Off To The Gala

JP with Redsword and Cindy

Saturday, June 1, 1889
Elizabeth's Estate - Paris
Night of the Mage Guild Gala

"It's perfect," Elizabeth said, as her personal maid, Claire finished buttoning up the back of her gown.

Her hair was pinned up elegantly with a whisp of flowing curled stands peaking out. The look for the evening, complimented by pointed embellished shows which matched her dress perfectly.

The dress itself was a beautiful work of art. Emerald green with gold trim. A side hat with green and yellow flowers and Elizabeth's diamond and emerald jewelry set completed the look.

Elizabeth looked at herself once more in the mirror, "Yes, I do believe I am ready. Thank you, Clarie." The maid curtsied.

Elizabeth assumed Sung was probably already waiting for her, so, she headed downstairs. Looking forward to the night's festivities

Sung is dressed in a Victorian Suit Vest Steampunk Gothic Waistcoat Black jacket with silver buttons, long sleeve, knee length frock coat, lapel collar, button up, single breasting, and swallowtail. This will bring a fashionable touch to your look, and will suit all styles and seasons. Black velvet Aristocratic steampunk double-breasted tuxedo with fitted cut. He finished with his ornate black sash and slid his ornate Black Katana into the sash.

He walked downstairs to wait on the others wondering how this night would go. Seeing Lady Elizabeth his eyes widen. "Lady Elizabeth you look beautiful," said Sung as he waited for her to walk down the stairs." Only if I was 20 years younger. You will make my job harder tonight trying to keep all the men away." Joked Sung with a friendly smile.

Elizabeth smiled at the man, and descended the staircase. "Thank you, Mr. Sung. You look rather dapper yourself." She reached the bottom step, and landed gracefully on her floor. "I somehow do not think you will have any problems keeping my honor intact."

Harold arrived, carrying two white gloves and a small silk wrap to go over the shoulders. "Lady Elizabeth, you look beautiful." Handing her the gloves and holding the wrap open so she could slide into it.

It was warm out but propriety dictated that both be worm.

"Thank you, Harold." Elizabeth said.

"Mr. Sung you clean up nicely as well." The butler quipped, in a respectful manner. Harold opened the door, "Your cab is here. Have a good time both of you." He held the door open, but stood to the side.

Sung let Lady Elizabeth go first. Sung still looked for any trouble as they walked to the carriage. He helped Lady Elizabeth inside before looking around and getting in himself. I am getting paranoid in my old age he thought to himself. The ride to the ball was uneventful and rather quiet. Sung was not sure how to handle that. With everything that had happened, it was hard for Sung to relax.

The guild had its own ballroom which took up most of the top floor. As Elizabeth and Sung exited the cab, familiar faces exited their cabs as well.

Many of the European Eldren had arrived in Paris over the past few weeks. These were people that did necessarily see each other except for this ball.

The ball itself alternated between Paris, London and Russia. It was coincidence that it happened to be in Paris the same year as the exhibition.

"Lady Elizabeth," An female Eldren around Elizabeth's age, came over to the two. She had dark brunette hair and fair skin. "It feels like forever since we have seen each other. Mr. Sung it is good to see you again."

"Lady Layla, it is good to see you as well." Elizabeth always thought of Layla exceptionally nice and polite. The two had attended finishing school together, though hadn't seen each other in about a year. "I heard you have been traveling."

"Oh,yes I went with my parents to India. Have you been?" Layla asked.

Elizabeth knew Layla and her parents well enough to know they didn't just go to India. They more than likely did a number of chartiable causes while there. The family was extremely giving towards others. They took the "living by the word of Merlin" to a high level. They also never bragged about it. Among the Eldren this was something that was admired. "Well, we must get together so you can tell me of your adventures." Elizabeth stated.

An older woman who Elizabeth recognized as Layla's guardian, Miss Sarah, came up to them. More greetings took olace.

"Will your parents be attending?" Layla asked.

"Yes, they should be arriving shortly." Elizabeth stated. "And yours?"

"No, they are still in India but they sent regards to all." Layla explained. "We should probably go inside."

"Yes, I will see you in there." Elizabeth said.

Layla and Miss Sarah walked away.

Elizabeth escorted by Sung headed into the building saying hello to familiar faces along the way.

They arrived at the top floor. And as etiquette went, waited to be announced before entering the ballroom.

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