Recruitment for the Lord’s Alliance Military

Recruiters for the military was sent out across the city and country side looking for able bodied men, women, familiars, and constructs to fight the Mind Flayer menace coming from Baldur’s Gate which had fallen completely.

A recruiter walked into The Sleepy Sylph. He got up on a stage meant for a band. The tavern owner rang a bell normally meant to signal last call to get everyone’s attention.

“I come on behalf of the Lords’ Alliance to recruit any able bodied person into the military to fight the threat of the Mind Flayers from Baldur’s Gate. We are looking for people to join the military. We are looking for mercenaries. If you can fight we need you. Faerûn needs you. All of existence needs you. If you are willing to fight past crimes will be forgiven. If you are willing to fight meet at the castle. You will be given an assignment.

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