Summary: Warrant Officer 2, Team Chief Medical Officer.
Russ Garrett (Dusty)
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Gender: Male
Age: 35
Group: Nomad
Game: ALIEN: Nomad
Marine Medical Officer/ Team Medical OfficerYou are one of the team Marine Medical Officers, able to provide life-saving first aid and even emergency battlefield surgery if needed. Your squad tends to have your back because they know they’ll need you to patch them up when the shit starts flying.
Personality / History
"There are a million and one ways to die in space," Russ states smiling. "From exposure to vacuum or strange contagions to hostile organisms or getting accidentally shot by a drunken fool. In all these scenarios, I am the one carrying the Surgical Kit and Naproleve," declares Russ holding up his Surgical pack. "When someone suffers trauma, it's the first few minutes that matter most. If someone survives long enough to make it to a med-pod, I have done my job." Russ says with a grin.Russ used to be altruistic about Frontier medicine. Russ has witnessed enough to become worn out. Too many people in the Outer Veil are addicted to drugs. Most colonies are not up to health and safety regulations. That means more people get hurt. Russ's work is never done.
Corporate sends someone like Russ to take care of you, but that's okay. He'll be ready. Russ likes everything to be clean and to have every element of his life tidy and in order. He does not repetitively and obsessively sterilize things, but Russ also can get upset when something is out of order because order equals safety, hence security and safety. Russ reacts to people who make messes and move things around for no reason. Russ hates dealing with Rats, he knows that they carry disease. Russ thinks of them as dirty animals. Will kill them if he has the chance. Russ once helped cover up a war crime must ever know.
Marine nickname Jack of Spades
Stats / Skills
Attributes:3 Strength
4 Agility
3 Wits
4 Empathy
3 Medical Aid (Empathy)
1 Observation (Wits)
1 Survival (Wits)
1 Manipulation (Empathy)
1 Range Combat (Agility)
1 Close Combat (Strength)
Talent: FIELD SURGEON: You know the delicateart of stopping a wound from bleeding or treating grave injuries. You get a +2 modification to MEDICAL AID when treating someone who is about to die from a critical injury (see page 99).
Jack of All Trades is competently skilled at a lot of different types of work. Knows how to do a little bit of everything, but it sometimes comes at the cost of never having the time to master one particular skill. Imagine you’re a multi-tool, like a Swiss Army knife, as opposed to being just a screwdriver. A multi-tool can get the job done, but a good screwdriver does it better. +2 when assisting someone else or + 1 when the person uses any untrained skill this is not cumulative.
They call you “Watchful Six,” and you always know when there is someone on your tail, it even works in the air or ground. Gain the Watchful talent.
Signature Item and Gear
Signature Item: Deceased friend’s dog tags.Gear Worn: M10 Ballistic helmet Black, M3 personal armor with comm unit MB3, Standard Boots Samani, E-Series Watch, IMP Individual Marine Pack Military ID Key Tags (his form serves), Full Spectrum Binoculars: +2 to Observation, QTC Firebomb grenade x4, Surgical Kit, Naproleve x5, Neversleep Pills x10, TTNR Shoulder Lamp and Tactical Folding Entrenching Spade. 31/34 In 1 Survival Gear, Survival Kit, and Emergency Kit.
Tactical DP-12 FDE double barrel pump 12 Gage shotgun
ACTION: Tactical pump-action combat shotgun, the 12 Gauge is an optional weapon in use by the Marines. gauge 14 rounds in magazine tubes + 2 in chambers = 16 total with indicator windows Action. Reliable and direct, the FDE double barrel pump 12 Gauge is the gun you want to keep handy for close encounters.
. 357 Magnum Desert Eagle Mark XIXI Note: Reflex Sight, Integral Muzzle Brake, suppressor, armor pricing.
Tactical Folding Entrenching Spade: Can be used as a close combat weapon (bonus +1, base damage 2)
Standard shotgun rounds Note: Double Armor
Slugs Note: medium-range armor piercing.
Taser rounds Note: does not work against armor stun effect.
Frage-12 HE Note: armor pricing, Blast 5, medium range
.357 Magnum Desert Eagle Mark XIX. Note: armor pricing
.357 Magnum Desert Eagle Mark XIX. Note: suppressor
QTC Firebomb grenade Intensity 12 fire x4
Tactical DP-12 FDE double barrel pump 12 Gage shotgun: +2 bonus, 3 Damage, Range Medium, weight 1 cost $1,000 notes: +1 bouns optics, tactical light
.357 Magnum Desert Eagle Mark XIXI: +1 bonus, 2 Damage, Range Medium, weight 1 cost $7,00 notes: +1 bouns optics, suppressor -2 Observation, tactical light
Martin GPC Special 16 Style Rosewood Grand Performance Acoustic-Electric Guitar Ambertone
Buddy: Povel Vieregg Interstellar Systems Engineer and Communications Strategist - Nomad Exploration Team.Vieregg and Garrett met in the USCMC Colonial Marines on several missions. Chief Garrett was the team medic on the missions. He had not seen Vieregg in person in five years. For the last few years, Vieregg Povel pulled himself out of depression. Garrett had his troubles dealing with so much loss of Marines brothers. They started video calls with one other up again. Being battle brothers lending on one other in their troubled times.
Rival: Andrew Sparks - ICC Agent
The ICC has interfered one too many times and is not trusted. Garret has seen them sell out the Marines and other people too many times. They stabbed Garret in the back, kicked him to the side, and darn right left him to die. Garret has no love for the ICC or anyone who would work with them.
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Recent Activity

Mentioned in the post New Landing Zone Oct 8, 2024, 9:16pm
Mentioned in the post Maelstrom Oct 4, 2024, 8:27pm
Mentioned in the post Astryllis 179 System Scan Aug 16, 2024, 7:06pm
Mentioned in the post Morning Is Relative Aug 11, 2024, 8:48pm
Mentioned in the post Arrival at Astryllis 179 Star System Aug 11, 2024, 8:37pm
Mentioned in the post Pre-Flight Drink Aug 8, 2024, 9:38pm
Mentioned in the post Some History Aug 8, 2024, 9:17pm
Mentioned in the post Confrontation Aug 8, 2024, 9:02pm
Mentioned in the post Additional Crew Aug 8, 2024, 8:52pm
Mentioned in the post Last Supply Stop Before the Journey Aug 8, 2024, 8:38pm
Updated character profile Jan 23, 2024, 9:31pm
Updated character profile Jan 23, 2024, 9:28pm
Updated character profile Jan 23, 2024, 4:35pm
Updated character profile Jan 23, 2024, 4:31pm
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Updated character profile Dec 27, 2023, 8:47pm
Updated character profile Dec 27, 2023, 11:08am