BGG: Landing Zone Part 4

Dogo slowed as he approached Mal in the water killing the engine. Eyes and gun still trained on the girl he reached down to help Mal up.

Mal pushed Cain towards the boat first, the green-haired man barely hanging on to consciousness before he grabbed Dogo’s hand and pulled himself into the boat. Gunshots whizzed overhead from the shore, followed by the whirr of Jetski engines.

Dogo sharply whistled and yanked the card to kick over the engine, sharply spinning around and gunning it.

“Friend of yours?” Mal called to Dogo, nodding his head to Nikita as he ducked his head down and tended to Cain. He loosened the shirt under Cain’s vest in an attempt to help his breathing.

Dogo gave his brother a withering glare. He revved the engine louder looking over his shoulder to see who he was going to have to shoot.

Three Jet ski’s were closing in quickly, well armed, well dressed men approaching the small boat.

Nikita had fallen backwards as Dogo gunned the engine, knocking her off balance.

“I’d keep your head down,” Mal advised, raising his voice above the engine. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but Dogo had his gun trained on the green haired girl, so Mal kept a cautious eye on her as he tended to Cain.

Nikita nodded, holding tight to the perimeter rope so she wouldn’t be thrown from the craft, and the men on jet ski’s began firing.

Dogo crouched down as he sharply zigged zagged the little boat. It was hard hitting a moving target then going in a straight line. He peeked over. Dogo let out a sharp breath, deciding that guys with guns were more dangerous than a bikini-clad Jenny. Turning his attention and gun towards the pursuers.

Mal popped his head over the side to fire at the approaching skiers, keeping his other hand on Cain, whose breaths were coming in shallow bursts. “Hang on, hang on hang on,” Mal told him, firing another three round burst towards the would be attackers.

“Chopper,” he called to his brother.

Dogo gave an exasperated huff. He holstered his gun switching this rifle, switching the clip to one with a red table around the bottom edge. He whistled to switch with. That chopper had to go.

Mal made a circular motion with his hand, and moved to the back of the boat.

“On three?” He called to Dogo.

Dogo manuver the boat in position giving his brother a nod

Mal signed 1, 2 and on 3 he let out a scream so loud, it propelled the boat forward. The chopper flipped end over end, as the concussive blast disrupted the rotary blades. The pilot fought to stabilize it, but it ended up nose-down diving into the water.

The small craft rocketed forward, careening up on its side with the sudden momentum. Nikita held tight to the rope and looped her legs around Cain’s shoulders to prevent the unconscious man from flying out of the boat.

Dogo fought with the engine to keep the multiple forces from tipping them over or crashing into the chopped as it crashed into the water. The boat went momentarily airborne d as it crested the swell created by the chopper crashing.

Satisfied that the chopper was taken care of, Mal dove for Cain, immediately checking his pulse. Only one jet skier remained, with both a rider, and a passenger, the latter which began spraying bullets towards the raft.

Dogo wasted no time, focusing, on the bounce and swell of the auction. The inertia of the boat. The weight of the rifle. It all coalesced into a predictable pattern. Time slowed in his mind's eyes giving him more than enough time to place his shot before squeezing the trigger. It was like shooting pool. Cept with bullets and heads.

Smoke poured from the small water craft, with Dogo having succeeded in running it…, their own helicopter was waiting for them around a bend. “Everyone good?” Mal called out.

Dogo made a quick motion. Shorthand for ‘Tangos Down’. Still he kept eye making sure nothing new came to throw yet another monkey wrench into their escape. The chopper was a welcomed sight as he maneuvered closer.

Mal clamored in first, turning and holding his hands down for Dogo. He whistled to his conscious brother, pointing to Cain.

Dogo pulled up Cain who seemed more out of it then with it and grunted, boosting him up as Cain fought trying not to turn into a ragdoll. Dogo waited for Mal to secure Cain before waiting for him to give him a hand up.

Mal mentioned to Dogo to ask him about the Jenny in the boat. “Girl?” He signed.

Dogo ground looking from the girl to Mal back to the girl and then to Mal. ‘So we have to?’ he already knew the answer but he was still salty about her stealing their boat and punching him.

Nikita looked to the island, then over to Dogo. She had no plan, the small raft wouldn’t get her anywhere without running out of gas. The thought of being adrift for days, slowly dehydrating loomed over her. She gave a pleading look. If they left her, she survived being shot at only to die alone in the ocean.

Dogo gave a sharp snort. Leaving the girl behind felt on the same level as kicking a puppy. He held a hand out to give her a boost to the chopper.

Nikita eagerly took his hand, happy to be getting off the island, with… wasn’t the green haired guy at the rave Olin DJ’d? She decided asking could hold off. Mal helped her into the chopper before reaching for Dogo’s arm to do the same. Cain needed help, and fast.

Mal radioed into Kimura as the pilot took off. “Mission success, but Charlie took a face full of Carbon Copy. Mike and Delta five by five. Bringing lost sheep Jenny,” he said into the com. “Charlie unconscious, labored breathing, attempting to stabilize.”

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