Image of Smith

Summary: Loyalty to the highest bidder


Gender: Male

Age: 35

Group: Wastelanders

Physical Appearance

Tan skin
Red eyes
Black hair.


House (for now)


Armored Vault 21 jumpsuit.
Plasma defender

Personality and interests

Scheming, flirtatious, bloodthirsty.


Energy, sneak, unarmed, melee, speech.


Born and raised in Vault 21. After house took it over Smith would find himself in service to the man acting as a liaison and someone who could get things for him.

Favourite Sayings

Make me an offer

Favourite food

Deathclaw steak

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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Smith
Mentioned in the post Blue boy meets Blue girl Jul 1, 2024, 8:42pm
Mentioned in the post New Hires Jul 1, 2024, 5:26am
Mentioned in the post