Dealings with Shamrock Air

JP with Jaxx and Cindy

Saturday, May 25, 1889
Ellington Estate - London

Duke Ellington had spent the entire day in meetings. Meetings with lawyers, meetings with business associates of Mr. Lavigne. Things though were progressing nicely without any major problems. A team had been tasked with running the day to day operations of the businesses that now belonged to Lily. They were also tasked with dissolving the less than legal businesses, those funds would be used to pay anything outstanding. However some of the less than legitimate creditors were not going easily. He and Mr. Sung might have a few to see for themselves but that was for another time.

Right now, the next meeting was with someone who was considered legitimate in the business world. Miss Riley Boyle proprietor of Shamrock Air. Shamrock Air was known in Britain, the Duke had certainly heard of them. Upon hearing of the women's arrival, he asked Archie to show Miss Boyle to his office.

Riley was still wearing her green Shamrock uniform which she was so proud of. It was a constant reminder to others that she was one of the big business leaders. She had fought tooth and nail to turn a small shipping business into a major empire. She was hoping the Duke was as wise as she heard unlike her former boss Wayne whom she had to put in his place quite often. She was reviewing her documents for the meeting in the waiting room when she was summoned to meet the Duke. She then hopped off her chair like a champ and followed her escort, Archie, to meet the Duke and his staff. After a while they arrived at the room and Archie introduced Riley to the Duke and his staff. Riley gave the Duke a bow and replied with a song like voice, "Thenk ya for seein me yar Grace. I hope our meetin will go well." Though she was pint sized, Riley had an aurora of confidence in herself.

The Duke stood as she entered, he noticed the confidence in the woman, that was a good sign. "Please, Miss Boyle, have a seat." He gestured to the empty chair in front of his desk.

Once the Duke and Riley were sitting down, Duke Ellington began. "I have heard excellent things regarding your shipping business. I want to put your mind at ease, I am not for changing something that is working well.”

Riley smiled when hearing the Duke's words. She was worried he might have other ideas. She then gave a bow and replied, "I take comfort in ya wisdom yar Grace. I often butted heads wit Mr. Lavigne in tha past on how ta evolve Shamrock, but as ya can see we have dun well for ourselves. However I am curious by yar involvement. Wayne loved to brag about his success an connections but yar name never came up yar Grace. Now ya are far ta wise and regal ta lend an ear ta that gold digger Karen Wells, so that leaves lil Lily. I am guessing Lily an Lady Elizabeth are quite close these days, an ya are merely protecting them both from the unsavory type Wayne hung out wit." Riley was smiling as she spoke her thoughts.

"I was not involved with Mr. Lavigne's dealings." The Duke explained. "You are also correct that I want as little to do with Miss Wells as possible. Your guess is accurate. Miss Lily and my daughter have become good friends. My daughter asked me to help Miss Lily with her father's estate because I am a neutral third party with the staff and legal team to help coordinate everything. I have no stake in any of this, so I am looking out for Miss Lily's best interest." The Duke paused. "To that end, I would like you to be in charge of Shamrock Air with no strings. Whatever stake Mr. Lavigne had can go to Miss Lavigne in funds only. As long as things continue to operate as they have myself and my staff will not interfere with your business.”

Riley was glad to hear hear those words from the Duke. She was worried she would have to play hardball if any of Wayne's greedy associates wanted to take over. She had her share of bad dealings with many of them already. Then she pulled out a journal and set it on the table as she smiled. She then replied, "That be music ta my ears ya Grace. Since yar doin me a solid yar Grace. I'll throw ya a bone in gratitude. In this ear journal yar gonna fine a list of shady types ole Wayne associated wit. I've been keep a record of anyone ole Wayne had dealins wit ta protect me self. If yer plannin on cleanin house, this ill make it much fastar far ya. These ear thorns are a pain ta both Ms. Lily as well as me self now that ole Wayne be gone. She is a good kid from wut I recall. I'm glad she ain't alone through all dis sorrow." Riley was a matter of fact type and it was easy to know where you stood with her.

"I appreciate the ledger and your diligence in keeping those records. I will be certain team working on that end of things gets that list. The quicker those are taken care of the better." The Duke was liking Riley. She certainly knew what she was doing.

The Duke then asked, "Would you have any interest in taking on new clients?”

Riley smiled at the Duke's words as she replied, "As long as its legit business I am always game yer Grace. My team o airships can move all manner o product anywhere approved. So wut did ya have in mind? Fancy food, fancy merch or special orders?" Riley loved getting new legit business because she could use the extra pay to add more airships to her fleet.

The Duke had, of course, already run a full background check on the woman. "It is very legitimate but something of a secretive nature." He glanced at her. "It is a government contract, you would be contracted to me but I answer to Her Highness, Queen Victoria. You would have to swear secrecy, however you would not have to transport anything dangerous." The Order had others for that. The Duke saw this as an opportunity to free up some other messengers and delivery service for things that could only be transported through them.

Riley pondered for a moment as she thought about the idea doing business with the Duke and the Queen. Then she smiled and nodded her head as she replied, "Hmmm an exclusive contract with the royals eh. I think we cun do that. I already have sum smaller contracts like that but they be confidential as well. Dependin on the scale I may have ta designate a route just fer yer pick up and drop off locations. As fer the confidential part we can use a generic name fer yer cargo on da manifest ta avoid any nosy types. As long as it's not to dangerous or illegal we at Shamrock can accommodate ya. Just let me know when ya wanna do the contract and finer details.”

The Duke nodded, as everything she said would work. "Do you do routes through Paris?”

Riley smiled as she replied, "Even bettar yer Grace, we covar most of this ear continent as well as many place outside as well. As long as tha people need supplies they be willin call un us.”

"Very good. Before I can explain any further I just need your word that you will not divulge any information you might find out from the organization. And I must warn you that breaking the secrecy pact is a violation against the Crown. Do you swear to those terms?" The Duke asked.

Riley nodded and replied, "Of course yer Grace. I treat every contract wit care. If I didn't I'd be out of business by now. An since we be doin work under tha crown, we have ta take extra care ta save face. So lay down tha rules and we will follow them to a tee. So yes we agree.”

"Good. Let me explain a little about the organization." The Duke began. "I run an organization called The Order of The Moon. We run by Order of the Crown of England and with the blessings of the The Crowns of France and Russia. We are welcomed where Eldren reign. The nature of our Organization is to make the world safer, however, I will not disclose specifics regarding that and for your contract it's not necessary that you know. My daughter runs one of the teams out of Paris. For the remainder of the summer I will be in Paris but when I am not I would like you to transport messages and perhaps other items for her or her second in command Mr. Sung to me and to transfer items from me to her or Mr. Sung. Of course, you will be given other assignments but that will be one of the main things." The Duke didn't trust messages sent through the Paris Order as the Baron had the right to read those.

Riley rubbed her chin as she soaked in the information. Then she replied, "Sounds easy enough yer Grace. I can designate an airship or two ta tha Order fer yer supplies. However we usually like ta add un extra security measure deliverin private messages, since thieves un spies be everywhere. I recommend hiding yer messages in a box o fruit, booze or candy so it looks like uh normal delivery. Since ya got lots o women around, no one suspects a box o chocolates wit a secret message. Wit this ear contract I am hopen ta add more ships to me fleet." Riley was always looking at the big picture. Working with the Crown opened a huge door for her business and would bring her another step closer to her dream of Shamrock airship all over the world.

"Those are all good ideas." The Duke nodded. "I am certain you will be able to expand in time with this contract." He paused to make sure everything was in order. "Now, have you been introduced to my daughter? You two should meet.”

Riley nodded and agreed to meet with Lady Elizabeth. She replied, "Of course yer Grace.”

The Duke sent a servant to fetch Elizabeth. She arrived soon after. "Father, you called for me." Elizabeth said, as she came into the office and noticed a woman there.

"Elizabeth, I would like you to meet Miss Riley Boyle, the Head of Shamrock Air. Miss Boyle, this is my daughter Lady Elizabeth Ellington."

"It is very nice to meet you," Elizabeth said genuinely. Lily had talked about the woman in such a way that Elizabeth had wanted to meet her.

Riley gave Lady Elizabeth a bow and said, "A pleasure to meet you Lady Elizabeth. I hope my company can meet your shipping needs." Riley was far from regal but she was still polite when required.

Elizabeth smiled but looked a little confused, until her father explained then she understood. "I look forward to doing business with you." Elizabeth commented to Riley. She was glad to have another method to get messages out to her father. "I will leave you both to finish up your business. Miss Boyle, have a pleasant day." Elizabeth left, as she had other matters to take care of.

The Duke pulled out three papers pushing them over to Riley. "Please sign these. They are standard contracts for such things.”

Riley took the papers from the Duke and read them over carefully before she nodded and signed them. She then smiled as she moved them back to the Duke and replied, "We look farward ta doing lots o business wit ya yer Grace.”

"I look forward to working with you," The Duke smiled. "Did you have any additional questions for me?”

Riley pondered for a moment then replied, "If anything it would be good if ya gave me a list o representatives whom we will deal wit far security measures, on top o yer orders an addresses. Also if ya make personnel changes in tha future please let us know." Riley was always thinking ahead to make her customers happy.

"Of course. I can have my assistant get you a list." The Duke opened a draw and pulled out a ring similar to one that Elizabeth had been wearing. "All members of the Order wear one of these. You can easily recognize them by the ring. I wear this ring," showing his which was different. "Because I am the head of the organization."

The Duke thought for a moment, "You might run across an Eldren, Baron Hadwin Greenwood, he runs the Paris branch of the Order. You are free to remind, if necessary, that your contract is to work for me. You do not have to answer to him. Keep any communication between my daughter, her team and myself between us. Even if he asks he isn't to know about those correspondences.”

Riley smiled as she nodded. She replied, "A reasonable request yer Grace. We had similar dealins in tha past with overzealous underlins tryin ta get ahead o themselves and breakin protocals. If he gets all nosy I'll remind em that he needs proper writtin consent from yer Grace before I comply ta his whims. An if he get out a line I'll send word ta ya." Riley was already aware how to play the game with big shots and used the rules against them.

"Then I believe that is all I have to inform you of. I will get that list sent to you later today. If there's nothing else then, thank you for your time. I look forward to doing business with you." The Duke stood. He didn't mean to rush her out but he had other people still to meet with.

As she was leaving, Riley found it ironic that she was able to achieve what Wayne could not. She now had a royal client and a connection to the crown. The future of Shamrock was looking very bright now.

< Prev : The Wake of Wayne Lavigne Next > : Job Finished