Image of Elisenda Chandler

Summary: Inverse the polarization to increase the reverse oscillation output.

Elisenda Chandler

Gender: Female

Age: Chronologically: 238, Biologically: 31 (at the time of ghoulification)

Group: Wastelanders

Physical Appearance


Enclave, Vault-Tec, Human Rebellion on an alien planet


Weapons: Alien blaster pistol, Alien atomizer, Alien disintegrator
Armor & Apparel: Vault-Tec University jumpsuit, Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV, alien cybernetic prosthetic legs, full set of heavy leather armor (do not ask where the leather came from or why it is that shade of green)

Personality and interests

Elisenda has always found the world around her boring, it was only when she was abducted and enslaved that she finally found true fulfillment in her work. Now that has ended, she fears it will be nothing but drudgery and tedium until one day she blows her brains out.


Nuclear fusion, Engineering, Mathematics, guns, Xenotech Expert


Elisenda Chandler was a child genius. Throughout her undergraduate time in college, she won several scientific prizes. She graduated from college with two bachelor’s degrees by the time she was eleven. In the summer after her senior year, she was approached by a woman in a suit that screamed I work for the government. This woman offered her opportunities that Elisenda found impossible to turn down, so she joined the Enclave. She transferred schools for her doctoral work because of the opportunities this woman offered. In her spare time, she was able to work on secret projects involving alien technology. It was the first time she even came close to finding fulfillment in her life.

After receiving two doctorates, Vault-Tec approached her to become a professor at its university. Elisenda toured the facilities. She said she needed the weekend to think it over but what she really needed was time to consult with her Enclave handler. The two eventually agreed it was a promising idea to have her spy on Vault-Tec University. Elisenda told Vault-Tec she would teach at their university under the condition that her parents got accepted into a control Vault no matter what. Vault-Tec was more than happy to agree to that condition, mostly because there was no way for Elisenda to know for sure if her parents got in.

While teaching at Vault-Tec University she also took some classes officially because they intrigued her, she was only doing it to relay information about the classes, teachers, and students back to the Enclave. One day during Christmas break shortly after getting her license a car driven by a drunk on the run from the cops plowed into her. She saw it coming but there was nowhere she could go, there was a traffic jam in front of her and people were waiting for the jam to clear behind her. She tried to get out of the car but was not fast enough. Her legs were crushed, and doctors had to amputate her legs above the knee.

She became convinced that the drunk who nearly killed her was an assassin sent to kill her and was trying to make it look like an accident. She became a recluse after the accident, teaching her class over the phone, while a teaching assistant handed out papers, and whatever other physical activities needed to be done. The teaching assistant would come by every day after the last class to deliver and pick up anything necessary for the next class.

Elisenda was abducted in the middle of the night over the summer. One day at the beginning of a new year, the teaching assistant showed up to get everything for the first class only to find the house deserted with a layer of dust several inches thick. When the teaching assistant questioned the various people who helped take care of the house, they reported that one day they reported to work and Elisenda had disappeared without a trace, neighbors said the same thing. After reporting the disappearance to Vault-Tec University’s president, the president checked the security cameras which showed nothing. Police were called in to investigate but the case had no clues at all, and it was left unsolved.

She woke up on an alien planet, the aliens quickly realized she was a super human based on her intelligence compared to the others who were little more than monkeys to the aliens. Elisenda was forced to work for the aliens, she knew she was their slave, and she knew they would kill her if she ever displeased them, but she enjoyed the work. She really loved the super advanced alien prosthetics they gave her, finally, she had her mobility again, not clumsy awkward prosthetics that she never could get to work right or using a wheelchair.

When the rebellion started, they increased security around the facility where she worked. Eventually, the rebellion came to her building, she knew the rebellion tortured and killed collaborators, she technically was one, but it was either that or death. She had to find a way to ensure her survival, or she was dead for sure and everything she did would have been for nothing. She only saw one way to ensure her survival, but she really hated that idea. First, she destroyed any evidence of her collaboration and then she strapped herself into one of the machines they used to probe specimens and turned it on. It was absolute torture, luckily, she was only in for a few minutes before she was rescued.

For the next three years, she fought alongside the rebellion until they left the planet. She was woken up early one day when the alien ship's drive core started acting up. After she ran a diagnostic, she discovered it was on the verge of going critical. She knew how to fix it, but it meant going inside the engine room full of alien radiation. It was a death sentence for whoever went in there. Elisenda knew she was the only one capable of fixing it. She briefly took the engine offline and ran several programs she invented that would execute upon engine restart which would improve the engine’s performance. She sealed off the area around the engine for a period that would allow the radiation to dissipate. After fixing the engine she went into the control room to watch the improved engine and to die.

She eventually fell asleep, during her sleep her body underwent ghoulification, she had no clue how much time had passed, and she assumed it was a few minutes or an hour. Then she saw her reflection in the glass of a monitor. She was horrified at her new appearance; it was inhuman and grotesque. Her very appearance made her sick to her stomach. She stayed hidden away from the rest. Everyone assumed she was dead; she was determined to die there. She grew bored of waiting for death and began going over the monitors. Either she miscalculated how much time she spent asleep, or she miscalculated how much time it took for the alien radiation to dissipate. The alien radiation was almost completely gone. If her radiation dissipation calculation were correct, she would have been asleep for roughly ninety-eight years.

She eventually left the control room, and the first sign of life she discovered was the dead alien pilot. It had not been dead for long, she guessed roughly a few minutes. She heard someone running. She followed the person running to the bridge in time to see the last human aboard teleport off. She worked out the mechanism for teleportation herself. She did not care where she teleported to, so she just teleported to the last destination programmed in, someplace in Nevada if she was not mistaken. She teleported to the Vegas area, she was not surprised at all by the state of the Earth, she assumed it would have been worse if she were honest.

Favourite Sayings

"Quite right, you custodian of criminality. For I am not Candy, the captivating companion. It is I, the Mistress of Mystery. I have clouded Paulie's paltry perceptions, to gain access to your den of depravity."
"Treacherous toad! You defiled my sacred sanctum? For that you will feel my fury! Behold the Blade of Bastet!"
"Indeed, stalwart Shroud! But that malformed murderer was but a moppet compared to the malignancy of the Mechanist."

Favourite food

Junk food of all types

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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Elisenda Chandler
Mentioned in the post Blue boy meets Blue girl Jul 1, 2024, 8:42pm
Mentioned in the post New Hires Jul 1, 2024, 5:26am
Mentioned in the post What the hell? Where are all the people? Jun 29, 2024, 3:36pm
Mentioned in the post Three New Old Souls in the Mojave Jun 28, 2024, 7:57pm
Updated character profile Jun 28, 2024, 8:30am
Mentioned in the post