Astryllis 179 System Scan

Once everyone had awoken and been cleared by chief medical officer, Russ Garrett, they all took showers or otherwise dressed themselves to check in on their stations.

It’d been about 4 months and it all felt like just a freezer-dream. Now everyone had ‘thawed’ and prepared to do their part which typically included more than their own job. The crew was commanded by the Captain to assemble on the bridge as they approached the planet nearest to their position -- Planet XI of the Astryllis 179 star system.

CSCSS Nomad > B Deck > Bridge
Once they had all gathered on the bridge of the CSCSS Nomad, Captain Takezou Yoshida stood at the helm, his gaze steady on the planet ahead. He cleared his throat, drawing the crew's attention.

“Let's run a fresh scan of the system before we decide on our final approach. Stamfer, initiate a full-spectrum scan, and Vieregg, keep an eye out for anything unusual."

Stamfer took a sip from a coffee mug, "Initiating scans, Captain. Estimated time to completion: two shakes…” he tapped a few buttons. “…of a lambs…” he twisted a few knobs. “…tail."

The console hummed with activity as the crew watched the data stream in. The screen displayed a monochrome scan of the system, revealing several new celestial bodies.</p><p>----- Star System -----
Single G Class Yellow Main Sequence—radius up to 1.5 million km
Astryllis 179

----- Hot/Uninhabitable Zone -----
0 Planets

----- Habitable Zone -----
Planet I - Terrestrial
Moons: Unknown

Planet II - Terrestrial
Moons: 1

Planet III - Small Gas Giant
Moons: 4

Planet IV - Terrestrial
Moons: Unknown

Planet V - Terrestrial
Moons: 3

----- Cold Zone -----
Planet VI - Gas Giant
Moons: Unknown

Asteroid Belt - Dust Belt

Planet VII - Gas Giant
Moons: Unknown

Planet VIII - Gaseous Ice Giant
Moons: Unknown

Planet IX - Ice Planet
Moons: 5

Planet X - Gaseous Ice Giant
Moons: 5

Planet XI - Ice Planet
Moons: 4

Planet XII - Ice Planet
Moons: Unknown

*…closest celestial body…*

Name: TBD
Planet Type: Ice Planet
Position: XI
Planet Size: ~6,000 km diameter
Gravity: 0.6G
General Climate: Frozen

*…closer proximity is required for further details…*

< Prev : The Daughter He Never Had Next > : Planet XI - Geology