Tracks in the desert

The tracks are old and scuffed, hard to read, but Kailus chances upon a set of hoof prints up the hill that not only show the way to the northeast but also have a distinct nail pattern in the shoe – probably the messenger's mount since the other horses -- as you begin to recognize them – have old, badly worn shoes.

It is past mid-afternoon as the recruits follow the trail over a ridge line and into a wide valley beyond. There is a dried-up stream bed in the valley, but no water. The tracks head due north now along the old waterway and the sun is sitting on their left shoulder.

The ambush gang – there seem to be at least three distinct tracks – are making no attempt to cover their tracks, though the wind has covered some sections of the route. They are riding in a direct line. Best estimate – three days have passed.

At one point you come across signs of a scuffle. Someone has been thrown from a horse – the messenger's horse it looks like. A league father on, you see a similar scene, and beyond that, you come across a horse lying down. It has been tied to a sage bush and left to die of thirst. It is the messenger's horse. It is not yet dead, and if you give it one day's worth of your water, you can revive it (50% of the original amount). The saddle and tack are still on the horse with fancy saddle bags.

It is a much better horse (or will be if saved) than the ones you are currently riding. But even if you revive it with half your water it will not be well enough to carry you until after a day or more of good treatment.

To save the horse you will need to stop now. If you kill it or leave it, you can ride another hour yet before it gets too dark.

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