Mage Gala

JP with Redsword and Cindy

Sung had done his greetings as his excellent etiquette was on display. He was proud to be with Elizabeth and see her grow into the woman she had become. Sung watched as the people lined up to be announced before entering the ballroom. The ballroom was a grand sight. What he could see through the doors in front of him. his anticipation was building as he waited with Elizabeth.

This part of the evening, the arrivals were mostly at the same rank as Elizabeth or the mages without a Noble title. The higher ranks came a little later.

Stepping up to the opening it was easy to see the grand ball with its crystal chandeliers, gold filigree trim and mirrors along the wall. It was very elegant. A full band was on the stage.

"Lady Elizabeth Ellington and, her chaperone, Mr. Sung Shun Shi." A man in a tuxedo said in a deep voice which carried.

Elizabeth walked into the room with Sung, stopping only for a moment then letting the next couple come. Elizabeth made her way to a spot, where she could see the others coming in. She was interested to see who else arrived.

Getting through the Lords, Ladies and non ranking mages took the longest time because so many fell into those categories. If a mage came with a higher ranking member then they would be announced by highest rank, but those exceptions didn't happen that often. The ranks were done equivalent for the various countries.

Elizabeth saw plenty of people she knew, her noisy neighbor and her husband, and her friend and assistant to Baron Greenwood Lady Flora Sallow. Who greeted Elizabeth after entering the ballroom. She was escorted by an older Eldren who Elizabeth had met but didn't know well. The older woman was Lady Havebee.

Then they got to the rank. Baron Greenwood was announced about ten people into that group. He came alone. That group finished and the next rank went to Viscount/Viscountess, then Earl/Countess. The Countess Charbonne was announced.
Then came Duke/Duchess- Duke and Duchess Ellington were announced about five people into that group. They found their daughter and Sung easily and went to them.

The crowd grew slient awaiting the next arrivals. This was now to the royal family members. Three balcony areas were set aside just for those families. The Russian royal family was unable to attend. The British Royal family was then first was the Queens son Prince Albert. Then Queen Victoria along with her husband Prince Albert were announced. Everyone curtysed or bowed.

Then the final entrance of the French heir apparent Princess Marie. Then King Louis the ZVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Every remained bowed or curtsied til the single was given to stand by the band beginning to play.

As was etiquette, the hostess, in this case the Countess opened the floor to dancing by having a dance with a similar ranked male Eldren.

The Duke turned to his wife, "Shall we have this first dance, my dear."

The Duchess took his hand and they made their way to the dance floor. Elizabeth looked at her dance card. "Mr. Sung I do believe that my first dance partner is headed our way."

Duke Robert Ferngold, he was maybe one of the youngest to ever make that level. He was 28, tall, blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Very attractive.

He walked over and Elizabeth curtysed. "Lady Elizabeth, Mr Sung, greetings."

"Good evening, Duke Ferngold. I do believe we have this dance." Elizabeth stated.

"Oh, do we now," Ferngold smiled. "Well, then shall we?" Though he knew enough to look to Sung for the approval.

Sung gave a bow "Your Grace" and motioned for the dance floor. "I know you will be a gentleman," said Sung more in a father-like tone looking into his eyes. Sung paused, then smiled, "Be good kids." as sung stood back up looking like a proud uncle or father.

The Duke led Elizabeth to the dance floor, then began to glide across the floor, moving gracefully to the music.

Elizabeth knew some of the female Eldren were watching them, maybe a little jealous. Ferngold was not just handsome, polite, fun, and nice but he had earned his title. He had rescued a baby from a burning building, risking his own life in the process and had taken conserable burns. He had been magically healed so no one, that didn't know the story, had any idea. Still, he never boasted or bragged. Since becoming a Duke, Ferngold had dedicated his life to using his title and skills to help others. Everyone, including Elizabeth's parents and Elizabeth herself liked this Eldren. Well, almost everyone, despite earning his title there were a few jealous of him.

"So, Lady Elizabeth I have not seen you in a long time it seems." The Duke stated. "What have you been up to?"

"I have been here in Paris," Elizabeth knew he was not prying. She also knew by his tone he was generally curious and not just being polite. "I have been working on starting a business."

The two were doing a side to side movement that went with this particular dance, and allowed him to say. "Look at my hand."

Elizabeth looked up, the ring. He had the ring of the Order. "My father?"

"Yes, he offered I accepted." The Duke said.

Robert was a perfect fit for the Order, but he was too high ranking for anything before leading a team, and even that might be too odd given he'd outrank most of the Order, except someone like her father.

"I am the Official Diplomatic Ambassador for the Order." He said, so only she could hear.

The Official Diplomatic Ambassador went to various countries both under the Order and not and dealt with any Diplomatic issues or things that might arise. This included of course the big three countries of the Order England, France and Russia but also all of the countries where the Order was welcomed and those countries which took a little more finesse to gain access to. He was perfect for the position.

"Congratulations, your Grace." Elizabeth smiled. "I am sure your new position will suit you wonderfully."

"Thank you, and congratulations to you and your team, from what I have been told." Duke Ferngold said.

Elizabeth thanked him, then the two continued to dance and make small talk, completely enjoying each other's company.

Sung was there watching Lady Elizabeth dance with Duke Ferngold. Sung thought that at least he would not have to frighten this one off. Sung was sure that Duke Ellington approved of Duke Ferngold. Sung not missing a thing saw Duke Ferngold move his and just slightly. Sung spotted the ring. "Duke you sly man." Sung mumbled to himself thinking of Duke Ellington and what he had done "Well then setting up your future for your daughter are you," said Sung to himself.

Sung thought was disturbed by someone stepping in front of him and blocking his view. Sadie De la Cour was standing there just off to one side. She was dressed in a beautiful reddish dress with matching gloves and her red-brown hair was up she was a beautiful site to see thought Sung. He smiled he knew she was there to get his attention and not to be seen forward to go to him.

Sung walked up beside her "Good evening Miss De la Cour," said Sung with delight in his tone. Sung wondered why she had not been married yet He did know Miss De la Cour. She Was careful who she socialized with. She came from a good family. She was married to her work is what he decided much like him. Not a lot of time to pursue romantic endeavors. But to Sung that just added to her charm.

Miss De la Cour turned to Sung and had a smile on her face "Good evening Mr. Sung." She said smiling "I am glad you could make this Gala. I know you have been busy lately." She said looking up at him. Sung looked back out onto the dance floor. Holding his hand out "If you have room on your card would you like to dance?" asked Sung with a gentle tone in his voice something he did not do too often.

"Yes, I would like to dance," she said with a small curtsy. Then placed her hand on his and they joined the dance making some small talk. Sung did see people looking with interest. He was sure to make sure he was using his best etiquette. There was some whispering some did not know he could dance that well for those who did not know him. He continued to talk with Miss De la Cour as he danced, not missing a step.

The first dance ended, and Elizabeth moved on to the second name on her card. The two dances each were with a Lords. Then came a short break and Elizabeth went to stand by Sung. She had noticed him dancing with Sadie, which had caused Elizabeth to smile. Sadie certainly had eyes for Sung.

Dance number four was blank, it was actually blank on everyone's card. An announcement was made that it would be the traditional father/daughter, mother/son dance. Duke Ellington gathered Elizabeth for the dance. The Duchess was speaking to the Countess.

The music began and Duke Ellington took a few turns at the dance before asking Elizabeth, "Are you having a good time?"

"Yes, father I'm having a wonderful time." They completed a turn and Elizabeth spoke up again. "Duke Ferngold?" She suspected her father had played into her getting the first dance with the man.

"The job? Yes, but I think you are aware he is more than qualified. The dances were not my doing. However, I do not disapprove of any selection on your card, except perhaps one. I just more approve of the first and last."

Elizabeth hadn't looked beyond the next dance, she liked the element of surprise but knew who was one partner on her card, "Well, I am certain the one you disapprove of is Baron Greenwood."

"Yes, how did he manipulate that." Her father asked.

Elizabeth lowered her voice so only her father could hear, "He was making unwanted advances on someone we both know, I got him to stop by agreeing to one dance with him."

"I see," her father glanced over at the Baron and then focused his attention back in his daughter. "Well, I do not like it, but a deal is a deal.”

The song ended and it was time for her dance with Greenwood. Duke Ellington handed his daughter off the man but not before giving a clear warning. "Baron Greenwood does not make me regret allowing this. You do not want me or Mr. Sung to have to break up this dance."

The Duke went over to stand by Sung, "Mr. Sung, I believe we both need to watch this dance closely.”

Sung leaned over to the Duke so no one could hear him. "Yes, Your Grace, I will end it on your word or if I see something I don't like," replied Sung, his tone cold and unemotional. "I will not ask for any compensation for dealing with the Baron. But the Baron might lose some body parts in the process. That is if Lady Elizabeth does not beat me to it." said Sung with a sly grin.

The Duke nodded in understanding. Baron Greenwood was nervous as he kept looking over at Duke Ellington and Sung. A small grin formed on Elizabeth's as it was clear the Baron couldn't wait for the dance to end. End it did with no trouble.

It was then time for a break, which Elizabeth needed.

The Duke turned to Mr. Sung "I believe I should try to find my wife." And the man wandered off.

Elizabeth approached Sung, "Mr. Sung I do not believe I have ever seen Baron Greenwood nervous before, but he certainly was while dancing with me.”

Sung smiled "Lady Elizabeth, I was so hoping for him to make a mistake, I think his Grace wanted that effect on Baron Greenwood but again he got away," comments Sung sounding disappointed. "It looks like Miss De la Cour is looking my way. I think another dance could be in my future," said Sung with a smile.

"Well, I have a full dance card so by all means," A Baron was Elizabeth's next dance. There was a break where she spoke with her mother a while and the Countess. More dancing. The night was amazing and a great deal of fun, eventually getting to the last dance. Elizabeth was surprised to find the name was Duke Ferngold. Two dances, the same Eldren, and those dances first and last that was something to make for a memorable evening. The two danced. She thanked him. Then the evening was finished. It had been a wonderful time, she found her parents to say good night to them, the Sung and the two headed home.

< Prev : Off To The Gala Next > : Assignment 2 - Meeting