Showing posts 31 - 45 of 63

The trackless waste

Mar 13, 2024, 11:53am by Inkantrix

Having spent the last of their day tending to the badly treated horse, there really is no time to find a good camping spot. They have to settle for a pebble beach alongside a dry arroyo that ...


Mar 12, 2024, 5:54am by RoyTxxx

"Let's spend a few minutes looking for the best place to camp." Kailus suggests as he looks around. "We can't drive our mounts in the dark for the risk of driving them lame with uneven groun ...


Mar 11, 2024, 10:17am by Inkantrix

The horse is lethargic at first, but as Kailus dribbles water into its mouth, it revives a little, enough to stand up, though its legs are still shaky. Slowly the guards let the animal drink ...

Kailus: Let's save it

Mar 6, 2024, 4:18am by RoyTxxx

"I would never leave a horse to die this way." Kailus begins, "No matter how it behaved. I vote we save it. An hour of extra riding is not going to make a lot of difference to us, given the ...

Tracks in the desert

Mar 5, 2024, 5:14pm by Inkantrix

The tracks are old and scuffed, hard to read, but Kailus chances upon a set of hoof prints up the hill that not only show the way to the northeast but also have a distinct nail pattern in th ...

We Ride

Mar 3, 2024, 4:36am by RoyTxxx

Kailus nods at Venya in thanks and mounts up, sighing to himself at his turn of fortune. Now, he was no more that a scout to a band of expendable mercenaries, according to the words of Ibn a ...


Mar 2, 2024, 5:26pm by Daddycool

Venya nudged her mount forward past the corpse leaning from the saddle to retrieve her thrown weapon before turning back. She watched the guard approach from the caravan, taking the offered ...

They were waiting for him

Mar 1, 2024, 7:10am by RoyTxxx

Kailus stands up from his examination. "They waited for him and then killed him as he approached. Finishing it of with a sword. And then they searched him. If he had some sealed message, th ...

Inspecting the body

Feb 29, 2024, 8:06am by Inkantrix

The snake hisses and rattles in warning, but as no one moves within striking range, it soon glides out of sight into the scrub brush moving swiftly to escape the threat of armed warriors. ...

OOC - Messge

Feb 24, 2024, 11:26am by Daddycool

No sent a message to your registered e-mail addy. ...

OOC - Inbox?

Feb 24, 2024, 9:33am by Inkantrix

Sorry, I find this site not very intuitive. Do I have an Inbox? I don't see one. I will try to post to the game a couple of times a week. ...


Feb 21, 2024, 5:49pm by Daddycool

Inkantrix can you check your inbox.. ...

Steady now

Feb 21, 2024, 5:47pm by Daddycool

Venya turned her head in the direction of the body and the now visible snake. She pulled back on her reigns and edged her mount and Kailus's back out of the immediate area and away from the ...


Feb 21, 2024, 4:06am by RoyTxxx

Kailus jumps back and away from the range of the snake. "Back away, give it space." he warns the others, "It might not attack, It just wants to escape." No sense in combat if it can be av ...

OOC - Links are fine for me

Feb 20, 2024, 5:12pm by RoyTxxx

I've seen pictures in links and also text maps, so whatever is easiest. ...

Showing posts 31 - 45 of 63