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View character profile for: Syd Nelson

View character profile for: Celia Warren-Cunningham
Tap tap tap went Syd's fingers as he continued to decrypt the holotapes, he was already on the last disk. The first two had been nothing more than some confidential finance information belonging to the local branch manager of the Prometheus Coal company. The commercial hub was busier now, as the morning had progressed new people had wandered in. With a few more taps and clunks the last tape was accessible, slowly the information loaded. The computer salesman stood beside him and peered in closer, watching an image appear on the screen. "What is that?" the seller asked.
"I have no idea mister, no idea at all." Finally it finished loading, a line of text at the bottom of the screen read Sherwood Research Facility. Above it was a map of said facility, a labyrinth of different rooms and corridors. "Sherwood? Ring any bells?"
The seller scratched at his chin as he thought for a moment, then he remembered something, pulling it out from the back of his brain. "Sherwood, there was an old city called that. It neighbours Chehalem. I've searched around there a long time ago, but it wasn't a very pleasant place. Dark, miserable and a haven for undesirables."
"Sounds like a heck of a place, did you ever visit a facility there?" Syd asked. The seller quickly shook his head.
"If this place exists and we can find it we might be onto something here."
"Is this bonus worthy information?" Syd grinned.
"Sure is. There's nothing scavengers and explorers like more than a treasure map. This is valuable information right here," the seller explained. He pulled out a couple more hundred caps from his register. "I'll give you an extra two hundred caps for it."
"That'll do me," Syd Nelson pulled the caps towards himself as he stood up. "It's been a pleasure working for you sir, if you ever need any more help you just ask."
"That reminds me I never did get your name son?"
"Syd, Syd Nelson. Pleasure doing business with you," Syd waved goodbye to the seller and went in search of the woman who had sold them their new clothes. As he was walking around he heard the two front doors swing open as a familiar face walked in. It was the warden, joined by a group of Willamette police. Quickly Syd hid behind a pillar.
One of the commercial hub's guards walked over to warden Warren-Cunningham. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" He held his hand to the side of his holster, the Willamette police had a habit of being unpredictable. "You have no right to wander in here. Renne isn't under your jurisdiction ma'am." Celia laughed in the guard's face.
"We are here in case the people of Renne are harbouring fugitives from the Molalla Processing Center. You may have heard we had a break in," Celia looked at the guard, bringing her sunglasses further down the bridge of her nose.
"Even if we did have your fugitives we have no reason to hand anyone over to you. Like I said: Renne isn't under your jurisdiction." The guard's voice was getting shakier the longer he spoke. "No matter how many times your people harass us, the people of Renne enjoy being independent. We're not interested in joining the Willamette. Now, do me a favour and leave."
"I'm sure you won't mind us looking around though, you've got to think of the security of your own people. Let us do you a favour."
"I would know if any criminals were here, now will you all fuck off!" The guard was done with them, he raised his rifle and pointed it at the group. "This is your last warning, leave now."
[OOC] Note to any players in the Prometheus Coal Building facing the Willamette police will not be easy. They are well armed and can't be easily gunned down before anyone tries to make things too easy.