Showing posts 226 - 240 of 418

Guests at the Table

Aug 27, 2023, 3:13pm by Cindy

JP with Mdman, Lorem looked, Jaxx and Cindy Elizabeth had emerged from her room, about an hour after arrivung home. She was feeling better, after a bath and some meditation time. The E ...

Not So Pleasant Dreams

Aug 26, 2023, 4:13pm by mdman

Cronk was relieved he had kept Lorem from harm. He was sorry that the Lady Elizabeth had been injured, but was relieved to know that she had survived. What Cronk had needed was rest. He h ...

First Contact with The Children

Aug 24, 2023, 11:32pm by Cindy

JP with Redsword, LucianNepreen, Lasersexpanther and Cindy Huron continued to pay attention to the newcomers. One he recognized from the docks. When Huron wasn't recruiting possible ...

Dive Bar and Strangers Watching

Aug 23, 2023, 12:48am by Cindy

Jp with Redsword. Lasersexpanther, LucianNepreen and Cindy As the night began to set in Masao was finishing the tour. Only a few places were omitted from the tour. Namily bedrooms and th ...

Help Arrives

Aug 22, 2023, 9:13pm by Cindy

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy May 10, 1889 Early evening The engine of the van was starting to become loud with clanks and groans it hadn't before and any the body of the van has a ...

Busy Hands

Aug 22, 2023, 7:41pm by Jaxx

Dr. Jackal nodded as he replied, "Understood." Lily nodded as she replied, "Yes Lady Elizabeth. I am still expecting the cupboard for the mail room as well." Vor couldn’t think of ...

Fighting The Enemy

Aug 19, 2023, 8:19pm by Cindy

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy Cronk rounded the corner where their van turned. There were still some remnants of the smoke screen left wafting upward into the air. Cronk slowed his p ...

Masao and the Undercover team

Aug 18, 2023, 8:11pm by red_sword7

JP between LaserSexPanther & red_sword7 & LucianNepreen May 10, 1889, Evening. Sung was amazed at the sure size of the ship. Sung did feel a bit nervous as they walked up and up the ra ...

Dangerous Ride Home

Aug 18, 2023, 7:57pm by Cindy

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy Elizabeth led Lorem and Cronk back to the main building and around to the front, she assumed going through that building with what Lorem had with her, wasn ...

Grenade Testing

Aug 15, 2023, 3:19pm by Cindy

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy Cronk bounced along, following the Lady Elizabeth and Pretty Flower. He was excited to be going to see a demonstration of the weapon Lorem had made. The fa ...

Everyone Else's Day

Aug 13, 2023, 6:14pm by Cindy

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy A number of things have occurred." Elizabeth began. "First of all, Mr. Dumont has been reassigned and is no longer part of the team. I can assure you th ...

Lorem's Day

Aug 13, 2023, 6:08pm by Cindy

Jp with Lorem, mdman and Cindy Cronk wondered who might be joining them. Perhaps the Baron had wised up thanks to Cronk’s encouragement and wished to apologize. It wouldn’t have ...

A Release and A Drink

Aug 13, 2023, 6:04pm by Cindy

Jp with mdman and Cindy Cronk thought about that statement, especially the word detour. What exactly was that? He hoped it was a strong drink. He could see where an encounter with the Ba ...

Unwelcomed Meeting

Aug 13, 2023, 6:00pm by Cindy

JP with mdman and Cindy After Elizabeth checked on Clement's family, and told Harold to look after them, she wished Sung, Vor and Maseo good luck, got what she needed ready and had one o ...

Becoming Spies

Aug 13, 2023, 12:22am by LaserSexPanther

copost LucianNepreen Redsword LSP Sung had left the meeting and gone to his room and changed into the clothing he had. Grabbed a canvas bag from the servant's hall area placing a few oth ...

Showing posts 226 - 240 of 418