Biz is Biz, usually, anyway p.3

The club was busy. So was the lights and the noise. A one-two punch to the brain on first contact, which is why Cara had closed her eyes before entering the club's main space. It took the over dressed Ork lounging nearby to spot her and stiffen slightly. Cara worked to keep a frown off her face. Oh, what was the dufoos's name? Karth; no, Kenny? Something like that. She'd been briefly introduced to him during her last visit. Well, if he has half a brain... nope.

Kenny was coming her way, "Miss - "
"I'm here to see my aunt." Her one was stiff enough that she'd hope he'd take the hint and beat feet.

The big - he was big, even for an Ork - security guard's head bobbed, the chrome plating his tusks flickering in the chaotic lighting. "She here," his big hand waved across the main floor, nearly hitting a passing server.

"Yes, I know, elsewise I would not be here, yes?"
Kenny blinked, and then grinned and nodded. "I take you to her."
"I can find my own way, but thank you, Kenny was it? Nice speaking with you."

Turning her back, Cara walked deeper into the club, leaving the big doofus gawking at her back.

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