Blind Choices

Anything made by Katia bearing Katia's symbol would forever curse the user into turning into a cat. Some say they turn into a cat because that was his daughter's favorite animal others say the wizard liked puns. After the curse was placed Katia's business dried up and she died a bum without even a single coin to her name. No one knows for sure if the curse is real but no one I ever met will agree to touch anything made by Katia." Tav backed away. "So um uh good luck with that."

Shi'za shrugged. "Pfft. Yeah right. Like I am going to fall for that."

Eve was now perched on Arc’s helmet while happily panting and wagging her tail. Arc was worried at how clueless Shi’za was when it came to cursed items. He then heard Tav’s tale of the maker of that cursed axe hammer and felt he had to say his piece as well. Arc replied, “Ummm…. Shi’za that weapon is clearly cursed. I can see the ominous aura leaking from it. I would advise not using it and finding a crew member to dispel the curse or it may become permanent.” Then Arc looked at Tav as he asked, “After we collected all the loot shall I signal Luna for the pick up?”


< Prev : Katia Katagiri the Cursed Blacksmith Next > : Tav was disappointed.