The Odd Couple

Arc was sitting in a corner of the room while sipping a pint of ale through a straw so he didn’t have to lift his helmet. He was listening to the other patrons sharing information and stories while drinking ale. As he listened to them he was in a place called Waterdeep and the tavern he was in was called The Sleepy Sylph. It puzzled him that he had never heard of this place before. He had done a lot of traveling in his time, so he knew of many places. Granted his memory was hazy, he could remember the places he visited and the scenery but all the people in his memory had blurred faces and he couldn’t remember their names, even his parents.

Luna on the other hand took a seat at the bar and was sipping her half pint of ale and juice as she was listening to the latest gossip. She needed a job and as an Artificer/Assassin, she had only a few jobs she could do.

Recruiters for the military was sent out across the city and country side looking for able bodied men, women, familiars, and constructs to fight the Mind Flayer menace coming from Baldur’s Gate which had fallen completely.

A recruiter walked into The Sleepy Sylph. He got up on a stage meant for a band. The tavern owner rang a bell normally meant to signal last call to get everyone’s attention.

Arc looked at the stage when he heard the bell ringing. He was curious what was going on. From the looks of things it resembled a recruiting method to gather mercenaries or a militia.

Luna looked up as the bell rang out of curiosity. She then had a clue as to what was going on as she listened to the man on the stage.

“I come on behalf of the Lords’ Alliance to recruit any able bodied person into the military to fight the threat of the Mind Flayers from Baldur’s Gate. We are looking for people to join the military. We are looking for mercenaries. If you can fight we need you. Faerûn needs you. All of existence needs you. If you are willing to fight past crimes will be forgiven. If you are willing to fight meet at the castle. You will be given an assignment.

Arc scratched his helmet as if it was his head. He was not sure what to do at this moment. However as he finished his ale and stood up he was bumped by several patrons getting up and heading out of the tavern.

Meanwhile poor Luna was trying to get up from the bar but got pushed around and since she was small, she popped up from her chair and sat on the bar table as she waited for the others to leave so she could head to the castle. It was then she noticed that some patrons were not going to the castle and hoping to make a run for safer place.

Once the rush calmed down Luna hopped off the bar table and onto the floor as a rather large paladin stopped by her and looked at her. Luna looked at the paladin with a curious expression and asked, “ You heading to the castle?” Arc replied, “Aye. Can you give me directions?” Luna shrugged and said, “I’m heading there too, so follow me.” Luna began walking when the paladin spoke, “Oh by the way my name is Arc.” Luna replied, “I’m Luna.”

Then the two began making their way to the castle behind a crowd of mercenaries and knights. As they walked they saw a separate group trying to run away from the tavern and heading to the gate.


< Prev : Recruitment for the Lord’s Alliance Military Next > : Stupid creep interrupting