Arrival at Astryllis 179 Star System

As the CSCSS Nomad exited faster-than-light travel, the transition back to the fabric of conventional space-time was as seamless as it had been designed to be. The ship, now on the edge of the Astryllis 179 star system, seemed to pause momentarily, as if taking a breath before plunging into the next phase of its mission. Inside, the cryodecks began to hum to life, initiating the wake-up sequence for the crew, who had been in stasis for the duration of the journey.

The voice of SA-Miii echoed across the intercom in the dimly lit cryodeck. "Wake up, buttercups. We’re here, we’re here, WE ARE HERE. Welcome to the Astryllis 179 star system. Initiating wake-up protocol. Get your butts up, I’ll get the coffee started." There was an obvious difference in SA-Miii’s personality.

One by one, the cryopods hissed open, releasing a mist that swirled around the awakening crew members. Groans and sighs filled the air as they stretched and blinked away the fog of cryosleep, their bodies slowly adjusting to the sensation of movement and life once more.

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