Guides and Sasha's Report

JP with Redsword, Lasersexpanther, Jaxx and Cindy

Cronk cocked his large head to the side and looked in the general direction Lady Elizabeth spoke of. Then he saw the rather large crate and smirked as he knew he needed to earn his keep by using his muscles. He nodded and moved towards the crate. Then he got himself into position and proceeded to lift the crate and carried it to where Lady Elizabeth instructed. Once he put it down he asked, "This good Me Lady?" Cronk was hoping for an "Atta Boy" to show he did a good job.

"Yes, that is perfect, Cronk. Thank you." Elizabeth replied. The top was already lose so she just removed it to reveal several books. The Eldren pulled out a few and handed them to Lily. "Please, everyone take one and pass the books to the next person. She started another stack on the other side of the table starting with Vor. "These are field guides for Norway. I suggest everyone look through them and familiarize yourselves with the local plants and animals, most importantly anything that might be dangerous. Cronk and Mr. Aster I assume you might already be familiar with such things. To make it easier the guides have skull and crossbones marked by anything poisonous." While her next remark was for Cronk's benefit, as he didn't read, Elizabeth did not want to single him out. "If anyone need help interpreting the manuals please ask." She paused and opened to a page, holding it up showing a picture of a snake. "On page 86, you will see a European Viper. It is the only venomous land creature in Norway. The other main concern would be the plants." She opened to another page and showed a green plant with small purple flowers. "This is a stinging nettle, page 33, it can cause a rash if touched. The other poisonous plants are mostly an issue if ingested." Turning to another page. "Page 54, shows strawberries. Apparently, there are not plants that mimic it here, so that is not a concern. Strawberries are the only edible berries in season right now, so we should be able to find those." Elizabeth then added. "Doctor Jackal, would you speak regarding the plants and animals of the area?"

Dr. Jackal nodded as he said, "I did a bit of research in the past and just to be on the safe side it would be best to avoid contact with any plant directly. If we have to clear weeds from the tire axils its best to wear gloves and protection. Also keep in mind mimic plants do resemble poisonous plants but there are a few things that distinguish them apart so it's best to focus on that difference, be it a dot pattern or an added feature. We should also keep in mind bears will be attracted to sweet berries so our food needs to be properly secured. I will reread these books for additional information."

"Very good. On top of wards we do have peppermint oil being delivered which can ward off mice and snakes. We do have containers for the food, just do not leave food items lying around." Elizabeth added. "We have additional books, being delivered tomorrow, a few of each, Norwegian/English dictionaries, some runic dictionaries, as that is the written language that Dwarves still use, a few books on customs and culture related to the Norwegian Dwarves and one on the rural Norwegian villages. Also, a book with campfire recipes, more for inspiration, if needed. And several books just for pleasure reading, which I know sounds frivlious but we will be camping for, no one knows how long and breaks will not only be allowed but recommended." Deciding to push the questions to the end, the Eldren moved on. "The carts will be delivered tomorrow. Miss Ipsum, this should give you time to look over the engines. Now, other than Miss Ipsum, I will not have assignments for the rest of you for the day. I just ask that you are ready and prepared when it is time to attend tea. I will be trying to figure out how to fit everything and everyone, on the carts, on paper anyway. So, if anyone would like to help with that you are more than welcome." Elizabeth paused. "Now we will move into the reports. I know that we have reports from Miss Lagrave, Capitan Maseo, and I will be delivering the report from Mr. Aster, as I have added some notes to it, but before we get to those, does anyone else have anything to report?"

When no one had any additional reports Elizabeth then asked, "Miss Lagrave, would you give your report?"

Sasha cleared her throat and stood. "What little information I managed to gather suggests a few things." she began. "Number one being that we might need to be more aware during our travels. Bjørn the leader of the local guild hall a Venator Animae informed me of a pack of werewolves, though they are unsure of the size since they tend to avoid Hunter groups. But it is odd, not to abnormal especially when they are dwelling in wooded areas but a full pack is abnormal they tend to stick to smaller groups since it is quicker to move and safety to avoid detection, and in the city its almost unheard of for more than one or two to operate together which means there may be something of greater danger in the area we might want to be aware of that fact. Going off the old adage of safety in numbers." Sasha explained. "Though they had no suggestion of what that might be." She paused to let that information sink in to the groups. "The second bit of information I gleamed from speaking with Bjørn, was another area where we might be able to gather information on our travels. He spoke of an old woman living in the woods that, he claims knows all about what happens in the woods. Though I wouldn't suggest putting all the hopes on that being the final clue I might not hurt to seek her out."

"Thank you, Miss Lagrave. Did they say where to find the old woman?" Elizabeth asked.

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