Skye Life - Hobo With a Gun

Unlike Serena, Cyd stuck to her guns when it came to Vas. Mathias brought home some antibiotics, and the punk was turned out with a few credits and some of Mathias’ old clothes in a string bag backpack. His gun was returned to him safe and sound. Disgruntled, Serena walked to the park with him contemplating the boy’s next move.

“You can camp out in the park…” Serena said, trying to be helpful.

“Too open.” Vas said he gait having a slight limp. He was still healing and he already was thinking about finding a defensible and safe place to hole up. “I don’t want to get into a fight with a hobo if I don’t have to.”

“Technically, you’d be a hobo too,” Serena said, matter of fact.

“True … but I’m a hobo witha gun.” Vas said with a sly smirk.

Serena scratched the back of her neck. “How do you feel about breaking and entering?”

“That it’s a misdemeanor and only counts as breaking and entering if the it’s considered a dwelling, owned or occupied.” Vas stated. “Why?”

“On account of one of these units is abandoned on account of the person living there owed too much rent and got kicked out.” Serena told him leading him around to the back of the building. I don’t exactly have the key, but me an’ the lock have an understanding.”

“I can’t exactly be picky and it’s probably way warmer in there then outside.” Vas admitted. “Is it far away?”

“Nuh uh, in the same row as our place, just down a bit and behind. I’ll show you,” she said, squeezing between a gate being held shut by a chain and lock. “Can you fit?”

Vas gavel the short and slim girl a look before looking a the gap between the gate. “Maybe when I was twelve.” Vas snorted stepping back. He surged forward leanp up, grabbing the top of the fen ce and smoothing going over and dropping down. He took in a sharp breath when he landed. “Oh … ow … ow … I think I pulled something. Yea … okay no more jumping around for the rest of the day.” He said taking deep breaths.

Serena winced for him. “Sorry Puppy,” she soothed, grabbing his sleeve. “It’s just a little bit this way.”

Vas nodded walking off the aches adn pains that still lingered. He did wonder did he get beat up that badly or was there something deeper wrong. He just felt off but Vas haad to remind himself it was only a day. He just needed food and lots of sleep. “Other then rats and roaches is there anyone else in there? Or is it just going to be me?” He asked curiously. Anything to keep his mind off his aching body.

“Just gonna be you. But don’t worry, I can be there most the time too. We’re only four units that way.” She pointed.

Vas couldn’t help but turn his head to look as if making sure the place she and her sibling lived hadn’t moved when he wasn’t looking. “Okay. But … what do we do now?” He felt very out place, it was at least cozy in the Skye’s house. Cramped but warm in more ways then one. It also felt safe.

Serena walked to the back of a unit which had what she and her siblings called a building boot. “When someone can’t pay their rent,” she explained. “The landlord puts this over the lock, an’ then you can’t get back in ‘til you make good on what you owe, sometimes with a lotta interest. And since hardly no one can do that, they just leave. “ She pointed to the large yellow box covering the entire door knob to the entrance. “This is Vas,” she told it. “He’s gonna be staying here. Say hello,” she added in a whisper, elbowing the punk.

“Oh … uh … Hi!” Vas waved obediently. “Can it really hear me?” He whispered to Serena.

Serena pushed a couple of buttons. “He is,” she said to no one, as the lock box popped open. “C’mon in,” She said, ushering him inside.

The layout for the most part was the same as the Skye’s apartment, without the addition of a bedroom. A thick layer of dust covered everything, and several creatures scurried about when the light hit.

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