Some History

CSCSS Senku'sha-Maru Outpost - Hangar
Joint Post with Lorem, Omni, and Redsword

Povel caught the confrontation between Garrett and the new ICC Officer out of his peripheral vision as he was ending his conversation with the two new synthetics. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. When he focused his attention on it, he could see that Garrett was the one out of line. Had something transpired between them to trigger the usually calm under pressure medical officer?

As Garrett walked off, Povel set his own course to intercept. “Hey Dusty,” he said in a jovial tone with a smile, hoping to disarm any residual anger the medic felt. “Showing everyone how to offend people in three sentences or less are we?” He couldn’t fathom why Garrett would so quickly show his cards to a new crew member; and most of all an ICC officer. Getting on their bad side could be disastrous.

His first comment was just an attempt to add some humor. He followed it up with, “You okay?”

Garret let out a sigh "That was a little much," admitted Garret. Looking back at everyone.

"The ICC betrayed my unit. Hell... the whole Corps, in a bad way. The ICC got away with it using money. They sold us out. We were to do a raid on a weapons dealer, rather bad one, terrorist type. The ICC tipped them off we were coming. We got ambushed by a company force we lost five marines. The marshals had it worse... 8 of them." Garret took a deep breath.

"This happened a few times. There was almost a civil war between the Corps and the ICC. In the end, our command lost their backbone and everything got swept under the rug," remarked Garret looking angry. "I will never let them do that to anyone else, fucking traitors," mumbled Garrett with disdain in his tone.

Povel gave Garrett a friendly and understanding nod. He could see how such events could lead to resentment for the ICC. “That’s awful to hear and a tough thing to wrestle with.” His expression was sympathetic.

“If you need a listening ear about it, just let me know. But in regards to the present… I imagine you became a superb medic because you took each patient on a case by case basis, instead of making broad brush sweeping diagnoses. Perhaps that would be a good strategy here as well, measuring his performance as an individual before labeling him in with those from the past?” Povel arched a brow and tilted his head a bit in curiosity of how Dusty would take this. It wasn’t always easy to rationalize or correct someone emotionally stressed.

Garret smiled. It was a mischievous smile. "You may be right, I gave him a chance. He is still breathing right?" His tone was plain, hard to know if he was being serious about the comment.

Povel grinned, a different look from his previous mature and serious temperament. It was triggered by Garrett’s mannerism and tone, reminding him of their days as Dusty and Debug.

“Letting people still breathe is a good start when meeting new people.” He chuckled. “But it seems like You’re getting soft in your old age.” Povel poked fun and simultaneously he was relieved that comedy had won over hot-headed shenanigans.

"I will let it go for now" replied Dusty "But Debug, if he does turn traitor, then you have to help me push him out of an airlock," said Dusty with a sly smile.

Povel whispered, “If he double crosses this crew, I doubt he will even make it to an airlock. Have you not met our captain yet?” He was showing his solidarity with his friend and their crew. “But just to be sure, for the time being we are all on the same team until proven otherwise … agreed?” Povel was referring to all the new additions.

"Hmmm... OK, well let us get a drink then. I am sure they have to have something on this bucket of bolts," suggested Dusty with a smile.

Debug smiled as well, “A drink sounds great, as long as it’s water.” He smirked. Back in the day he would partake like the rest of them, but these days no more alcohol.

Dusty smiled and replied. "Ya, ya, party killer," joked Dusty walking with Debug.

Povel turned back before they were too far from the group. “If anyone would like a drink, you are all invited to join us.” Povel made sure to end his eye contact chain with the ICC officer in order to let the man know that he was equally invited.

"Appreciate the offer," Sparks replied with a nod, his tone even and his face with a neutral expression. The young ICC officer stepped a little quicker to catch up to Povel. "Might just take you up on that. I don't object to a bit of camaraderie. Y'know, as long as we keep it sensible. Gotta keep a level head for launch. Besides... Wouldn't wanna waste the extra Hydr8tion. We'll need it for the cryo hangover," he ended with a smirk.

With that, the Nomad crew boarded, some of them headed for a drink before undocking procedures.

< Prev : Confrontation Next > : Pre-Flight Drink