Elly's Story continues...EL#2

As usual for a Friday night, the club was roaring. Glam and glitter was everywhere, so much wealth on display. Some real, most not. The little Redhead, the Blonde's companion was also flashing a gold credstick, arrogant in her attitude that she was safe; that the big bad's of the 'Plex were safely under the thumb of Lone Star and the club's slick looking Sec'boys like the one who'd been too intent on chatting up a joytoy by the back door, her chrome colored hair rippling and seeming to change color in the flashing lights.

Red waved to a couple of Salarymen wearing Fuchi Industrial Electronics' pins on the lapels of their Stefano Ricci suits as she eased into the open spot at the corner of the bar nearest Elly's corner. She wrinkled her nose at the tall, human male who, based upon his size, was more than likely heavily wired. An enforcer or protector, or, perhaps, an off duty Secman.

Off to the left, was a row of semi-private booths, most Elly knew, were leased by the club's owners to wealthy clients. Fixer's and Paid Plotters. The nearest had the privacy curtain drawn, showing it's occupant and her two hired muscle. The dark haired Fixer was an ebony Elf with the street name of Lady Nightshade.

Back at the bar, Red was flirting with the one of the FIE Salarymen who'd joined her. He jostled the off duty Secman to get closer to Red, whom jostled back, just enough to knock a silvered credstick from FIE's pocket. It bounced once and then seemed to roll closer to Elly's corner.

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