
"Let's spend a few minutes looking for the best place to camp." Kailus suggests as he looks around. "We can't drive our mounts in the dark for the risk of driving them lame with uneven ground, and we certainly can't track the bandits that we are chasing."

Assuming that they find something at least acceptable, Kailus sets up a 2 hour watch rotation around a fire. The Scrub bush must be able to provide firewood, and he has flint and tinder to start a fire.

"We should tie the horses together, and to something solid, a bounder or something. Tomorrow we need to rise early and continue out tracking."

OOC: Not sure how many of us there are, so can't define the rotation any more than two hours. I'm assuming at least 8, so 2 people for 2 hours means an 8 hour rest period.

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