Moving Forward

It was a cold morning as the sun breached the horizon and reflected on the armor. The sound of the birds cackling in the trees woke up the paladin in the armor. As the paladin sat up, he tried to rub his face but tapped his helmet instead. Then he removed his helmet so he could rub his face but it felt wrong. As he got concerned he looked at his helmet to see his reflection in the shiny metal. His heart sank as he saw a bony skull staring back at himself. The he removed his gauntlets as and gasped as he saw bony hands moving.

It took him some time to accept that he was no longer human. Then he decided to test his bony body by touching the grass s as and smelling it only to find his senses were normal. He then tested his magic in a small way so he didn’t burn down the forest. After trying to figure out what happened to him he realized he had trouble remembering his past and he ended up in a forest. The few things he could remember were he was a paladin named Arc and his equipment. Seeing as he needed some answers he put his gauntlets and helmet back on before trying to figure out which way to go. He picked up a stick and stood it up and let it fall down. Then he looked at the direction the stick was pointing towards and then shrugged as he began walking in that direction.

Meanwhile a rather short dark elf named Luna was carrying some odd tools and gear was walking down a dirt road to her destination. She was out of work and heard she could get hired as a freelance mercenary. Granted she was born into a clan of dark elf assassins she was lacking in talent. So she was exiled from her clan and was raised by a gnome Artificer who taught her his trade. Ironically she was rather talented as a creator. Life was good till her home and adoptive father were taken away from her. Since then she decided to work as a freelance assassin and artificer. She managed to earn some experience and moved from place to place to keep a low profile. She quietly pressed forward hoping to reach her destination.

Eventually Arc and Luna ended up in a place called Waterdeep. After asking around they ended up at The Sleepy Sylph. Arc was trying to act casual despite being a large paladin in shiny armor. Of course he dared not remove his helmet in front of the others since it would be way to hard to explain to others. Luna on the other hand found a quiet spot to drink a pint of ale.


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