Biz is Biz, usually, anyway p.4

Normally she didn't pay all that much attention to the hired help, after all, they didn't concern her, but the Kenny types can be troublesome. Her expression showing her feelings, Cara made her way towards the left side of the club where the row of booths were located.

Moving with grace despite the busy nature of the club goers around her, Cara caught a glance of Kojack. The man had been sniffing around her family for as long as she could remember. Some sort of freelance news hack, her mother had called him. Her father openly ignored him, as far as she knew, anyway.
Still, Cara had no interest in the pot-bellied male or any sure to be invasive comment he would have to say, but if he was here...

Someone she vague knew waved and called her name, earning a weak wave and a feigned smile but kept moving.

She soon came up against another obstacle.

"Oy, dis area reserved." The deep, gravely voice belonged to the wall of well dressed muscle standing in her way.

Nose wrinkling, Cara thought Troll...and she was right. She has plot armor, after all;).

"Good evening, Hank. Is the Lady here?"

"Hey, missy," said the second Troll slowly clearing Hank's orbit. She fought an urge to grin. "Hey, Terrance. Nice to see you."

Hank snorts. "She wan's to see The Lady."

"Tha Lady will wanna see her," Terrance said to his fellow Defender. "She's sayin' as much, what with all tha' hand wavin' and glarin'."

This crew both Cara and Hank's attention towards the half lit booth - well, more alcove than booth, but you get the picture - and the unamused expression of employer and aunt, you sort that one out, eh?;p

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