. Stran was talking to Islana about meeting the locals and Islana was willing to go since she could not find the cure for Hunter's poisoned status. The lack of sleep and poison in his system was taking its toll on his mind and body. Now he was seeing things like the fabled fairies goat people and his dead ex named Nora. Nora was nagging Hunter as she blamed him for her death. He then looked art her as he slowly staggered to get up and stumbled a bit as he awkwardly regained his balance while looking like he was high. Nora laughed at him as she teased him for being off his rocker. Hunter ignored her as he looked around as the scenery was getting blurry. he tried to refocus his vision and then a very angry Nora hit him with a rock for ignoring her.
Hunter then woke up in a desert in intense pain and he raised his head and realized he was in a hole in the sand. As he slowly and awkwardly got up he realized the hole he was in was the same shape as his body. He stumbled a bit as he looked around to realize he alone in a vast desert. Then he heard a familiar voice say, "So you are here too eh?" Hunter turned around to see himself, but slightly different. He was looking at a barbarian version of himself who was drinking mead from a horn. Then he heard the same voice from behind himself, "A right sorry lot ye are." Hunter turned to see a different self looking like a knight. Then one by one he saw different versions of himself appear all around him. He saw a Noble kid, a merchant, a spy, a warrior woman, a priest, a priestess, a savage tribesman who spoke in gibberish, a large snake and a farmer. Hunter was very confused as he asked, "Are you all me?"
Some of them replied yes as they explained they were him in a different life. Hunter looked at all of them as he asked, "Are we dead?" The Priestess Hunter replied, "Yes and no. Some are dead while others are experiencing a near death moment like you." Hunter drunkenly moved around as he processed what he heard then asked, "I see." Then he staggered about till he found a large river stone on the ground. He found it odd to see one in a desert as he awkwardly leaned over to pick it up and inspect it. He shook it, then listened to it and finally licked it before he tossed it over his shoulder and replied, "So what now?" Before the other Hunter's could reply Nora floated in and cackled as she grabbed him and dragged Hunter into a building that came out of nowhere. Before Hunter realized it he was in a Noble court room and his alternate versions were in the jury seats as he was in the defendant chair.
He was now in court for killing Nora and had to prove himself innocent. His attorney was his a very drunken barbarian version of himself. The judge was his Noble kid version and his opponent was Nora, Cora and their lawyer Alcuin. Hunter was very confused as he was being blamed for Nora's death. Things got ugly as the evidence looked very bad for Hunter till he was overwhelmed by the stress and trauma till he was overwhelmed and blacked out. When he woke up he was back where he was sitting as he was eating charcoal again. He was wondering if he was loosing his mind at this point.