
Smith smiled as his eyes wandered over each of the women in front of them. He had to admit he found the me to attractive even if he didn't swing towards ghouls often.

"If you ladies follow me I'll take you down to the war room and we'll discuss he the information we've got." He replied leading them to the elevator and getting in.

"To answer your question I'm from vault 21 The experiment was basically locking a bunch of gamblers in a vault to see what happened. As it turns out gambling makes a great way to debate and solve issues. For the most part the vault was successful until house came in and took over gutted most of it and filled with concrete but the first couple of floors are still available as a hotel if you'd like to check it out. As for other vaults I'm not sure if there's still any active ones in the Mojave but I've heard from some contacts of rumors that there are some active vaults on the East and West Coast.

Exiting the elevator He led them into a room filled with different weapons and armors as well as a map of the Mojave with several areas marked off.

"So my two pre-war vault dwellers and Brotherhood princess let's get down to business. Now I don't know what the old man told you about So we'll start from the beginning. Right now you got three main players in the Mojave there's House, the new California Republic, and Caesars Legion. Now both latter factions have the manpower to take over the Mojave hence why House wants to even the playing fields and that's where the platinum chip comes in. It's a data discontaining a program needed to upgrade his robot army and once he gets all of his forces up and running he'll be able to decide who he wants into the Mojave. Now against my better wishes the old man decided to trust the Platinum chip in the hands of a courier who's now 6 ft under and the package was stolen by a cat named Benny One of his employees who's looking to move up in the world if you catch my drift our job is to track it down and bring it back here any questions?"

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