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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Cyd Skye

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
Skye Life - One Night Only
“Do you know what happed? How I got here? Like this?” Vas whispered to Serena.
“Normally it’d be when a man an’ a woman got together an’ didn’t use protection, but in your case, I think you were made in a tank,” Serena informed him. “Outta genetically altered DNA.”
“No, no meant all busted up.” Vas clarified.
“Oh!” Serena said, with an embarrassed giggle. “Yeah. You were shot, an’ prolly beat up.”
“By who?” Vas pressed leaning a bit forward. Which was a mistake because everything reminded him to just stop moving.
Serena did the same, leaning forward closer to him. “I dunno,” she said in the same tone he’d used. “They had to be pretty tough though on account of you guys are made of some pretty stern stuff. I don’t wanna run into whatever it was kicked your ass.”
That didn’t sit well with Vas for some reason and it showed on his face. “I’m supposed to go somewhere, think, I … can’t … quite remember it.” He said looking at Serena hoping she would know. He felt stupid because for some reason all he could think of was the sauce you put on fish and the name of that sauce also escaped him at the moment.
“Elysium?” Serena asked. “The City?” The Metro? Back to …” She sat back on her heels, holding back her words.
Vas shook his head at each of the opinions. His eyes a lost as he wracked his brain a pensive look on his face as he struggled. Vas looked up as Serena when she paused waited expectantly for more options.
“I think your sandwich is ready,” Serena whispered, not offering any more options.
Vas perked up, easily distracted given how hungry he way. He would wheel back to this conversation later, his belly was calling the shot now and it was looking for the food. Healing was alot of work and hard work always made him hungry.
“What do you mean tank born?” Cyd asked, looking at Vas. “Don’t you have anything to add?”
Vas happily accepted the food but looked up cluelessly to Cyd. “Oh … uh … I don’t have an credits. These aren't my pants either.” He said looking guiltily over his sandwich.
“Not Creds wise,” Cyd said, losing patience. “How do you know Serena?”
Vas went to open his mouth closed it, looked to Serena for help. “She brought me here …” He stammered.
“On account of he was shot and had his ass kicked,” Serena offered helpfully.
“Before that. She said she knew you when she was ten? That’s when she came here. So, you must know where he’s from,” she said, looking this time to Serena who once again locked her lips. “What attacked you?”
Vas visibly struggled for that answer. “I … I … don’t know. But Serena said it must have been bad.”
“Yeah, on account of he’s usually pretty tough. And that was just back when he was a pup. And short.” Serena explained.
“I feel like im missing something. A few things actually.” Vas said shifting in his seat a big. The nagging feeling eating at him.
“You’re not the only one,” Cyd said warily, eyeing Serena. “We can’t help if we don’t know what we’re up against, and we don’t really have any means to protect him.
“We have his gun,” Serena offered.
“Moisture is bad for the gun. Can we put it somehwere else?” Vas asked as if he was talking about some kind of safety blanket.
Serena said “okay,” at the same time Cyd said “no.”
“He might need it if what kicks his ass comes looking for him,” Serena said, crossing her arms.
“Right, that,” Cys said rolling her eyes, but the gun was moved to a kitchen cabinet for safe keeping.
Mathias grumpily passed a protein paste sandwich to Vas before sitting down on the broken couch which made a horrible noise. He sank into the couch and let out a loud sigh the only solace was his cup of vodka which he had more than earned.
Vas took a bite out of his sandwich. “Do you want me to dissemble it?” He offered. Really it was just any excuse hold it. Part of him hope maybe it my trigger a memory or something. Vas had a attachment to the gun he couldn’t yet explain but at least knowing where it was now helped. “Don’t you have a gun?” He asked Cyd.
“We have a bat,” Serena said, at the same time Cyd was adding “what we have is irrelevant.” She glared at Serena.
Vas took another bite looking between the two. “A bat is good … “ He mumbled. Though not as good as his gun. “... bats don’t need reloading.”
“I bedazzled it,” Serena said proudly. “An’ you shoulda seen Mathias use it the other night. He swung for the fences!”
Mathias lifted his cup like he was toasting before taking a sip.
Cyd folded her arms. “One night.” She relented. “When Mathias-” she glared at her brother who was currently drowning his sorrows in vodka, “gets him the antibiotics, Vas, I’m sorry but we send you on your way after that.”
“You can stay in Isaac’s room,” Serena offered. “It’s more of a hall closet, and you prolly aren’t gonna fit great, but it’s better than the tub.
“One night,” Cyd repeated.
“That’s what they said to me,” Serena giggled.