Funeral Rites

Now Xshayarsha was just any ordinary fly, caught in a web without any hope of getting out. The bug sighed. "You got me there, Merin, sweetheart. You got me there." 

"I won't have you slime your way out of it either, is that clear?"

"Clear as Carolingian crystal." 

Nero and Tiye watched; it was clear the two had some kind of history. "So how are we going to stop the Securitate?" Nero asked. 

Just as Xshayarsha was about to reply, one of the exotic dancers raced into the room. "Xshayarsha, you're going to want to come outside. There's something in the sky," she explained, holding her stomach as she caught her breath. The four of them hurried out the Hideaway and looked up. A collection of white spheroidal spacecraft were descending from the sky. Tiye recognised what was happening right away.

"It's a Magellan craft cluster," Tiye explained; the voice through the interpreter collar couldn't emote how annoyed he was to see this. 

"Your people?" Nero asked. 

"Unfortunately, Nero, my people." 

"What the hell are they doing on Jemdet?" Xshayarsha demanded. 

Tiye turned around and looked at the bug. "If I had to guess someone, let them know that Abban is dead. They'll want to do things the proper way, the Magellan way." 

"Did you tell them?" 

"No, you insect-brained crook! We've only been here a few hours; whoever told them has known Abban was dead for at least a day." 

The largest craft landed in a clear section of Tramonto; somehow it avoided damaging any of the nearby buildings. It was definitely a Magellan at the wheel. A group of Magellan priests dressed in robes and already equipped with interpreter collars travelled down a ramp. One spotted Tiye immediately and began to approach him. "Tiye-Thancrat, it has been many years since I last saw you." 

"I could say the same Priestess Cloelia."

"I assume it was you who contacted us about the dreaded murder of Abban-Acacius. This cluster was prepared as soon as we were notified," the priestess said. She waved her tentacles about as she spoke. 

Tiye shook his head. "I did not inform you, I have only just arrived myself. Abban was a friend of this human, my shipmate Merin Viihan." Tiye pointed to Merin. She wasn't sure how to best greet a Magellan priestess, so she awkwardly bowed. 

"Priestess Cloelia, I came to Jemdet to seek the help of Abban." She had to think for a moment; she didn't know Abban had a full name, let alone that Tiye had one. "Acacius," she continued. 

"Why are you all here?" Nero asked. Tiye shook his head in shame—another stupid question from this mystery man. 

"We are here to perform the proper responsibilities of the Magellan culture. When one of our own dies on a distant world, our cluster will come and send the dead to the next realm. I, Priestess Cloelia-Cynebald, am master of the services. Now enough questions." Cloelia went up to Tiye and whispered to him. "Tiye-Thancrat, will you please escort us to Abban's final location?" 

"Only if Merin can come along. She knew him the best."

"If you insist, the human girl can come." The priestess went to Merin, explaining to her what Tiye had asked. She nodded and went with the Magellans.

"Xshayarsha, look after Nero for me!" Merin shouted as she walked away. Xshayarsha looked at the strange man and sighed. Today wasn't a normal day for either of them. 

The bug patted him on the back. "Come on, let's get you a drink. Nothing better to do." 

To Be Continued...

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