
JP with mdman, Jaxx, Redsword, Lorem, Lasersexpanther, Lucian and Cindy

(Takes place before Pourde B)

Wed. June 12, 1889
Paris Air Ship Docks
11 AM

After about 40 minutes, partially due to the Parisian traffic, past the streets, the Exposition, the various neighborhoods, the team finally arrived at the Docks.

One seemed like a few hundred ships were docked some awaited future passengers, others had cargo being loaded off or on by burly workers. Elizabeth had gotten a chance to see Maseo's ship before so she let her eyes wander a bit in an attempt to spot the vessels. She, though, was distracted by Marcil asking about unloading, Elizabeth opted to make an announcement to the group. "Don't unload anything until Captain Maseo arrives. We need to know how he wants this done first." Also, she was hoping he was bringing help.

After Dr. Jackal helped Lily exit the van they looked around a bit. Then they grabbed their carry-on bags and slung them over their shoulders. After hearing Lady Elizabeth inform them to let Masao’s crew handle the loading of their luggage, they moved out of the way. Dr. Jackal asked Lily if she had been here before and she told him that her father had her attend his business trips so this was a normal thing for her. Dr. Jackal was again impressed by Lily’s worldly knowledge at her age. He found her to be a remarkable young woman. However he was at a loss as to why she fancied him knowing of his condition. Logically it made sense that she would feel a connection to him since she was a werewolf while being an heiress which is a combination for a scandal. Since they had some wait time, Lily told some of her tales of traveling with her father on his business trips.

Cronk unloaded himself, offering the shocks of the vehicle relief. It bounced for a short while after his bulky body exited.

“Pirate not here?” Cronk inquired.

Cronk would help with the loading of the ship. It was something he could offer, especially with half the team being female. His muscles would prove worthy of the work.

Sung had traveled with the equipment before the team arrived. He had the trucks lined in the order of priority. The drivers standing outside the trucks making sure they were not tampered with. Sung greeted Lady Elizabeth first then the team. Sung seemed to be on edge a little but still calm. He did not spend too much time with everyone. Sung went back to the drivers and the trucks. wondering where Captain Masao was.

Eventually a colorful cast of six characters stepped off the ship. Masao in the head, followed by Yui, Ritsu, Jiro, Banri, Rin. A moment later a tall blond man that Sung and Vor were already acquainted with name Pierre, then a handful of men rough looking men and finally Nugbu.

"Crew this is Team, Team this is Crew." he said in a joking tone. "Lady Elizabeth, you've already met everyone, but for everyone else. "This is Ritsu First Mate." he pointed to the man in a blue coat, "Jiro our Navigator." pointing to the man with light dirty blonde hair, wearing a coat similar to Ritsu but it only came half the length. "Banri, our doctor." he said pointing to a with hair a shade or two lighter than Jiro, and an outfit more like a formal suit. "Rin our Master Gunner." he said pointing out the woman with short hair and a short coat, And Finally, Yui, light of my life, moral compass."

The then turned to the remaining crew. "You know Nugbu, lifter extraordinaire, gives great hugs from what I hear and ladies he's single." Masao said hyping up his newest crew member to make him feel welcome. "Pierre our chef." he said pointing to the tall blond Frenchman who was currently smoking. "I couldn't wrangle Gimbal from 'The Guts' you'll have to meat him later."

Masao went on to introduce the last 8 people, but whos names blended together in that way of not having time to put names to faces. "Patches, Old Bob, Tall Robert, Steve, Hans, Petrov, Sanjay, and Neil."

After introductions were done in the opposite order, Masao snapped his fingers. "Men help them get this loaded onto the ship. Nugbu, talk to Lorem about what she needs loaded. Her equipment will be heavy and needs great care. Everyone else help with what you are asked to help with, don't touch anything with out permission."

"Yes, Sir." the crew called, aside from Pierre who just said "Oui" with the smoke dangling off his lip.

"Thank you, Captain Maseo." Elizabeth replied. "Cronk, can you help Nugbu with Miss Ipsum's things? Doctor Jackal, you might want to supervise the loading of your medical equipment as well. Everyone, I mean everyone on my team, make sure you have what you need for the trip, on the ship, with you. Everything else can go in the cargo area." She had gotten better about explaining things that, for most, would be obvious, for Cronk’s benefit.

Dr. Jackal replied, “Thank you Lady Elizabeth.” Then introduced himself to Banri, Masao’s ship doctor, and asked for his support on transporting, loading and storing his portable labs. This helped prevent any damage to the equipment and showed some respect for the ship’s crew. Since Dr. Jackal wanted to have a peaceful trip to prevent his other side from making a disastrous appearance, he thought it best to be polite and respectful. The good doctor was trying not to add a long list of costly damages he had already caused.

Lily on the other hand was doing her best to stay out of the way as the ship’s crew began moving their luggage to the ship. She smiled a lot and was properly greeting the crew as they passed by. While waiting she was taking notes on who was on the crew and their position in order to assist the team if the need came up. Granted she was new to her position on the team, but she felt she needed to use her social skills to the team’s advantage. Of course her self defense training was a big confidence booster and she was now using her werewolf senses and reflexes to give her an edge on her attackers. The down side to her werewolf senses and living as a heiress was the smell of the unwashed sailors at the docks and any strong smelling cargo being moved about. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a green airship. She smiled as she saw it was one of her Shamrock Air Delivery air ships. It felt a bit weird knowing that she was now the owner of a conglomerate of companies. Technically she could retire and live in the lap of luxury, but it would mean leaving the team. She felt indebted to the Ellington family and she was rather smitten with the good doctor so she could not see herself leaving the team anytime soon. Then she looked at the good doctor and smiled as she looked forward to him teaching her to drive in the near future.

"Forgive me, where are my manners?" Elizabeth said. "I know some of you know each other but for the sake of speed. My second is Mr. Sung, the rest are as followed" Elizabeth went through a brief introduction of each of her team members to Maseo's crew. At least they'd have names with faces.

Cronk listened to Lady Elizabeth. He waltz up to Nugbu as best an orc can waltz.

As he passed Maseo, he nudged the Pirate with his elbow in a joking fashion as he said, “Not bad, Pirate!”

He could have meant the ship, but Cronk was not inspired by them. He meant of course, Yui, the love of the pirate's life. Women was one of the three W’s that kept Cronk going.

Vor was quite pleased to see Pierre again, hoping to ply his culinary skills once more with the man. For the moment he would keep out of the crew's way as he gathered his comparatively meager supplies. While one of their smaller members, Vor couldn't help but marvel at the presence Ms. Ipsum always carried with her. He made sure to give a warm greeting to Maseo, ever grateful for the man's efforts for their goals.

Everything got loaded with little issue, even if it took a while and the team boarded Maseo's airship, The Horaizonkoru. They found some seats to be out of the way, figuring jobs would be assigned soon enough. Elizabeth had a feeling her team and Maseo's crew would get along, but only time would tell.

Cronk tagged along with Nugbu. It gave him the opportunity to spend time with one of his own kind. Plus, Cronk figured whatever task that would be given to him would be tasks similar to what Nugbu performed aboard ship. With two of them working, they could accomplish it or break it in less than half the time.

As they were waiting for Masao to bring up the jobs he needed help with, Lily tugged on the good doctor's sleeve as she whispered, "I am looking forward to your driving lesson Dr. Jackal." The good doctor smiled and replied, "Of course Ms. Lavigne. I am positive you will pick it up rather quickly, since you are a quick learner. Are you getting used to your new position?" Lily nodded as she replied, "Yes, I find it both challenging and rewarding. Of course, it took a bit of time since I had to train Clement to work in the Mail Room." Dr. Jackal asked, "I take it he passed his training then?" Lily smiled and nodded as she replied, "With flying colors, sort to speak. He has a promising future under Lady Elizabeth." The two continued their conversation as they waited for Masao to make his announcements.

Masao eventually arrived after around twenty minutes. He gathered the group up and got to giving tasks out. "Sung and Vor, given you have already helped Pierre in the kitchen when it's time to start working on dinner I ask you to assist him. Lady Elizabeth, I ask that you accompany me to the main deck, given you know our destination you will help plot the course, and watch. Should something happen you are responsible for the return trip." he said, "Sasha given your knowledge of gun powder I want you to be ready on guns, nothing should happen but best be safe. Dr. Jackal, I have a crate I would like you to look at, we acquired something a few months back and nobody on my crew knows chemicals. Miss Lily, keep Jackal calm. Cronk, stay in the storage with Nugbu, if any crates shift get them back in place, and Miss Lorem." Masao began. "Once we are in flight I will find Gimbal, and have him show you around, but not before he doesn't like distractions on take off. Lastly, anyone who might get sky sick. Get with Lady Elizabeth or Banri before take off.”

Elizabeth gave a nod, "Everyone has their assignments, then. I will follow you, Captain Maseo, to the front deck when you are ready for me to do so." It would be a learning experience if nothing else.

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