This page is for important game rules and additional information that's too long for the game description on the homepage.

Posted by : on Jul 11, 2024, 4:06am


A dystopian/cyberpunk story with elements of magic, mutants, and a touch of fantasy



We are currently not accepting new players until further notice.

The World

A global pandemic altered the DNA of much of the population which went largely unnoticed for a generation, but a recessive gene labeled AC17 gave abilities to some of their offspring. While Altered Carbon individuals weren’t outlawed - per say - using their abilities were. The majority of these individuals were denied citizenship, and cannot leave the boundaries of Arkangel. This world will include magic and some elements of fantasy. (Looking at you, Shimo!) The Governing body of Arkangel is called Arknet which boasts a powerful and extensive network of exotechnology. The structure itself is Totalitarian, Citizens have freedom to come and go, while the undocumented are relegated to life in the Sprawl.

Arkangel itself is divided into the City (an expansive array of high rise buildings and neon advertisements), the Outer Beaches (Such as Cali Beach) where citizens enjoy oceanfront views and surfing, and the Sprawl - an overcrowded expanse of densely packed housing units, shanty towns, and a sizeable homeless population.
The most common means of transportation are the Rail (An above the ground Monorail system) and the Metro, (an cheaper but more dangerous way to travel, an extensive subway system beneath Arkangel itself.)

Outside of Arkangel, the world exists as modern day. Only citizens are allowed to leave the cities borders.

World Building As We Go


Right now, we are not accepting new players/characters.

This is a separate entity from our game December. The idea was an alternate universe take with some of our favorite characters from other games and genres, with no intent on creating other universes within. The majority of posts are collaborations between Winters & Blitzen.