New Landing Zone

JP with Omni and Redsword

Above the storm, the Nomad crew scanned the sensors and horizon for a safe landing zone. The snowstorm raged for miles across the frozen landscape below, a swirling wall of snow and ice that had already swallowed their view of the ground crew. Captain Yoshida stood at the helm, his eyes glued to the flickering readouts on the console. The data was coming in, but the planet's volatile surface made it difficult to pinpoint a stable location.

“We need solid rock. Something that won’t crack beneath us,” Yoshida muttered under his breath, fingers tapping a rhythm of urgency. The maps displayed the unforgiving icy expanse below, broken by jagged mountains and deep fissures that threatened to open like the maw of some ancient beast.

"I suggest we go adjacent to the storm, north and a bit east," Russ Garrett offered, pointing at the console display. "The storm’s coming from the east, so we should be elevated enough to see over the terrain once the weather clears. There’s a spot about 3,048 meters in altitude. It’s not far from the HTV’s last known location—10 to 15 minutes of flight, tops," Garrett added, checking the instruments. "SA-Miii, double-check me."

SA-Miii reviewed the data,. "He’s right. There’s a plateau there." The topographical data on the screen sharpened, revealing a dark rocky outcrop, standing against the blinding white of the surrounding ice fields. The distant pale yellow sun hung low in the sky. "Solid rock. High enough to avoid shifting ground, and close enough to the crew."

"The storm’s moving fast. If we land there, we’ll be out of the worst of it and won’t have far to travel once the storm clears," SA-Miii added calmly.

Yoshida nodded as he studied the map. "Best option we’ve got. Get us there. Fast, but steady. The last thing we need is to stir up more seismic activity on landing."

"Attention crew, brace yourselves for landing." Yoshida’s voice came over the comms as the ship groaned, its thrusters flaring to life. The Nomad banked to the northeast, heading for the plateau.

Meanwhile, Povel Vieregg lay rigid in his bunk, still clad in his compression suit, minus the helmet. Strapped in tight, his eyes were glued to the data feed on his terminal. He hated landings...ever since the accident. He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself as the ship neared its new landing zone.

"Thrusters at 40%, compensating for the storm, drift at one meter per second," announced Garrett, his voice calm and steady. He continued to report position and flight data to SA-Miii, ensuring the ship stayed on course. "Drift compensated, descent at one meter per minute." He flicked on the landing lights, though they barely cut through the storm. The ship shook as it fought the wind and ice, the sound of frozen particles scratching the hull like nails.

Garrett had seen landings in tough conditions throughout his career, especially during medevac missions, but SA-Miii was in a league of her own. He respected her skill immensely.

With a slight thud, the Nomad set down on the plateau’s rocky surface. Garrett knew that normally, they would tie the ship down, but in this weather, that wasn’t an option.

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