A pissed off A.I.

After leaving the hawk and his little buddy Lisara went to the bridge. The bridge always made her just a little sad. It had workstations for numerous people but it was always just her and Mamma anymore and Mamma sometimes made her a little uneasy. She really wished they had used anyone other than her mother to create the new A.I. for the ship. It made it hard to grieve, she isn't sure if she still has fully grieved her second mother's passing even seven decades later.

"Mamma as soon as the hawk has his ship docked launch for..." She looked at her tablet. Before Lisara can finish looking at the tablet Mamma spoke up. "Coordinates for Jemdet set. I hate it when she does that. Just like mom always interrupting. So infuriating.

As soon as the hawk ship was docked. Mamma announced to the crew. "Launching for Jemdet in 3...2...1." The ship launched, everything not bolted down semi-violently shook. "Mamma could you go slower on the launch no need to take off that violently. What if the new crew has....motion sickness or something?"

Lisara knew it was a waste of her breath. She really didn't care if the new crew had motion sickness but her pet Flillly hated those violent take offs.


Flillly came running to Lisara and jumped in her lap. Lisara petted it. "It's okay Flillly." She kept petting the creature till it fell asleep.

Meanwhile in the Medbay. Vroo was horrified at the state of the medbay when she first walked in. It was so dirty it made her rush over to a sink to vomit. She was in the middle of hours possibly days long cleaning process when the ship violently took off. She was so taken off guard by the sheer violence of the take off that she was suddenly and unexpectedly expelled from her host body. Before Vroo could figure out why she could no longer feel her host and why the room suddenly look so different the host body had fallen and broke an arm. Vroo had no idea which way the medbay was. She was in a part of the ship she had never been. She began frantically searching in the wrong direction. She found herself in engineering. She really didn't want to expose herself to violent and angry personality of the dwarf but she had no choice. She possessed Piya and used her knowledge of the ship to figure out her way back to the medbay. She then dispossessed the dwarf and made her back. Crap that doesn't look good. Vroos possessed the comatosed body of Dr. Alhena Libra. Sorry Alhena no clue what happened. I'll get you patched up. Vroo fought through the pain to reset her arm and had a cast printed around the arm. "Thank goodness the printer still works." She called up to the bridge. "What is with he violent take offs? I broke my arm."

Lisara was pissed. "Sorry Doc. I'll have a stern talking to with Mamma." She forgot to cut off coms with the medbay. "Mamma see what you did, you broke the doctor's arm on her first frellin day on board. You're gonna get someone killed one of these days." Mamma just rolled her eyes. "It saves money." Lisara let out a groan of frustration. "I'll gladly pay twenty times more in crew salary to replace you." She then realized she said it out loud. "I'm sorry mamma. I didn't mean that. Don't be..." Mamma just huffed and turned her back to Lisara. Just great, me aWhat will she want this time?

Vroo was more than a little concerned by what she heard and already planned to quit the next time they docked or landed somewhere.

< Prev : Funeral Rites